Anton Heinrich Hermann von Velen

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Anton Heinrich Hermann von Velen (born January 3, 1678 in Velen Castle ; † April 14, 1752 in Münster ) was canon in Münster and Osnabrück .


Origin and family

Anton Heinrich Hermann von Velen grew up as the son of  Hermann Matthias von Velen  and his wife Margaretha Anna von Galen zu Assen (1644–1720, daughter of Johann Heinrich von Galen ) in the von Velen family , one of the oldest noble families  in  Westphalia . He had several siblings, including Christoph Alexander (1664–1725, Canon in Münster and Amtsdroste) and Margaretha Theodora Agnes (1668–1750, Abbess in Nottuln). Four sisters worked as canons in Westphalian monasteries.

Career and work

With the receipt of the tonsure on June 15, 1689, Anton Heinrich was prepared for a spiritual life. On December 27, 1691 he was awarded by  papal  encouragement a  Dompräbende  in  Munster because his brother Christopher Alexander had dispensed with. Five years later he enrolled at the University of Paris. On June 15, 1699, he received the subdiaconate ordination with the  minor ordinations . In 1704 the Turnar awarded him a  cathedral diploma  in  Osnabrück . The Prince-Bishop of Osnabrück appointed him Oberjägermeister . 1737 abandoned it on the stipend and became provost of  St. Ludgeri in Münster  and received on 6 November 1722, the  Archdeacon  Winterswijk. In 1739 he was senior of the cathedral chapter of the Münster  . He was buried in  Münster Cathedral, where his  epitaph is. In his will of July 13, 1736, he honored his sisters in the monasteries and appointed his nephew Hermann Anton Bernhard as universal heir.


  • Marcus Weidner: Landadel in Münster 1600–1760 , NF 18.1 a. 18.2. Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2000.

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