Lviv – Przemyśl railway line

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Lviv – Przemyśl
Central station in Przemyśl
Central station in Przemyśl
Route number : 91, 92 (Polish part)
Route length: 98 km
Gauge : 1520/1435 mm
Power system : 3000 V  =
Top speed: 70 km / h
Route - straight ahead
by Rawa-Ruska , Kiwerzi and Sdolbuniw
Station, station
0 Lviv (Львів-Головний)
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the left, from the left
to Chernivtsi
after Sambir
Stop, stop
3 Pyatnyj Park (П'ятий парк)
after Kiwerzi
Station, station
6th Rudno (Рудно)
by Sambir
Stop, stop
9 Symnawoda (Зимнавода)
Stop, stop
11 Suchowolja (Суховоля)
Station, station
16 Mschana (Мшана)
Stop, stop
21st Zuniw (Цунів)
Stop, stop
Satoka (Затока)
Wereschyzja (Верещиця)
BSicon STR + l.svgBSicon ABZgr.svgBSicon .svg
Branch line to Jaworiw
BSicon HST.svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon .svg
5 5 KM (Платформа 5 Км)
BSicon HST.svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon .svg
7th Dobrostany (Добростани)
BSicon HST.svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon .svg
12 Moloschkowytschi (Молошковичі)
BSicon HST.svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon .svg
14th Jantarna (Янтарна)
BSicon KBHFxe.svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon .svg
20th Schklo-Starschyska (Шкло-Старжиська)
BSicon exKBHFe.svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon .svg
31 Yaworiv (Яворів)
Stop, stop
27 Kamjanobrid (Кам'янобрід)
Station, station
33 Horodok-Lvivskyj (Городок-Львівський)
Station, station
42 Rodatychi (Родатичі)
Stop, stop
49 Knjaschyj dung (Княжий Міст)
Station, station
51 Sudowa Wyschnja (Судова Вишня)
Stop, stop
56 Saritschtschja (Заріччя)
Station, station
60 Chorosnytsja (Хоросниця)
Stop, stop
64 Vorlamowska Volja (Ворламовська Воля)
Stop, stop
66 Pidhat (Підгать)
Vysnya (Вишня)
Station, station
71 Mostyska I (Мостиська I)
Stop, stop
76 Chechenets (Tщенець)
Station, station
78 Mostyska II (Мостиська II)
Ukraine / Poland border
Station, station
12,878 Medyka
BSicon .svgBSicon ABZgl.svgBSicon STR + r.svg
BSicon STR + l.svgBSicon ABZgr + r.svgBSicon STR.svg
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Chałupki Medyckie
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Medyka Rozrządowa
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Medyka Towarowa
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Station, station
6.258 Hurko
to Rzeszów
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BSicon .svgBSicon STR.svgBSicon KDSTe.svg
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the left, from the left
to Chyriw
Station, station
0 Przemyśl Główny
Route - straight ahead
from Rzeszów

The Lviv – Przemyśl railway is a main line in Ukraine . It runs from Lviv , the center of western Ukraine, to Przemyśl , a city in Poland. The line, with a gauge of 1520 mm (Russian broad gauge; to Żurawica north of Przemyśl in Poland) or 1435 mm (European standard gauge; to Mostyska I), is electrified on two tracks and is operated by the Ukrainian Railways , in particular the Lwiwska Salisnyzja guided.

The railway line was opened to traffic by the Galician Carl Ludwig Railway on November 4, 1861 as the first railway to Lviv; construction work began as early as 1859. The 97.6 km long line ended in the Lviv railway station , which was under construction from October 1859 from here the routes should continue to other parts of Galicia .

In 1892 the railway company was nationalized, since then the line has been in state ownership, after 1918 it became the property of the Polish State Railways , which in 1939 operated the Warsaw - Radom - Skarżysko Kam line. - Rozwadów - Przemyśl - Lwów with course book number 401

Due to the occupation of eastern Poland by the Soviet Union shortly at the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, the line came into the possession of the Soviet railways , which immediately began changing individual lines to Russian broad gauge (1520 mm), but this was done after Germany invaded the Soviet Union In 1941 it was reversed and the lines of the Eastern Railway were subordinated. The Lemberg – Przemysl – Reichshof – Tarnow – Cracow line was given the number 532. After the end of the war, the line was again taken over by the Soviet Railways, which put the entire line back on broad gauge and integrated it into their network. this was taken over in 1991 by the Ukrainian railways.

The branch line from Kamjanobrid to Jaworiw was built in the 1960s after the direct connection from Lviv to Jaworiw was abandoned, but currently only the line to Schklo is served.

On the Polish side, route numbers 91 and 92 now lead to Medyka, and international traffic runs from Krakow to Lemberg. The re-gauging system in Medyka is used to switch from standard gauge to Russian broad gauge. A broad gauge track leads to the Przemyśl Central Station ( Przemyśl Główny ).

Web links


  • History of the railways of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy . Editing by Hermann Strach, Vienna, Budapest 1908 ff., Multi-volume standard work at the time
  • Ryszard Stankiewicz and Marcin Stiasny: Atlas Linii Kolejowych Polski 2014 . Eurosprinter, Rybnik 2014, ISBN 978-83-63652-12-8

Individual evidence

  1. Rozkład Polska, lato 1939 - Table 401: Warszawa - Radom - Skarżysko Kam.. - Rozwadów - Przemyśl - Lwów
  2. ^ German course book - annual timetable 1944/45 - course book number 532: Krakau - Tarnow - Reichshof - Przemysl - Lemberg
  3. ^ German course book - annual timetable 1944/45 - course book number 532: Lemberg - Przemysl - Reichshof - Tarnow - Krakow