Bavaria mobile

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Infobox radio tower icon
Bavaria mobile
Station logo
Radio station ( public law )
reception digital terrestrial , cable , satellite
Reception area BavariaBavaria Bavaria and neighboring areas (DAB)
business January 1, 1998 to September 1, 2008
Broadcaster Bavarian radio
Intendant Ulrich Wilhelm
List of radio stations
Logo until October 2007

Bayern mobil was a radio program of the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation , which was on the air from January 1, 1998 to August 31, 2008 as part of the DAB pilot project in Bavaria .


The music range of Bayern mobil was wide and ranged from oldies of the 60s to current chart hits. There were mainly English, German, French and Italian titles to be heard. The title list was compiled by our own editorial team.

Bayern mobile came out without moderation and took every hour from 7 to 22:30 the news of Bayern 3 . In addition, there were traffic and weather reports every half hour.

Preferred programs were held irregularly, in which the listeners could request music titles by telephone or email. Announcements of these programs could be read in the radio text and were read out in the weather and traffic block.


“I Believe” by Joana Zimmer was the last title on Bayern mobil on September 1, 2008 shortly before 8 am . At 8 o'clock the music and service wave Bayern plus took over all frequencies of the program.

Reception ways

  • in Bavaria using DAB
  • Europe-wide using DVB-S via Astra 19.2 ° East
  • worldwide via the Internet (Real Player or Windows Media Player)