Asociația Artelor Frumoase Oradea

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The Asociația Artelor Frumoase ( German  Association of Fine Arts ; Hungarian Képzőművészeti Egyesület ) was founded in June 1932 in Großwardein ( Romanian Oradea ). Its founding represented an important addition to the cultural life in the city and promoted its further artistic development. It was Oradea's first art association.


The following local and non-local cultural workers, such as poets , painters , journalists and patrons, were present at the founding meeting: István Balogh , Dr. József Biró , Móric Barát , Jenő Elefánt , Miklos Fleischer , Imre Földes , Gizi Golian , Ernő Green Tree , Ödön Huzella , Nicolae Irimie , Alex Leon , Róza Molnár , Alfred Macalik , Ödön Mike , GA Petre , Ágnes Pásztor , Jenő Pozsonyi , Anton Salerbeck , Géza Tabéry , Ernő Tibor , Dr. Sándor Turnoszky , Imre Ványai and Béla Zsigmond .

During this meeting, participants agreed through a choice to hold the important posts as listed:

  • Chairman : Móric Barát
  • Vice-chairmen: Ernő Tibor and Nicolae Irimie
  • Secretary and notary : Jenő Pozsonyi
  • Treasurer : Ödön Mikes
  • Artistic direction: Alfred Macalik
  • Members of the committee : Géza TABERY, Anton Salerbeck, Miklos Fleischer and Ágnes Pásztor

The works of art to be exhibited were drawn by lots, but could not exceed a total value of 30,000 LEI . The jury determined the value of a picture . Works by artists from Oradea were shown, but other painters from the Bihor district also asked if they could exhibit. In the meantime, other members registered, such as Imre Ványai . On September 11, 1932, the vernissage of the association's first exhibition took place and 170 works were presented. In the meantime, the Asociația Artelor Frumoase was able to look forward to a new addition - the clausburg artist Coriolan Munteanu joined them, even if some of them were permanent, like Hugo Mund with his wife, the cubist Gizella Dömötör and Géza Karácsonyi or only temporarily, e.g. E.g. Ignác Udvardy and György Ruzicskay left the association. Other young artists also appeared on the scene.

Personnel and group exhibitions were held annually as part of the Großwardeiner Autumn and Summer Salon .

Expoziţia tinerilor artiști

This young generation of artists included Alex Leon , Ernő Grünbaum , Imre Ványai , Jozsef Szabó , József Mathe , István Szini-Sebő , Károly Nagy and Károly Román . As part of the Asociația Artelor Frumoase , they organized the exhibition of young artists (Expoziţia tinerilor artiști) , which was widely praised by the public and which took place in October 1933 in the Weiszlovits Palace . In addition to the artists listed before, Miklos Fleischer , Roman Paul Mottl and Imre Főldes also exhibited .

The work of the association came to an abrupt end with the outbreak of the Second World War .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Artiști plastici la Oradea 1850–1950 by Maria Zintz on page 31
  2. Sa înfințat Asociația Artelor Frumoase (The Asociația Artelor Frumoase was founded) in Nagyvárad on July 26, 1932, p. 4
  3. Erdély Lapok of December 8, 1932, p. 3
  4. Erdély Lapok of December 13, 1932, p. 4
  5. Nagyváradi Napló, October 24, 1933, p. 5
  6. Gazeta de Vest, May 5, 1933, p. 5