Bavarian Music Council

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The Bavarian Music Council e. V. (BMR) is the regional music council based in Munich . As an amalgamation of 60 institutions and associations of musical life in Bavaria, it represents around 1 million citizens in the areas of amateur music, professional music and musical education.


He concentrates his music-political activities on representing the interests of its members and promoting music as an indispensable cultural asset in all areas of society. A major main concern is the close networking of its members with general education schools, music institutions and organizations in favor of a comprehensive basic service in the area of ​​broad musical education and music education from kindergarten to career start and in all ages.

The association is in continuous dialogue with politics, the music-interested public and the administration. On his own responsibility he carries out overarching projects and events for the further development of musical life and makes a significant contribution to the realization of the Bavarian music plan. For special services to the promotion of music in Bavaria, he awards the "Silver Vortex" award.

The special-purpose enterprises and projects, which include continuous funding projects and temporary projects, have been merged since 2004 in the “Bayerischer Musikrat non-profit project company”, which in turn is also the sponsor of the Bavarian Music Academy in Marktoberdorf.


The association was founded on June 21, 1977. The fulfillment of its tasks and objectives enable membership fees and regular state funding.


Facilities and projects

  • Bavarian Choir Academy
  • Bavarian State Coordination Office for Music
  • Bavarian Music Academy Marktoberdorf
  • Bavarian Orchestra Academy
  • Bavarian choir competition
  • Bavarian orchestra competition
  • Promotion of the gifted
  • Conducting courses for amateur music
  • European days of music
  • Promotion of international musical encounters
  • Chamber music competition
  • Intermediate level competition
  • Network music in Swabia
  • High school competition
  • Section for amateur music
  • Solo / duo competition
  • Awarded the Zelter badge and the Pro-Musica badge

Web links