Bernhard Schmidt (painter, 1820)

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Bernhard Heinrich Gustav Theodor Schmidt (born March 21, 1820 in Zettemin near Stavenhagen , † December 4, 1870 in Niesky , district of Rothenburg (Ob. Laus.) ) Was a German architecture and landscape painter.


Bernhard Schmidt was a son of the Zettemin pastor Heinrich Schmidt (1774–1829) and his wife Friedrike, b. von Rudloff (1780–1846), a daughter of the Schwerin government councilor Friedrich August von Rudloff . He began his training at the beginning of the 1840s in Berlin with the landscape painter Wilhelm Schirmer . Even as his pupil, he was represented with several works at the exhibition of the Royal Academy of the Arts in Berlin in 1844 . From 1846 to 1848 he attended the Düsseldorf Art Academy , where he also became a member of the “Malkasten” artists ' association . He then stayed in Munich for further studies. After several study trips that took him through Germany and the Alps, he worked as a drawing teacher in Rostock and Schwerin and also as a landscape painter. He then went back to Berlin around 1860, where he joined the landscape and church painter Carl Gottfried Pfannschmidt , who was a teacher of composition and clothing at the academy. Schmidt's interest in architecture and especially in church construction, which has existed since his youth, led to the predominant occupation with this topic. He took part in a competition for the Berlin Cathedral with a design, which was sold for 800 Rthlr. was considered. He also developed a number of plans for smaller churches. He spent the last years of his life with his uncle, Major General Karl Gustav von Rudloff in Niesky, who was a member of the Moravian Brethren there. He had to give up painting because of an eye problem.

Bernhard Schmidt had three brothers; August (1809–1882), pastor and prepositus in Ivenack , Albrecht (1815–1890), superintendent in Parchim and Carl, colonel in Naumburg (Saale) . In 1880, August Schmidt gave the Schwerin Grand Ducal Kupferstichkabinett the church designs drawn by his brother, including the award-winning design for the Berlin Cathedral.

Works (selection)

34th exhibition of the Kgl. Academy of Arts in Berlin 1844 - represented as Schirmer's student with the oil paintings:

  • An oak grove in the evening light
  • Composition in the north German character
  • Schwerin Castle in Mecklenburg
  • Idea for a Protestant church on a large scale; Ink drawings:
    • Inner view
    • Exterior view and floor plan

44th exhibition of the Kgl. Academy, 1864

  • Lot from the Fuschertal in Pinzgau
  • Motif from Mecklenburg and the like, counterpart to the previous one.

45th exhibition of the Kgl. Academy, 1866

  • Game near Warmbrunn in the Giant Mountains
  • Schliersee in Upper Bavaria

State Museum Schwerin

  • At Neumühler See near Schwerin , 56 × 85 cm, oil / canvas.
  • Schwerin Castle


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Gustav Willgeroth : The Mecklenburg-Schwerin parishes since the Thirty Years War. Volume 1, Selbstverlag, Wismar 1924, p. 515. and Volume 2, p. 688/753
  2. a b B. Schmidt, student of Mr. Prof. Schirmer, Johannisstr. 3a. In: XXXIV. Art exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts. 1844, p. 80
  3. See nos. 12665–12667 in the finding aid 212.01.04 student lists of the Düsseldorf Art Academy , North Rhine-Westphalia State Archives
  4. ^ Inventory list archive , members of the Düsseldorfer Malkastens.
  5. a b Bernhard Schmidt in Berlin, Wörlitzerstr. 2. In: XLIV. Art exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts. 1864, p. 56
  6. a b Bernhard Schmidt in Berlin, Lützowerwegstr. 39. In: XLV. Art exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts. 1866, p. 61
  7. Church building drafts . In: Christian art paper for church, school and home. Volume 3, 1860, No. 11/12 (June 1, 1860), p. 96
  8. Friedrich Schlie: Descriptive directory of the works of recent masters…. 1884, pp. 74-75 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).