Asterix is ​​chatting from school

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Asterix chats from school (French original title: Astérix et la rentrée gauloise ) is officially after Asterix and Latraviata and before Gaul in danger of the 32nd volume of the Asterix series. However, it is not a continuous album, but a collection of initially 14, later 15 short stories. The volume was published in 2003 and was initially considered a special edition. In 2006 the 3rd German-language edition, which was now also named Asterix-Volume 32, was the 15th comic book of the story ABC-Schütze Obelix , which was completed in 2004 . All short stories, except for press conference , have an introductory page. Nine of the stories on the album were written by René Goscinny and drawn by Albert Uderzo ; the rest was written by Albert Uderzo alone.


press conference

All the Gauls of the village of Asterix are sitting with journalists in a room when the chief Majestix appears in the hall and wants to give a speech about the album by answering questions. He is asked whether the following adventures will play abroad, whether he will play an important role, whether it is just as sensational and funny as its predecessors and whether this time the Romans will be beaten up again. He answered yes to all questions. Because, he announces, this time it is not a story, like the previous volumes, but a collection of different adventures that take place in or around the Gallic village. After saying that as soon as you turn the page, the adventures begin, he leaves the room.

The Gallic start of school

As every year, Asterix is asked by the druid Miraculix, with his friend Obelix, to collect the schoolchildren who refuse to learn and therefore hide in the village instead of going to school. When Asterix informs Obelix, he is reluctant to help him and puts down his menhir, which he actually wants to hand over. After the little Gallic warrior has discovered a girl in the bushes and brings her to the druid, she insults him with wild expressions, whereby Asterix wonders where she learned them from. Meanwhile, Obelix runs after a child, who is finally hiding in the tree. Therefore, to the displeasure of his dog Idefix, he uproots this tree.

After Asterix and Obelix have collected all the children, they go to Miraculix 'school and stand next to him. He explains to the children that a good Gaul should like to go to school. A student then asks why Asterix and Obelix don't have to go there. When Miraculix replies that they would have liked to go to school at their age, he also wants to prove it by asking Obelix when the Battle of Gergovia was. Since Obelix doesn't know, after a while he guesses the year 1515, as the result was shouted in by a student. Since that is wrong, Obelix has to join the class on the spot, where Miraculix explains that one and one make two, while Asterix and Idefix amuse themselves on the sidelines of the school.

The birth of Asterix / 35 years before Julius Caesar

In 85 BC there was still no war against the Romans in Gaul, so the Aremorican village was peaceful too. There Majestix, the chief's son, is asked by the children of the same age whether he wants to play with them. He says he would do it on the condition that he could play the chief, since it is his father too. For this reason, an argument breaks out among the children, because Automatix says that his father Autogenix claims that he, Majestix's father, should first become the boss of his own house before giving orders to the others. And then there is a fight from which Troubadix secretly sneaks away.

A short time later, Methusalix comes running and tells them to stop and scolds them. When Majestix comes home, his mother asks him why he has a black eye. He tells her about the incident and his father, who is listening, then runs to Autogenix and beats him with a hammer. Because Verliernix, Verleihnix 'father, praises the hit from Majestix' father, it is thrown off with the wrought iron. Furious, he throws a fish at Autogenix, but hits the wrong person and the first fish fight ensues.

At the same time, Astronomix and Obelodalix are being asked out of their own homes by women: the reason is that their wives have children. A short time later, they meet when they are pelted with a fish that has emerged from the fight. Since they want to calm their nerves, they rush into it when suddenly Miraculix with two babies in hand asks that they stop: Asterix and Obelix are born. The fathers happily rush upon their children and announce their names, Asterix and Obelix, when Miraculix announces that they were born at the same moment. According to him, this is the sign of a strong and lasting friendship.

After a few days, an evening banquet is held in the village when Asterix and Obelix mothers bring the babies with an antique type of stroller. These are observed by the Gallic children and they find out that Obelix is ​​already thicker and is reaching for wild boar.

In the year 50 BC Chr.

In the year 50 BC the legionaries of Rome conquered the whole known world, and their general Gaius Iulius Caesar is at the height of his fame and honor, although his thirst for power has not yet been satisfied. In Rome, on the other hand, he rushes from triumph to triumph, dragging the vanquished who hope for freedom behind him in chains.

Gaul, today's France , is one of them. There are two types of Gauls there. Those who have adopted the Roman customs and the Latin language and live in the style of the Romans, while there are others who are animated only by the thirst for freedom and resist the invading Romans with all possible means. They include a group of Gauls who live in a small village on the west coast of the country. Even when the Romans try to keep an eye on them as much as possible, they keep getting beaten up. One of these resistors is Asterix, probably the most intelligent of them all. For example, he is also the most resourceful of them in unmasking the Romans, who like to disguise themselves as trees while spying.

His friend Obelix is ​​a menhir supplier by trade, even if you still wonder what that should have brought. Sometimes Obelix throws these and meets one of the Romans, of whom the usefulness of such a boulder is also questioned. Obelix also has a dog named Idefix. The menhir supplier teaches his dog tricks in front of his friend Asterix, so that Idefix can use the legendary, power-giving magic potion of the druid Miraculix to balance a menhir on his nose. However, this potion doesn't only bring out positive things. Idefix doesn't like it when you pull up trees. This can happen very quickly when the magic potion is working.

Another important personality of the village is the bard Troubadix, who, when he sings, is hammered into the ground by the blacksmith Automatix. Of course, the chief Majestix is ​​also worth mentioning, who often gives long speeches and is carried by two Gauls on a round shield. He often says one should bow to him. Therefore it sometimes happens that the shield bearers bow and Majestix falls from his shield.

However, the Romans very often feel the superhuman power of the Gauls, which comes from the magic potion, so that the villagers can live freely and happily. At the end they always hold a banquet under the starry sky, whereby the bard is tied to a tree and gagged so that he cannot sing.


In this comic it is assumed that animals can communicate using their own language. An eagle flies over the village where Asterix lives. Because of the eagle, all chicks, hens and chickens have to hide in a wooden hut. However, a black chick stays outside to hunt a butterfly while the eagle lands and tries to grab it. But the rooster Kokolorix bravely steps in between and faces the eagle. There is a showdown in which the eagle initially braggingly stands in front of the rooster and laughs at him that he cannot even fly. Then Kokolorix replies that he is the symbol of Gaul. The eagle, Gallinarius Minus, however, laughs at him and replies that he is the symbol of the Roman Empire. Then the rooster freaks out, but the eagle hits him and slaps his face with his wing. This is exactly where Gutemine steps in and drives out Gallinarius. However, he says on departure that he will come back the next day and challenge Kokolorix to a fight. Rosalie, his wife, wants to contradict him, but Kokolorix says that the honor of the chicken coops of Gaul is at stake.

So after a brief thought, Rosalie goes to Idefix and tells him about what happened. However, he also has a plan: Idefix has to bring Asterix's magic potion to the chickens in the morning.

The next morning, after the rooster has trained through the night, Asterix and Obelix set off to hunt wild boar, but Idefix for once does not come with them. Instead, he goes to his hut and fetches a bottle of magic drink, which Asterix fortunately forgot to take with him. He runs to Rosalie, who leads Idefix to Kokolorix, who is doing push-ups. When Rosalie says that Idefix has a magic potion, he is initially suspicious and wants to know whether the potion will also work on chickens. The dog thinks it's safe. After Kokolorix drank the magic potion, there actually seem to be the same signs as when a person drinks the potion. Idefix has to go back when the eagle flies over the village. Immediately the rooster hissed in the air and deflected Gallinarius. He falls down naked from the sky, amazed and frightened. When he has to walk through the forest because he can no longer fly, other animals laugh at him.

A short time later, Kokolorix is ​​celebrated by the hens with applause, while Rosalie, even more in love with him, stands next to him.

After Asterix and Obelix return from the wild boar hunt, they meet Idefix again. Obelix, who can talk to him but Asterix doesn't know, asks what he has done and Idefix tells him. Obelix passes this message on to Asterix, who, however, refuses to believe it because he believes that humans cannot speak to animals. The story ends with Asterix being annoyed by Obelix's stupid behavior.

New Year under the mistletoe

After an introduction that the custom of kissing under mistletoe when you see a friend dates back to 50 BC. BC, you can see the chief of the village, Majestix, who exchanges a kiss with the druid Miraculix in winter. However, this is only intended to honor the other. For example, Automatix knocks down the bard who actually only wants to sing. Although you should only meet by chance under the mistletoe, Obelix doesn't take this rule seriously. So you can see that before Falbala comes, Obelix sends his dog away and hides behind a mistletoe tree. During this time, however, Garlandine intervenes and asks Falbala where she is going. When she replies that she is bringing sticks to the druid, Garlandine takes it from her and wants to bring it to him.

Shortly afterwards, Falbala makes his way back and Obelix, who thinks Falbala would come by, accidentally kisses Garlandine, who goes on giggling. Then a legionnaire comes and kisses Obelix. He furiously hits him in the air. Then Miraculix comes, kisses him and warns him that he shouldn't have hit the Roman because they only obey the custom. Immediately behind him, Garlandine walks up with the brushwood and gives Obelix, who is still standing under the mistletoe, a peck.

Dejected, Obelix is ​​found by Asterix, who is looking for him. Although furious, according to custom, he gives Asterix a kiss. Obelix angrily disappears towards the village.

In a final scene you can see Falbala giving a kiss to Idefix, who has remained under the mistletoe.

Mini, midi, maxi

Since many believe that the Gallic ancestors were barbarians , the comic strip tries to prove the opposite. The authors take Gutemine, the village chief's wife, as an example. But the authors decide differently and take Methusalix's wife. While describing her elegance, Gutemine comes back and complains that it was her place. In return, Methusalix's wife politely asks if Gutemine can leave since she is busy. When the barbaric bitch controversy escalates, Methusalix's wife brings her husband into play. Gutemine then fetches Majestix and a barbaric argument begins with the men as well, as they abuse each other and start a fight. When Verleihnix gets involved, there is a (usual) village fight with fish, in which Asterix and Obelix are soon also actively involved. In a final picture you can see that even the druid Miraculix interferes.

At the same time it is still written about the wife of Methusalix that Gauls wear two tunics , the colors of which go into one another. You have a blouse that is worn with a belt at the waist. In addition, Gaulish women should often wear a headscarf . The jewelry is always of exquisite taste, made of metal , bone or glass . These barbarians also took care of their make-up . This is one of the reasons why, as the brawl explains, the Gauls were known as barbarians.

Asterix as you've never seen it before ...

René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo have received suggestions for improvement from many readers, critics and magazines. To thank them for their cooperation, they thought it would be interesting to adapt them to the text and scenario in the respective short stories.

Proposal 1

Since "a buddy" suggested that the druid should invent much more modern things and said that people talk funny to each other and that the drawings looked too childish, they responded with a caricature. Obelix beats up the Romans with iron, while he says that Asterix is ​​always on the line when there is an argument. He stands there next to a box of Dynamix , has a plaster stuck to his stomach and complains to the druid that he doesn't know how the magic parts work and that he therefore needs instructions for use.

Suggestion 2

The next complaint is from a history professor who says the drawings are not naive enough and that the stories and dialogues are too long. He also wonders why there is no Asterix in America . Asterix and Obelix set off with a magic boat that came from Miraculix. So you can travel to America quickly. Once there, they put up a sign with the inscription: "Rix Land" and want to make it their property. However, they are chased away by the Indians . In a naive black-and-white style, people depicted in kitsch and constant stop signs in the dialogues, in which one should take a break from reading, the short story fulfills all criticized aspects.

Suggestion 3

In the third suggestion, the reader first reads a review of the last volume of the fictional comic series Flasch Bourborn in space . Although the exciting plot was good, the drawings, however, failed. Then you see an adventure by Jim Astéryx. Through the magic amphora of the druid Miraculyx, Astéryx and Obelyx can make a planetary journey. Both want to find their purpose in life again because their existence and that of their village are in danger. When they got out of their amphora on Mars, they saw a bunch of green men and thought they were saved. They think the aliens are Romans.

Suggestion 4

It was also suggested that you need more text for an image so that you can better understand what is meant. Asterix says in three pictures what he is thinking about, whereby he and his listener Obelix are drawn very small. The rest of the picture was filled with a large speech bubble in which Asterix expresses his thoughts. Ultimately, Obelix gets bored and falls asleep in the fourth picture. Asterix, confused and unsure of what he did wrong, looks down on his friend in despair. Obelix is ​​supposed to reflect the reader.

Suggestion 5

“A girl” who pretends to be an Asterix fan has two points of criticism despite everything: Firstly, she complains that women do not play an important role in the stories, and secondly, more people and their surroundings should be drawn and named in the comics in a more trendy way. Her wish has also been granted once: Asterix and Obelix are accepted by a women's legion of the proconsul Deadornata in a girl-style style. Thanks to the magic flowers of the druid Miraculix, the two heroes think that one touch gives them superhuman powers. When the army finally approaches them, Asterix and Obelix flee anyway.

Suggestion by the authors

In the last suggestion, that of the authors, they write very angrily that they, the creators of their own characters, may say something to them too. Nevertheless, they agree that Asterix and Obelix wear knickers . In a final picture, they, wearing knickerbockers, scream angrily at the authors and show them the bird.

Olympics in Lutetia

The chief Majestix receives an express message via Vogel from Lutetia (Paris), from Rentnerix, the chief of the Parisian tribe. In the embassy, ​​he learned that the next Olympic Games would not take place in Greece, as the aim was to honor the first non-Greek athlete winner, namely the Gaul Decoubertix. But since Rome is also applying, Rentnerix believes that they are planning an ambush for the Gauls so that the games can be there, and therefore asks Majestix for help. For this reason he sends Asterix and Obelix to the capital of Gaul.

In Rome, the dictator Julius Caesar is actually planning with the head of the secret service, Claudius Destructivus, to thwart the plan to grant Lutetia the Olympic Games so that they can get them themselves. Caesar sends Destructivus and a few other men there so that, if the committee is satisfied with Lutetia, they attack her, and so the games in Lutetia do not take place due to lack of security.

After a few days, Asterix and Obelix reach the Gallic capital and immediately meet with Schludernix, the right hand of Pensionnerix. The chief himself cannot come because of problems that he has to discuss. Schludnerix then welcomes the two newcomers to the Olympic Committee, who come with the RER (Rapides-Equestrisches-Rollsystem), a railway that consists of racing cars and is pulled by horses.

A short time later, Schludnerix leads the committee through the city and tries to convince them that Lutetia will get the games. Meanwhile, the Roman agents, led by Destructivus, go after them and Obelix senses that something is wrong. When they are finally in the arena, the Romans step in and try to kidnap the head of the committee. However, these are stopped and beaten up by Asterix, who previously took from the potion, and Obelix. Asterix then persuades the committee that it was just an exercise to make it clear that the security in this city is excellent. So he can delight the jury, so that the head of the committee announces that Lutetia will get the Olympic Games.

When the Roman intelligence chief arrives back in Rome, Caesar angrily lets him participate in the circus games of the Olympics because of his failure. In a closing note, Asterix says that his nose tells him that the Parisians will get the Olympics again at some point , which is supposed to be a reference to the 1992 Summer Olympics , to which Paris had also applied but didn't get it. However, his statement is also true, since the Summer Olympics in 1900 and 1924 took place in this city .

The Gallic Spring

It would actually be spring, but it is still snowing and cold when Asterix and Obelix want to return to the village from their unsuccessful wild boar hunt. But on the way, Asterix notices a very small, unconscious male lying on the forest floor. Worried, the two heroes bring the wight to the hut of the druid Miraculix, who takes care of him. When the creature awakens, he is sitting in front of a fire that warms him up. He begins to argue with Obelix, who called him a little worm, but also reveals himself to be spring and tells the three his story:

He, the favorite son of the trader of the four seasons , always goes to earth at the end of winter to replace it. Spring is still being warned by his mother as he walks down to earth that winter will be more persistent than normal this year. But spring replies that it could somehow defeat winter. When he arrived on earth, he was looking for his enemy. But this one hides in ambush and knocks down the snowless season. So he can keep the upper hand.

After spring has told the story, Miraculix decides to give the wretch a sip of the magic potion that should help him get back on his feet. After this is done, spring happily leaps out of the window and overcomes winter. It was the most beautiful spring ever when Asterix and Obelix went back to their favorite pastimes: hunting wild boars and beating up the Romans.

The mascot

Asterix and Obelix are resting with their dog Idefix under a tree in the forest of Aremorica when a small argument breaks out: Obelix thinks that Asterix has too little trust in his dog Idefix. Fortunately, however, a Roman patrol comes by to end their quarrel and they can go about the business of beating the Romans. After the patrol has been beaten up, the four go back to the camp in a bad mood to get medical treatment, while one annoys the others by speaking Latin.

When they arrive at the camp, the four Romans are still in a bad mood and wonder why they keep seeing Asterix and Obelix on their patrol. So one gets the idea that they need a mascot. While someone who is annoying with speaking Latin is knocked down by someone else, he makes his way back into the forest to find the lucky charm there.

At the same time, Obelix wants to prove to his friend Asterix that Idefix can bring back the menhir he throws. The stone falls on the head of the searching legionnaire. He then discovers Idefix, who was chasing the stone, and says that the dog is the right mascot and brings it to the camp. However, he forgets his helmet at the menhir.

When Asterix and Obelix realize that Idefix will not return, they go in search of him. Arriving at the lying menhir, Asterix discovers the legionnaire's helmet. Obelix, who does not understand the context, is told by Asterix that he concludes that Idefix was kidnapped by a Roman. Angry, after Asterix has strengthened himself with the magic potion, both make their way to the kidnap camp.

There the four Romans notice that the growling Idefix does not seem to be satisfied, although they have already given him a bone, when the centurion comes over and decides that their mascot has to be trained. But at this point the two Gauls come to the camp and ask for Idefix. However, the Romans refuse to give it up. Therefore, he comes back to a fight in which Asterix and Obelix emerge victorious and bring the dog back.

When the Gauls have left, the angry centurion orders the four legionaries to patrol the forest again. There they come across Asterix and Obelix again, who are resting again with Idefix under a tree in the forest and Idefix begins to hunt the Romans. Obelix then said to Asterix that this was proof that one should have enough trust in Idefix.


In the 1960s, the influence of Anglicisms gave birth to new terms. However, it wasn't the first time something like this had happened; The Gallic language was also so influenced in the 1960s BC: Asterix and Obelix walk through the flowerbeds of Gutemine and Majestix while she sweeps the floor and her husband takes a footbath. Sauer begins to argue Gutemine. Majestix tries to calm her down, but Gutemine only gets angrier and puts the aquarium on his head. Then the druid Miraculix comes up and says angrily that it is a shame how they quarrel because they use many words that come from Latin. Asterix asks Miraculix what the other words would be called, and he answers it with synonyms that also have their origins in Latin. When the druid leaves, he says et cetera, et cetera . Asterix, Obelix, Gutemine and the chief just look after him in amazement.


René Goscinny is walking with his colleague Albert Uderzo in a Breton port when they meet a man who is very similar to Obelix. René and Albert therefore decide to follow the man. He walks along the harbor and comes across two men who have problems loading a heavy box onto a ship because the crane is broken. For this reason, the fat, red-haired man decides to help them by carrying the heavy box onto the ship with his bare hands. Albert and René decide to pursue him further.

The authors are drinking a little in a pub when the man orders a wild boar to eat. Goscinny and Uderzo then decide to go to him to get to know him. When they talk to him (while he is eating his boar), he says his name is Obelisc'h. René tells him that he and Albert know one of his ancestors. Obelisc'h then decides to show them his family tree .

At his home he presents it to them and the authors recognize Obelix as number one, who is at the bottom and carries an uprooted tree on which his descendants are registered. All who stand on the tree are called Obelisc'h. The man they are talking to is number eight at the top and the last. The numbering is as follows:

  1. Obelix , Gallic warrior
  2. Obelisc'h, the hammer
  3. Obelisc'h, the brave
  4. Obelisc'h, the Lord of the Menhir
  5. Obelisc'h, Count of Brittany
  6. Obelisc'h, the wild boar
  7. Obelisc'h, the one from Saint-Malo
  8. Obelisc'h

Happy to see their hero's offspring, Albert and René Obelisc'h try to convince them to travel to Paris with them to show him to the employees and the boss of the Pilote magazine they work for. René drives up with his newly bought car while Obelisc'h packs his luggage: a menhir. When he places it on the car roof, it breaks, so they have to change trains and René is angry. They also have problems on the train because of the Hinkelstein. Since this takes up the space of two people, the authors have to travel in the luggage compartment. René is therefore in an even worse mood.

Once in Paris, they go to the pilot . In front of the entrance Obelisc'h places his stone in front of a glass window so that it breaks. Once there, Obelisc'h is warmly welcomed by the staff. They want to show him through the building, but as he goes through a door, he accidentally knocks the chief of pilots down with the menhir .

The birth of an idea

Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny sit unhappy in front of the Café de L'annexe , drinking a beer - Albert also smokes a cigarette - and think about the comic hero Asterix, whom they want to write about. Then René got the idea, knocking over plates, and passed it on to Albert. He lashes out because he wants to show that there should be action while Albert laughs. Then Albert also plays the crazy one and René laughs about it. The owner of the café alarmed the ambulance. He picks up the crazy people and takes them to the madhouse , but Albert and René still carry on in the car.

ABC shooter Obelix

Obelix meets the postman Rohrpostix in front of the entrance to the village. Obelix asks if, as usual, he wasn't getting any mail again. But surprisingly he gets some. The letter from Condate (Rennes) was written on pink marble and sent from Falbala.

Shortly afterwards, Asterix asks Obelix if he would like to go wild boar hunting with him. Obelix, who would rather read the letter but keep the receipt a secret, pretends that things are not going well for him and for this reason he has no desire to go hunting with Asterix. Asterix, who is worried about his friend and finds it strange that he is sick because he has never been before, sends Obelix to the druid Miraculix.

In fact, the illiterate Obelix went to him, but told Miraculix that he wanted to learn to read. At first he is amazed, but eventually goes to his hut with Obelix and explains to him how important it is to be able to read. Then he takes out an old book in which an object or living being is drawn and the first letter to the left of it, for example E for donkey. He explains to Obelix that this is how he wants to teach him to read and write.

After Obelix believes he has understood, he runs into his house with the book and is asked by the druid to handle the textbook carefully. Happy he sits down at his table and tries to decipher the letter. But he makes a crucial mistake: Instead of just saying the letter with which the respective object or living being begins, he also includes it. For example, he says for an E: E for donkey.

Obelix tries to decipher the letter all night, but fails. The next morning, Asterix comes to Obelix to see if Miraculix's healing skills would have helped. But when he steps into the house, he only finds the desperate Obelix with the letter and the book. Asterix persuades his friend to tell him his real problem and when this happens, Asterix reads the letter to Obelix: Falbala wishes Obelix a happy birthday. Obelix then runs out of the house and throws the textbook at the druid's face.

Comic information

# title Original title Publishing year pages
1 press conference Conference de press 1964 1
2 The Gallic start of school Annonce d'Abraracourcix 1966 2
3 The birth of Asterix La Naissance d'Asterix 1994 4th
4th In the year 50 BC Chr. En 50 avant J.-C. 1977 3
5 Chocolates Chanteclairix 2003 5
6th New Year under the mistletoe Au gui l'an IX 1967 2
7th Mini, midi, maxi Mini, midi, maxi 1971 2
8th Asterix as you've never seen it before ... Astérix tel que vous ne l'avez jamais vu ... 1969 3
9 Olympics in Lutetia Lutèce olympique 1986 4th
10 The Gallic Spring La Rentrée gauloise 1966 2
11 The mascot La Mascotte 1968 4th
12 Latinomania Latinomania ou Et cætera, et cætera 1973 1
13 Obelisc'h Obelisc'h 1963 4.5
14th The birth of an idea Naissance d'une idée 1962 1
15th ABC shooter Obelix Lire avec Obelix 2004 3


Only two stories ( Kokolonrix and later ABC shooter Obelix ) appeared in this album, the other comics were all printed earlier, mostly in the French magazine Pilote .

Of the 15 short stories, only 9 were written by Goscinny. 4 stories were texted by Uderzo after Goscinny's death ( Kokolorix , ABC shooter Obelix , Olympics in Lutetia and The Birth of Asterix ) and two more stories ( The Gallic Spring and Asterix as you have never seen it ... ) were written before Goscinny's Death of Uderzo written alone.

In 1993 a smaller edition of the comic appeared in French, also called La Rentree Gauloise . This issue also contained a story called L'Antiquaire ( The Antique Dealers ), which was drawn and written by Marcel Uderzo, Albert Uderzo's younger brother. There were 500,000 copies of this album. The story of the antique dealers appeared in Germany in 1994 in the special volume Gallic stories .

Even earlier (mid-1980s) an album was also released in French only, which contained a few short stories.

The short story ABC Sagittarius Obelix is not included in the comic in most other languages. In German it was only added in 2006 in the 3rd edition as the 15th short story. She was also included in the story in the band Asterix & Obelix celebrate birthday .


This Asterix anthology, which brings together all the short stories in one volume, was first published by Ehapa on October 16, 2003 as a special volume. In order to take up the French order in which the short story volume (as an album) appeared as the 32nd volume, this issue was subsequently included in Germany as volume 32 in the series. The 3rd edition, which appeared in 2006 and has been adjusted in the layout of the Asterix series with the printed volume number among other things, is supplemented by the 15th story ABC-Schütze Obelix , which was not included in the first two editions.

The following stories have appeared before: The Gallic start of school at Pilote issue 363, The birth of Asterix at Le Journal exceptionnel d 'Asterix ( Pilote ), In the year 50 BC. Chr. In National Geographic , the New Year under the mistletoe at Pilote Issue 424, Mini, Midi, Maxi at Elle Edition 1337, Asterix, as they have never seen him ... in Pilote Issue 527, Olympics Lutetia in Jours de France Edition 1660, The Gallic Spring at Pilote Issue 334, The Mascot at Super Pocket Pilote , Issue 1, Obelisc'h , at Pilote Issue 172–186, The Birth of an Idea at Pilote Issue 157 and ABC shooter Obelix Lire .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Source: Asterix & Obelix celebrate their birthday - Das goldene Album , pp. 12-14.