Arthur Colgan

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Arthur Joseph Colgan CSC (born November 8, 1946 in Dorchester , Massachusetts , United States ) is an American religious and Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in the Chosica diocese in Peru .


Arthur Colgan joined the Congregation of the Holy Cross and made his first profession on July 16, 1966 and perpetual profession on August 11, 1971 . He completed his studies in the United States and Chile . He was ordained a priest on October 27, 1973 .

In addition to various tasks in the order and in pastoral care, he was vicar general of the diocese of Chimbote from 1978 to 1980 . From 1982 to 1992 he was Executive Secretary of the Social Commission of the Peruvian Bishops' Conference . From 1993 to 1997 he was Episcopal Vicar in the Archdiocese of Lima and from 1999 to 2000 again for the Social Commission of the Bishops' Conference. For nine years he was then Provincial of the Eastern Province of his order in the United States. In 2010 he was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of Chosica.

Pope Francis appointed him titular bishop of Ampora and auxiliary bishop in Chosica on October 13, 2015 . He received the episcopal ordination on December 12th of the same year by the Bishop of Chosica, Norbert Strotmann MSC . Co-consecrators were the prelate of Chuquibamba , Jorge Enrique Izaguirre Rafael CSC, and the former bishop of Chimbote, Luis Armando Bambarén Gastelumendi SJ .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Nomina dell'Ausiliare di Chosica (Perú). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , October 13, 2015, accessed October 13, 2015 (Italian).