Arthur Boettcher

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Jacob Ernest Arthur Boettcher (born July 1 . Jul / 13. July  1831 greg. In Barbern , Courland Governorate , † July 17 jul. / 29. July  1889 greg. Dorpat ) was a Baltic German doctors .



Arthur was a son of the pastor in Bauske Bernhard Boettcher and Angelika, nee Kühn. He married Mathilde Neumann (1840–1923) in Mitau in 1863 .


Boettcher had home schooling before he attended the Gouvernements-Gymnasium in Mitau from 1846 to 1847 . After he was expelled there, General Superintendent Carl Ludwig Wilpert placed him in 1849 at the Gouvernements-Gymnasium in Riga , where he passed his Abitur in 1850 with a grade of "1". From 1851 to 1855 he studied medicine in Dorpat and was awarded a Dr. med. PhD . In 1856 and 1858 he stayed for study purposes with Ludwig and Brücke in Vienna and with Virchow and Hoppe in Berlin . He then went back to the University of Dorpat where he worked from 1858 to 1861 as a lecturer and from 1862 to 1883 as professor of general pathology and pathological anatomy . He had already toured Vienna, Paris and Berlin again in 1860 , was dean from 1871 to 1877 and a member of the appellate and appeal court from 1877 to 1883. Boettcher fell ill with tabes dorsalis in 1877 , stayed outside of Russia in 1879 and was finally retired in 1883.

He was a real council of state, which at the same time corresponded to an ennoblement in the hereditary nobility . Boettcher was the founder of the Pathological Institute, the "Dorpater Medical Society" (1867) and the "Dorpater Medicinische Zeitschrift" (1870), which he headed until 1877. After that he temporarily took over the editing of the “St. Petersburg Medical Weekly ”. In 1870 he was honored with the " Karl Ernst von Baer Prize" from the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and in 1874 also received the "Heimbürger Prize" from the University of Dorpat. He was an honorary member of the “Société française d'otologie, de laryngologie et de rhinologie” and other relevant societies.


Boettcher wrote numerous treatises on pathology and anatomy , especially on the construction and development of the ear labyrinth , including:

  • Observationes microscopicae de ratione qua nervus cochleae mammalium terminator , 1856
  • Contribution to the question about gelatinous cancer of the liver , 1858 ( doi : 10.1007 / BF01914845 )
  • Communication about a best yet unknown bladder worm , 1862
  • Colorless crystals of a protein-like body from human sperm depicted , 1865 ( doi : 10.1007 / BF01929026 )
  • Rare congenital form anomaly of the liver , Berlin 1865
  • On the structure and development of the neoplasm known as "tubular cartilage tumor, cylindroma" etc. , Berlin 1867
  • On the development and construction of the auditory labyrinth after investigations on mammals , Dresden 1869
  • On the anatomy of the xiphopagic double formations , Dorpat 1871
  • Critical remarks and new contributions to the literature of the auditory labyrinth , 1872
  • About a case of double malformation: reported according to the description of Eugen Haarmann , Dorpat 1874
  • New studies of the red blood cells , 1876


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