Benno Kühn

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Benno Kühn

Ernst Benno Kühn (born November 15, 1865 in Lübben (Spreewald) , † January 27, 1949 in Bad Sachsa ) was a German geologist and university professor . He is regarded as a pioneer of geophysics in the state geology of Prussia.


The son of the royal rent master Johann Friedrich August Kühn first grew up in Lübben. After his father had moved to Luckau in Niederlausitz , he attended the local high school, which he left with the Abitur in 1884 in order to study philosophy and natural sciences , especially geology and mineralogy . For this purpose he first moved to the University of Leipzig , where he stayed until 1885, and then went to Tübingen and in 1886 to Berlin . In Tübingen he joined the student union Landsmannschaft Scotland .

After completing his studies, he became an assistant at the Mineralogical Institute of the University of Berlin in 1890 and became a Dr. phil. PhD . From 1891 to 1892 Kühn did his military service with the Lübben hunters . In 1893 he was then assistant geologist at the Royal Prussian Geological State Institute and Mining Academy under Wilhelm Hauchecorne . In 1901 he was promoted to district geologist and the following year to state geologist.

In 1904 Kühn received a teaching position for petrography at the Bergakademie, which he retained even after the latter was separated from the State Geological Institute and its transfer to the Technical University of Charlottenburg as a mining department, and in the course of which he was awarded the title of professor in 1906 . In 1916 he was the last of the geologists to be awarded the title of Secret Mountain Ridge at the State Geological Institute . When in 1919 the use of geophysical investigation methods for researching the mountain structure was included in the work of the Geological State Institute, Kühn was entrusted with the organization of this work and, after the establishment of his own geophysical department, was appointed its head as department director in 1926. In 1927, the TH Berlin appointed Kühn an honorary professor at the Faculty of Materials Management . In 1933 Kühn retired, which he first spent in Berlin-Dahlem and later in Bad Sachsa.


Kühn began his official work as a mapping geologist in the province of Posen , where he worked until 1897. During the years 1898–1900 he was then busy with the geological survey of the Karthaus and Zuckau measuring tables in the wider area of Danzig . In 1900 he moved to the area of Saxony-Altenburg , where he worked on the papers Altenburg , Windischleuba and Meuselwitz in this and the two following years . He spent part of 1903 recording work on the Tann in the Rhön sheet , but returned in 1904 to the province of Saxony , where he mapped on the Zeitz sheet and temporarily on the Landsberg sheet .


  • Bruno Dammer : Benno Kühn † . In: Geological Yearbook . Volume 64, 1950, page XXII ff.
  • Wolfgang Lange: Benno Kühn - pioneer of geophysics in the state geology of Prussia: on the 50th anniversary of his death on January 27, 1999 . In: Mitteilungen zur Geologie von Sachsen-Anhalt 1999, 5, p. 181 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Erich Faul (ed.): Landsmannschaft Scottland zu Tübingen - List of all federal brothers 1849-1959 . Stuttgart 1969.
  2. Investigations on old crystalline shale rocks from the area of ​​the Argentine Republic . Dissertation, Berlin 1890.
  3. Centralblatt for the entire teaching administration in Prussia . Volume 69, 1927, p. 124.