Apartment magic

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Original title Apartment magic
Apartment-Zauber Logo 001.svg
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1963
length 98 minutes
Age rating FSK 16 later 12
Director Helmuth M. Backhaus
script Helmuth M. Backhaus
(as Gregor Trass) based on an idea by Ilona Häbe
production Piran-Film + Televisions GmbH (Egon Haebe)
music Christian Bruhn
camera Gerhard Kruger
cut Anneliese Artelt

Apartment-Zauber , also spelled Apartmentzauber , is a German music film by Helmuth M. Backhaus from 1963 , whose main roles are Rex Gildo , Gunnar Möller , Helga Sommerfeld and Gitta Winter with the participation of Heinz Erhardt .

At the time, the film advertised itself with the words: "A turbulent comedy with a happy ending that will literally enchant you."


According to his parents' wishes, Karl Fischer is to marry the young Almut Behringer. Her father owns the prosperous transport company Behringer, to which Karl's father Waldemar as a trader has to pay huge sums every year. Waldemar calculates that a marriage could save the family a lot of money. Karl flees from Almut as soon as he sees them, however, and so Waldemar and Almut decide to send Karl to a branch of the company in Italy for a year. Here he should learn to appreciate the company and thus also Almut. He is supposed to stay in one of the company's new apartment buildings, which have three rooms per apartment. They are always rented to either three women or three men. Almut's father orders a room for Karl. As he spoke indistinctly, Rochus Valerian, the caretaker of the apartment building, understood that the reservation should be made for a certain Karla. Karl moves into a women's apartment upon arrival, which his new roommates Karin and Elfi are not very enthusiastic about. Since Karl is now registered as Karla with the authorities, Valerian cannot make up for his mistake. Karl, on the other hand, is impressed by the state of affairs, as he fell in love with Elfi at first sight. The young woman has a problem, however, as she is late for work again and is fired on the day of Karl's arrival. The only job she is offered as a foreigner in Italy is that of a barmaid in Nino's establishment. Elfi inevitably takes on the job, even if she dislikes serving drunk men in provocative clothes. Nino also makes her clear advances.

Meanwhile Karl tries in vain to win the friendship between the two women. He throws an opulent dinner in the evening, but Karin and Elfi just let him stand. If you later try to surprise both women with dinner, neither will appear. Elfi has to work while Karin works in the crazy inventor Thomas Butterfield Jr. has found a lover who will leave his friend and patroness Mabel for her. Only valerian keeps Karl company. It is also he who warns the dissimilar trio a little later that the moral police have learned that Karin and Elfi are sharing the apartment with a man. Without further ado, Karl is disguised as Karla and plays his role so well that the moral inspector does not notice the trick. While Karl and Elfi get closer, Almut and Waldemar suspect that something is wrong at home. They travel to Italy and find Karl and Elfi together on the beach. Elfi is disappointed when she learns that Karl is engaged to Almut and runs away. However, Karl hurries after her and explains to her that the engagement took place against his will. A little later, Karl and Valerian follow Elfie secretly in Nino's bar. Here Karl saves Elfi from Nino, who wants to seduce her. Karl and Elfi make up and there is a happy ending.

Production, publication

The film Apartment Magic , which is based on an idea by Ilona Haebe, was shot in the studios of the Filmservis Ljubljana / Portoroz . Ingrid Neugebauer created the costumes , the buildings were designed by Niko Matul .

Several songs can be heard in the film, sung by Rex Gildo:

  • Lucky Boy (Music: Christian Bruhn )
  • Where are you, of whom I dream (music: Christian Bruhn)
  • Heidi (music: Christian Bruhn; text: Peter Moesser )
  • Luck is part of it (music: Christian Bruhn; text: Georg Buschor )
  • Love colder than ice (cover version of (You're the) Devil in Disguise ; original by: Bill Giant, Bernie Baum and Florence Kaye; German text: Peter Buchenkamp )

Apartment-Zauber was released in German cinemas on December 20, 1963.

The film was released on October 27, 2005 by EMS GmbH as part of the “Filmpalast - cinema hits from yesterday. Unforgettable Stars and Their Films ”was released on DVD.


The film service called Apartmentzauber a "routine comedy, more embarrassing than funny."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Opening credits of the original version of the film
  2. ^ Filmpalast - yesterday's cinema: Apartment-Zauber , publisher ems, Dortmund, Bernd Wollny, p. 2.
  3. Apartment Magic Fig. DVD case Filmpalast - yesterday's cinema hits
  4. Apartment magic. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used