Bernhard Meyer to the arrow

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Bernhard Meyer to the arrow

Junker Bernhard Meyer zum Pfeil (* 1488 in Basel , † 1558 in Basel), was a cloth merchant , secret councilor and envoy of the canton of Basel and from 1548 to 1558 mayor of Basel. Militarily he had the rank of captain and lord of the banner .



Bernhard Meyer zum Pfeil came from the Meyer zum Pfeil family named after the arrow in the family coat of arms. It appeared as early as the 15th century among the wealthy families of Basel and was called Junkertitel in the 15th and 16th centuries . He was a son of the humanist Nikolaus Meyer zum Pfeil († 1500) and Barbara zum Lufft and a brother of the Junker Adelberg Meyer zum Pfeil (1474–1548), who immediately preceded him in the mayor's office in Basel.


From 1529 he belonged to the Reformed denomination . Bernhard Meyer zum Pfeil was a clothes man and changer and from 1530 to 1548 councilor of the guild of the key , one of the "gentlemen's guilds " ( merchants' guilds ), and as the "thirteen" Privy Councilor of State. From 1548 to 1558, as the mayor of Basel, he held senior financial and economic policy positions, including as “Dreier”, “Siebner” and “ Wardein ” (coin validator) at the “Golden Mint ”. He was a member of the City Court, the “Five Court ” and the Court of Appeal, as well as a captain and lord of the banner in the military. Bernhard Meyer zum Pfeil was one of the leading foreign politicians in Basel. He was involved in 190 Basel embassy mandates in the Swiss Confederation and in the Basel area and held a management position at the embassies in the closer and wider areas of Basel.


Bernhard Meyer zum Pfeil was first married to Helena Bär, a daughter of the cloth merchant Hans Bär (killed in 1515 in the Battle of Marignano ), Basel banner owner and guild master of the Basel Guild of Safran , a brother-in-law of the Basel mayor (1516–1521) Jakob Meyer zum Hasen (1482–1531). In his second marriage, Bernhard Meyer zum Pfeil was married to Maria Wölflin, daughter of the garment man Wilhelm Wöflin.

His sons were:

  • Beat Meyer zum Pfeil († 1552), first married to Christina Bischoff, then to Barbara Meyer (* 1539), who married Hans Jacob Keller (1531–1603) in 1557
  • Nikolaus Meyer zum Pfeil (1515–1550), married to Katharina Rüdin († 1547) since 1537.

One of Bernhard Meyer zum Pfeil's nephews was Hans Ludwig Meyer zum Pfeil (1539–1607), a member of the Basel “Thirteen” Council. Since 1559 he was married to Anna Froben (1541–1576), the daughter of the important Basel publisher Hieronymus Froben (1501–1563), a friend of Erasmus of Rotterdam , and thus a brother-in-law of Ambrosius Froben (1537–1595).


  • A. Bernoulli (Ed.): The family chronicle of Meyer zum Pfeil 1533–1656 . In: Basler Chroniken 6, 1902, pp. 379–422
  • W. Merz: Upper Rhine family tables . 1912, no.18
  • Rudolf Wackernagel : History of the City of Basel Volume III. 1924, pp. 262 f., 418
  • Paul Burckhardt : Basel in the first years after the Reformation , 124th New Years paper of the GGG . Basel 1946, p. 36 f.
  • Hans Füglister : craft regiment and materials on the social and political structure of the city of Basel in the first half of the 16th century . 1981, p. 338 f.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Samuel Schüpbach-Guggenbühl: Meyer, Bernhard (to the arrow). In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ A b c Hans BernerMeyer zum Pfeil, Adelberg. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-428-00198-2 , p. 324 f. ( Digitized version ).
  3. Hans Bär - Basel banner bearer at Marignano
  4. Patrician families Basel: Excerpt from the Meyer family to the arrow (PDF; 29 kB)