Arno Ros

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Arno Ros

Arno Ros (* 18th December 1942 in Hamburg ) is a German philosopher and philosophy - professor .


Studies and first teaching assignments

Ros studied Ibero-Romance Studies , Sociology , Literature and Philosophy in Hamburg , Madrid ( Spain ) and Coimbra ( Portugal ). He received his doctorate in 1971 with the work: On the theory of literary storytelling . He completed his habilitation in Saarbrücken as an employee of Kuno Lorenz . The title of his habilitation thesis was: Philosophy as a methodical critique of meaning . In the following years was Ros holders of representation and visiting professor in Hamburg, Saarbrücken and Campinas ( Brazil ).

Professor in Magdeburg

From 1994 to 2009 he was professor of theoretical philosophy at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg . His main focus there were systematic and historical questions of argumentation theory with special consideration of concept theory (of the concept of concept) as well as systematic and historical questions of the philosophy of biology and psychology with special consideration of philosophical aspects of the mind-matter problem .


Reasoning theory

Ros deals with argumentation theory (also as a result of his work as an employee of Kuno Lorenz) and in the course of this examines the terms concept , justification and explanation as well as the typology of explanations (explanations by specifying different causae ). He made a special contribution to argumentation theory with his three-volume monograph Justification and Concept (1989/1990), in which he worked out changes in the understanding of conceptual arguments from both a historical (from ancient times to modern times ) and systematic perspectives.

Epistemology, role of philosophy

The term term in Ros' philosophy in terms of the philosophy of the late Wittgenstein understood, ie as a linguistic nameable and erläuterbare discernment or discrimination habit. The epistemological starting point is that we as subjects gain knowledge about parts of the world exclusively by classifying or classifying objects ( entities ), i.e. H. make use of discernment. The problem here is the fact that our ability to differentiate can be both learned and culturally and biologically conditioned, which calls into question the possibility of objective justification . This gives rise to the role of philosophy , which, in contrast to the individual sciences, does not apply our habits of distinction, but instead rethinks them ; H. examines whether these differentiation habits are useful or reasonable .

Philosophy of mind

Within the Philosophy of Mind , Ros as an argumentation theorist emphasizes that it is first important to specify the exact problem. Physical changes are distinguished from biological changes to the former as activities of a living organism as opposed purposeful and as a reaction to a stimulus are to be understood. In the case of humans, there is also the fact that they are able to orient themselves to rules . From the concept of the living being , Ros comes to the concept of the subject of action , from this in turn to the concept of the person , who is characterized by the fact that he exhibits psychological phenomena . Ros presented his conception of the mind-matter problem in Materie und Geist (2005). In 2008 the essay "Mental causation and mereological explanations" appears, in which Ros wants to solve the problem of mental causation through mereological explanations.

In addition, he has published a few more articles on the philosophy of mind, especially recently:

In the Philosophy of Mind, Ros speaks explicitly of psychological phenomena instead of mental or spiritual states (as is common in current discussion). He only understands mental states to be higher cognitive functions (such as problem solving , use of abstract concepts , etc.). But the psychological also includes phenomena such as tantrums , which is why Ros avoids the terms mental and spiritual.


This is a selection of the works of Arno Ros. The complete list of publications can be viewed under web links .


  • 1972: On the theory of literary narration. With an interpretation of the "cuentos" by Juan Rulfo. (Dissertation), Athenaeum, Frankfurt a. M., 1972. Table of contents (PDF; 98 kB)
  • 1979: Object constitution and elementary linguistic terms , Hain, Königstein / Ts., 1979. Table of contents (PDF; 303 kB)
  • 1983: Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology. Results and open problems , Philosophische Rundschau, special issue, JCBMohr, Tübingen, 1983.
  • 1983: Philosophy as a methodical critique of meaning. On aporias of the expression of terms in the more recent philosophical tradition from Kant to Wittgenstein. (Habilitation thesis), unpublished, incorporated into reason and term .
  • 1990: Justification and concept. Changes in the understanding of conceptual arguments , Meiner, Hamburg, 3 vols., 1008 pages; ISBN 978-3-7873-0962-7 . contents
    • 1989: Volume 1: Antiquity, Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
    • 1990: Volume 2: Modern Times
    • 1990: Volume 3: Modern


  • 1982: "Causal, teleological and teleonomic explanations", in: Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie , XIII / 1982, pp. 320–335. Online version
  • 1996: "Comments on the relationship between neurophysiology and psychology", in: Journal for General Philosophy of Science , 27/1996, pp. 91–130. Online version
  • 1997: "Reduction, identity and abstraction. Comments on the discussion of the thesis of the identity of physical and psychological phenomena within analytical philosophy.", In: Astroh, Michael, Dietfried Gerhardus, Gerhard Heinzmann (eds.): Dialogical action. A commemorative publication for Kuno Lorenz. , Spektrum, Heidelberg, Berlin, Oxford, 1997, pp. 403-425. Online version (German) (PDF; 138 kB) Online version (English)
  • 1999: "What is philosophy?", In: Richard Raatzsch (Hrsg.): Philosophieren über Philosophie. , Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig, 1999, pp. 36–58. Online version
  • 2007: "Free will, authorship and chance", in: Hans-Peter Krüger (Ed.): Hirn als Subject? Philosophical borderline questions in neurobiology. , Akademie, Berlin, pp. 305-348. Online version (PDF; 283 kB)
  • 2007: "Immediate self-confidence: what it consists of and how it may have developed.", In: Michael Pauen , Michael Schütte, Alexander Staudacher (ed.): Concept, explanation, awareness. New contributions to the qualia problem. , Mentis, Paderborn, 2007, pp. 273-305. Online version
  • 2008: "Mental causation and mereological explanations. A simple solution to a complex problem.", In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie , 56/2 (2008): 167-203. Online version (PDF; 313 kB)
  • 2009: "Synthetic Materialism. A New Approach to Clarifying Philosophical Aspects of the Mind-Matter Problem". In: Idea , 70 (2009): 127-140. Online version

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