Bienemann von Bienenstamm (noble family)

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Coat of arms in the Baltic Book of Arms (1882)

Bienemann bee tribe , now often only briefly by bees tribe , is a German-Baltic , letter noble aristocratic family .


According to the “Genealogical Handbook of Courland Knighthood” by historian Oskar Stavenhagen , who died in 1930, the Bienenstamm family has been traceable in Libau, Latvia (Latvian Liepāja ) since 1712 , but more recent sources also mention the year 1622. 1712 is considered a turning point.

David Herbord Bienemann (* in Mitau ; † May 5, 1740 in Libau )

In October 1712 David Herbord Bienemann was a sales assistant to the widow of the citizen and businessman Kaspar Stedeth. He later married their daughter. From 1714 he was listed as a German citizen and businessman. In 1729 he became mayor of Libau (now the third largest city in Latvia); he died in 1740 and marked an important turning point in the family.

His descendants include (selection):

# # Peter Bienemann from Bienenstamm (oil painting)
  1. Carl Dietrich Bienemann (* May 17, 1724 in Libau ; † May 17, 1798 ): 1747 citizen and merchant, city elder, 1762–1766 council member, flax and hemp braker until 1774; married Anna Elisabeth Stegmann on November 6, 1748 (* August 14, 1733 ; † June 22, 1814 ).
  2. Peter Bienemann, or Bienemann von Bienenstamm (born October 19, 1749 in Libau; † November 23, 1820 in Mitau): Peter Bienemann, who was 70 years old, is the first son of Carl Dietrich Bienemann and Anna Elisabeth Bienemann , née Anna Elisabeth Stegmann (born August 14, 1733 in Libau; † June 22, 1814 1820; daughter of Jürgen Peter * Stegmann). Peter Bienemann was the grandson of David Herbord Bienemann . In 1769 a pamphlet was published in Danzig under the name "Feyerliche Wünsche, Abschiedswunsch". It also mentions Peter Bienemann as a student at the elite Academic Gymnasium Danzig (in Polish: Gdańskie Gimnazjum Akademickie) . The school existed from June 13th, 1558 until March 1945. After his Abitur, Bienemann studied at the University of Leipzig , where he was matriculated on October 2nd, 1769. In 1774, at the age of 25, he was already a district court attorney in Libau, where he noted as such from 1775 to 1791, i.e. a good 15 years. In 1782 he was court counsel for the ducal Courland court in Mitau, where he was entrusted with the guardianship of the seven children of the Libau city secretary Friedrich Stegmann (1729–1782) after Stegmann died at the age of 53. At the same time, Peter Bienemann climbed the career ladder even further: in 1786 he was appointed to the Royal Polish Judicial Council, and under Russia from 1801 to 1811 he was district marshal in Bauske, which was the representative of self-government in the districts in the Russian administrative order. On November 19, 1794, Bienemann ennobled von Bienenstamm and was raised to the nobility by the Austrian Emperor Franz II. Joseph Karl (ruled 1792–1806), the last Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (section nobility). He was given the authority to name himself after goods to be acquired. The year 1794 was steeped in history: the French Revolution raged in France and nobles were executed. Napoleon Bonaparte founded various republics. In addition, the rule of Jever of the Holy Roman Empire fell to Russia. The difficult political circumstances may have been one of the reasons for Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm 's rise to the nobility . Because in order to counter the hegemony of the French Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte in Central Europe, numerous other allies were sought at that time, Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm owned five estates: Garrosen and Schlodhof, Altenburg, Distern, Duppeln. From 1801 to 1806 it is documented that he owned the Garrosen and Schlockhof estates in the Bauske district . Some of this information comes from the book by Wilhelm Wheels "The Court Secretaries and Advocates of Courlands 1795-1889", which was published in 1938 by the Genealogical Society of Latvia in Tartu. However, the family had various manor houses beyond 1806.
  3. Herbord Carl Friedrich Bienemann von Bienenstamm - Libau August 26, 1778: He made a name for himself as a book author. About him it says: “A son of the councilor Peter von Bienenstamm, born. zu Libau on August 26th 1778, came to Mitau as a child with his parents, received his first scientific education from 1793 to 1797 at the grammar school ”. His book Geographical Outline of the Three German Baltic Sea Provinces of Russia, published in 1826, is well known ; or the governorates of Estonia, Livonia and Courland (editorial note: According to a Russian census of 1897, around 165,000 people lived in these areas. In 1795, Kurland became part of the Russian Empire with limited internal self-government due to political struggles. At that time, the Russian Empress was the German Katharina II.). Another book by Herbord Carl Friedrich Bienemann von Bienenstamm was the work “New geographical-statistical description of the imperial-Russian governorate of Courland, or the former duchies of Courland and Semgallia, with the Pilten pen” , published in 1841 . Anna Emilie Helene Bienemann - Libau June 15, 1780 to September 1, 1801 (died in Mitau). Married on March 15, 1800 Ferdinand von Klopmann, ret. Kroschten, who died in 1806.
  4. Rosalie, b. Bienenmann von Bienenstamm - Riga November 16, 1783 to October 23, 1812 or 1814. Married Conrad Stoffregen on October 23, 1804 (born October 5, 1767 in Einbeck , died June 4, 1841 in Dresden or St. Petersburg ( The details vary). He is also known as Konrad Christian von Stoffregen. From 1785 he worked as a city physician (doctor) in Riga and was also the personal physician of the Russian Tsar's wife, Louise von Baden , who was born in Karlsruhe (also known as Luise Marie Auguste Known from Baden: born on January 24, 1779 in Karlsruhe; died on May 4 or 16, 1826 in Belyov) Louise was the Tsar's wife of Russia from 1801 to 1825 and had been the “Grand Duchess of Russia” since 1793 ". Louise von Baden is the second German after the Russian Tsarina Katharina II of German descent to sit on a Russian Tsar - that is, the Kaiserstuhl. Her name and title in Russian was also Elisabeth Alexejewna, or Grand Duchess Jelisaweta Alexejewna). About her personal physician Konrad Christian von Stoffregen: “From 1785, already as a student, temporarily assistant to my father in Riga, 1788–1797 district physician in Riga, then general practitioner in St. Petersburg, 1806–1807 division physician of the engineering corps, a. a. during the battle of Preussisch-Eylau, 1808–1826 personal physician to Tsarina ELIZAVETA ALEKSEEVNA, b. Princess LUISE VON BADEN (1779–1826), at the same time a member of the Medical Council of the Police Ministry from 1811, released from office in 1827 and on leave to Reval, retired in 1833 (or 1834), then lived alternately in Mannheim and Dresden. Holders of high Russian honorary titles and awards: 1807 'Collegiate Council', 1808 'State Council', 1817 'Real Russian State Council', 1826 'Privy Council', 1831 nobility diploma, knight of several orders, including the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd (1825) and 3rd grade. “Alexandrine, b. Beekeeper from Bienenstamm (1785-1830).
  5. Johanna (Jeannette) Charlotte Wilhelm Bienemann - Mitau June 24, 1794 to January 30, 1843 (died in Mitau). Married Ferdinand von Klopmann from Kroschten on July 11, 1820, died on November 21, 1838 (in Mitau, according to the General Welfare Committee). Von Klopmann is related to Johann Ernst von Klopmann (born May 12, 1725 in Bershof, Kurland; † December 12, 1786 in Mitau), who was the ducal chancellor and steward in the Duchy of Courland and Semgallia.
  6. Herbord Carl Friedrich Bienemann - Libau 1778 VIII. 30., d. Riga 1840 Lv., 26.
  7. In addition, it is said about a bee-man from the beehive, who has so far been identified : "Moved into the monastery in Berlin, then visited the University of Göttingen , but had to return to his fatherland in 1798, following the well-known orders of Emperor Paul I like all Russians ... now, while continuing his studies, he spent three years in his father's house, after which, after he had become the owner of the land, economics became his professional business and filled the hours of relaxation with reading, the satisfaction of which he had bought himself a valuable library; But his prosperity was so endangered by the pressure of the times and some circumstances that he had to leave his last owned Mifshof estate in 1824 and is currently living in Riga without a definite acquisition of a better future, in involuntary leisure. "

Elevation of nobility in 1794

David Herbord Bienemann's grandson, Peter Bienemann, became court attorney for the Courland ducal court and judicial advisor in Mitau. He belonged to the rising legal class of Mitau, which was an important pillar of Duke Peter von Biron towards the nobility. With two other lawyers (von Ovander and Georg Friedrich Witte von Wittenheim) he rose to the nobility shortly before the end of the independence of the Duchy of Courland . In 1794 he received in Vienna with a diploma from November 19, 1794 the "knightly nobility of the Holy Roman Empire" ( imperial nobility ) with the predicate of bee trunk . The appointment was made by the Austrian Emperor Franz II. Joseph Karl (ruled 1792–1806), the last Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation raised to the nobility (section nobility). On March 21, 1797 he was also given the “ Piltensche and on the 3 March 1799 the Courland Indigenous ”was granted. This branch of the family was accepted into the Courland Knighthood .

Bourgeois family

Peter Bienemann's siblings were not affected by the ennoblement. Several of them continued the bourgeois line that produced important clergy and historians in the 19th century.

coat of arms

The coat of arms, awarded in 1794, shows as a speaking coat of arms in a blue shield a golden beehive , surrounded by seven golden flying bees. As a crest , a growing from the crown bareheaded knight three red roses on stems grünbeblätterten is holding in his hand. The helmet covers are blue and gold.


The German-Baltic Bienemann von Bienenstamm family owned several manor houses.

Garrosen genetic material (Garrosen Lambertshof)

In the years 1801–1806, the family owned the “Garrosen Estate” located in Latvia, which is now called “Garozas muiža”, or “Garozas muiža” mansion. The estate dates back to 1467. At that time "the Livonian order master Johann Mengede, called Osthof, enfeoffed the vassal Heinrich von der Howen with a piece of land 'in the Mitauschen District on the Garrose River and the Ruwakel Bach, which Johann Melleken and Johannes Kasdörper used to own. On June 12, 1801 went It finally fell into the hands of Peter von Bienemann, who paid around 70,000 thalers for it, which FKA von Roenne had previously acquired for 80,000 florins (around 26,500 thalers) since 1798 .

The large von Bienemann estate, one of several in the Baltic States, is extensively portrayed in a book from 2001 (Garozas muiža. Lambārtes muiža, ISBN 9984-9098-9-1 ). Muižas is the Latvian word for mansions. The ruins of the castle-like property Garozas Muiza could be visited until 2017, then it was demolished. In sources on the manor house it says:

“The Garosas mansion was built in the late 18th century and rebuilt in the first half of the 19th century. It is a small two-story brick building with a mezzanine. Decorative decoration of the facade uses a corner and a plinth grate. This kind of small and simple mansion is typical of Zemgale manor architecture ... and adds to its cultural and historical value. Unfortunately, the roof and the mezzanine floors collapsed. However, it is possible that rescue efforts will be undertaken in the near future. "

The manor of Garosas, or Garrosen, was also portrayed in 2015 in the book "Vidzemes Muizu Architektura" by the Latvian art historian Imants Lancmanis and is available from the Rundāle Palace Museum, among others. Geographically, the Garrosen estate was located in the Latvian village of Garoza near Strelnieki, south of Riga.

Kurland estate - Gut Aistern mansion

Another family estate is an estate in Courland, the Gut Aistern manor house.

Gut Schlodhof

The manor house of Garosas der von Bienemann von Bienenstamm probably on a photograph from 1917. The estate covered around 2.5 hectares.

In addition to the Garrosen and Aistern inheritance, the von Bienemanns received the estate "Schlodhof in the Bauske district" between 1801 and 1811, while von Bienemann was the "Bauskescher district marshal".

In the book “Kurländische Güter-Chroniken. New series "(edited and published on behalf of the Courland Knighthood Comites. First delivery, Mittau, C. Behrsche Commissions-Verlag, p. 94) it also says about Peter von Bienemann:

  • “In 1809 he built the Altenburg, Duppeln and Vistern estates in the Grobin district, which fell into other hands in the bankruptcy of his heirs in 1833. Peter's older brother Herbord was the heir to (the estate) Pleppen, Hasenpoth district, later on Misshof and Hübbenetshof, Bauste district. In 1824 he left Courland and spent the end of his life as an editor and writer in Riga. Peter's younger son, Louis, secretary of the district court in Hafenpoth, became the progenitor of the still flourishing family. "

Furthermore, it says in a footnote of the book “Kurländische Güter-Chroniken. New episode".

  • "94 Misshof June 23 (corrob. August 28) - Misshof together with the Beihofe Hübbenetshof, as well as the Wilzing forest for Rthlr. Alb. or 66,666 ^ rbl. The Livonian parish judge Christian Friedrich von Radecki gave his lien on June 12 (corrob January 14) to Herbord Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Bienemann von Bienenstamm, former owner of Pleppen im Piltenschen, with consent and entry of the pawnbroker von Rönne, who, as the beehive, was provided with the Courland indigenous. at the same time transferred the perfect right of inheritance and sales right to the same. "

"Purchase backlog on the goods" since 1807

Elsewhere in the work from 1890 it says somewhat differently:

  • "1819 June 12 (corrob. 1820 January 14) Chr. Fr. von Radecki ceded his lien for the same amount to Herbord Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Bienemann von Bienenstamm, former owner of Pleppen im Piltenschen, with the consent and accession of the pledgee von Rönne, who, since the bee trunk was provided with the Courland indigenate, which at the same time transferred the complete right of inheritance and right of sale. With the transfer of ownership since 1807, a considerable amount of purchase backlog remained on the goods and was transferred from one owner to the other, one after the other. "

Bienemann also quotes elsewhere in old scientific books, for example in a footnote in the “Kurländische Güter-Chroniken. New episode "from 1890:

  • "1560 April and Septbr. House Commander of Dünamünde (Schirren, sources V. p. ZI. 322); 1561 June 20 Commander (!) Of Ascheraden (ibid. VII, p. 280. 324. 326. 327). - At the end of October 1561, after the two documents cited in the text had been issued, he was still a knight “1. o. "and envoy of the order master in Wilna (Bienemann, Letters and Urk. V, U 869, p. 234)."

Name bearer

  • Herbord Karl Friedrich Bienemann von Bienenstamm (1778–1840), private scholar, geographer and farmer.
  • Ludwig Georg Theodor Bienemann von Bienenstamm (Louis) (1794–1863), District Court Secretary in Hasenpoth .
  • Alexandrine Bienemann von Bienenstamm (also known as Marianne Henriette Alexandrine Bienemann), Mitau (1785–1830), daughter of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Angélique Goebel Kuldīga, Latvia (1850–1891), daughter of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Josephine Sofie Ida Schnobel.
  • Anna Emilie Helene von Klopmann, Mitau (1780–1801), daughter of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Anna / Annette Bienemann from Bienenstamm "Annette" Riga, Latvia (1780–1833), daughter of Carl Hermann Sorgenfrey and Susanna Dorothea Sorgefrey, wife of Herbold Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Anna Mathilda Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Mitau (1870 - d.), Daughter of Louis Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Eleonore / Laura Pawlowsky.
  • Bertha Gabriele Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Celle, Lower Saxony (1855–1938), daughter of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Josephine Sofie Ida Schnobel.
  • Cari Verena Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Dargi (1901 - d.), Daughter of Paul Louis Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Helene Ida Marie Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Caroline Antonie Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Mitau (1790–1852), daughter of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Detlev Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Cologne (1936), son of Hans Werner Bienemann von Bienenstamm
  • Eduard August Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Jelgava (1788–1812), son of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Egbert Philip Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Cologne (1938–2015), son of Hans Werner Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Eleonore Alexandra Bienemann from Bienenstamm, Pleppen (1802 - d.), Daughter of Herbold Carl Bienemann from Bienenstamm and Anna / Annette Bienemann from Bienenstamm.
  • Elisabeth Bienemann von Bienenstamm (1895 - d.), Daughter of Roman Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Alexandra Fürstin Giedroyc.
  • Hans Werner Peter Paul Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Danzig-Langfuhr (1906–1980), son of Peter Wilhelm Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Georgine Amalie Julie Wilhelmine Bianka Freiin von Puttkamer.
  • Helene Ida Marie Bienemann from Bienenstamm, Sülzhayn a. Harz (1875–1919), daughter of Paul Johann Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Caroline Auguste Bsse. from Drachenfels.
  • Herbert Roman Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Dargi (1903 - d.), Son of Paul Louis Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Helene Ida Marie Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Herbold Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Riga, Latvia (1778–1840), son of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Hermann Adolph Bienemann von Bienenstamm, St. Petersburg, Russia (1803–1853), son of Herbold Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Anna / Annette Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Ida Josephine Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Libau (1848–1911), daughter of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Josephine Sofie Ida Schnobel.
  • Ingeborg Margarethe Julie Anna Martha Bienemann from Bienenstamm, Schl. Corner b. Lemsal (1899 - d.), Daughter of Peter Wilhelm Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Georgine Amalie Julie Wilhelmine Bianka Freiin von Puttkammer.
  • Johanna / Jeannette Charlotte Wilhelmine von Harder, Mitau (1784–1843), daughter of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Karl Alfons Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Windau (1879–1880), son of Paul Johann Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Caroline Auguste Bsse. from Drachenfels.
  • Katharina Bienemann von Bienenstamm (1892 - d.), Daughter of Roman Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Alexandra Fürstin Giedroyc.
  • Kurt Peter Paul Roman Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Kokenhof (1903 - d.), Son of Peter Wilhelm Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Georgine Amalie Julie Wilhelmine Bianka Freiin von Puttkammer.
  • Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Hasenpoth (1794–1863), son of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Louis Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Mitau (1829–1903), son of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sylvia Seraphine May.
  • Marhgarethe Sophie Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Frauenburg (1872 - d.), Daughter of Paul Johann Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Caroline Auguste Bsse. from Drachenfels.
  • Natalie Catharina Pauline Bsse. von Rönne (also known as Catharina Pauline Natalie Bienemann), Mitau (1793–1854), daughter of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Catharina Antonie Beninga Bienemann, Mitau (1790–1852), married Theodor Baron von Rönne in 1822 (or von Roenne; died 1861).
  • Nikolai Bienemann von Bienenstamm (1903 - d.), Son of Roman Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Alexandra Fürstin Giedroyc.
  • Paul Johann Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm , Mentone (1843–1911), son of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Josephine Sofie Ida Schnobel.
  • Paul Louis Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Dargi (1868–1903), son of Louis Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Eleonore / Laura Pawlowsky, husband of Helene Ida Marie Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Pauline Söderhjelm, Jelgava, (1832–1890), daughter of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sylvia Seraphine May.
  • Peter Wilhelm Eduard Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Hagensberg near Riga, Latvia (1822–1896), son of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sylvia Seraphine May.
  • Peter Victor Bienemann von Bienenstamm (1810–1845), son of Herbold Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Anna / Annette Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Peter Theodor Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Hasenpoth (1826–1850), son of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sylvia Seraphine May.
  • Peter Wilhelm Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Gries near Bozen (1873–1914), son of Paul Johann Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Caroline Auguste Bsse. from Drachenfels.
  • Roman Theodor Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Windau (1877 - d.), Son of Paul Johann Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Caroline Auguste Bsse. from Drachenfels.
  • Roman Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Hasenpoth (1856 - d.), Son of Louis Georg Bar. Von Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Josephine Sofie Ida Schnobel, husband of Alexandra Fürstin Giedroyc.
  • Rosalie Bienenmann von Bienenstamm, Riga (1783–1830), daughter of Peter Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Sophie Margarethe Bienemann.
  • Sophie Adele Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Pleppen (1813–1858), daughter of Herbold Carl Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Anna / Annette Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Susanne Adele Bienemann from Bienenstamm, Libau (1808–1809), daughter of Herbold Carl Bienemann from Bienenstamm and Anna / Annette Bienemann from Bienenstamm.
  • Sylvia Lida Bienemann von Bienenstamm, Heidelberg (1863 - d.), Daughter of Peter Wilhelm Eduard Bienemann von Bienenstamm and clementine Johanna Bilterling.
  • Sylvia Seraphine May, Hasenpoth (1799–1839), daughter of Wilhelm May and Franziska May.
  • Vitalis Louis Bienemann von Bienestamm (1860–1928; died in Bad Oeynhausen), son of Peter Wilhelm Eduard Bienemann von Bienenstamm and Klementine Johanna Bilterling, brother of Sylvia Lida Bienemann von Bienenstamm.
  • Eduard Bienemann (or Stoffregen?) (1788–1812); It is said of him that he fell victim to hussars in Napoleon's campaign against Russia in 1812 .

Bourgeois family


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Digital Library - Munich Digitization Center. Retrieved April 6, 2018 .
  2. ^ According to the Genealogical Handbook of the Courland Knighthood
  3. GIMNAZJUM AKADEMICKIE - Encyklopedia Gdańska. Retrieved April 8, 2018 (Polish).
  4. ^ Archives for the history of Liv, Estonia and Curland . F. Kluge, 1842 ( [accessed April 8, 2018]).
  5. ^ "Johann Friedrich von Recke, Kaiserlich Russ. Council of State, Knights of the Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th Claw, Honorary Members of the Kaiserl. vénerie (note: 'Hetzjagd') to Motkwa (Moscow), the local natural research society, the Society of Foreigners of Russian Literature in St. Petersburg, and the Royal. Prussian German Society Koenigsberg. Also full member of the Courland Society for Literature and Art. Correspondent of the ... Committee of the Kaiserl. Philanthropic Society of St. Petersburg and the Royal Societiät der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen -, also director of the electoral Provinciäl Museum. ”Author is also: Karl Eduard Napiersky, preacher at Nen-Pebalg in Livonia and a full member of the Kurland Society for Literature and Art . (Ed.): General encyclopedia of writers and scholars of the provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland . bey (publisher) Johann Friedrich- Steffeiihagrn and son, Mitau Littauen 1827.
  6. ^ A b University of Michigan: General Lexicon of Writers and Scholars of the Provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland . Mitau. JF Steffenhagen and sohn, 1827 ( online [accessed April 7, 2018]).
  7. ^ H. von Bienenstamm: Geographical outline of the three German Baltic Sea provinces of Russia; or, the governorates of Ehst-, Liv- and Kurland . Deubner, 1826 ( [accessed April 7, 2018]).
  8. Herbord Karl Friedrich Bienemann von Bienenstamm: Geographical outline of the three Baltic Sea provinces of Russia, or the governorates of Ehst, Liv and Kurland .
  9. H. von BIENENSTAMM, Ernst August PFINGSTEN: New geographical-statistical description of the imperial-Russian governorate of Courland, or the former duchies of Courland and Semgallia, with the Pilten pen ... Viewed by EA Whitsun etc. [With maps.] Publisher by GN Renner , Mitau and Leipzig 1841 ( [accessed April 7, 2018]).
  10. akg-images - The anointing of the Grand Duchess Jelisaweta Alexejewna. Retrieved April 8, 2018 .
  11. ^ Konrad Christian (from) Stoffregen. Retrieved April 8, 2018 .
  12. ^ Oskar Stavenhagen and Wedig Baron von der Osten-Sacken: Genealogical manual of the Baltic knighthoods . Part: Courland. (Editor's note: “Along with Zemgallia, Central Livonia and Latgale, Courland is one of the four historical landscapes of Latvia.”) . Ed .: Associations of the Livonian, Estonian and Courlandic nobility. 1st edition. Delivery 8. Publishing house for family research and heraldry SH Starke (owner Hans Kretschmer), Görlitz i. Schlesien., Görlitz 1930, p. 626 p .
  13. Internet Archive Search: General Lexicon of Writers and Scholars of the Provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland. Accessed April 7, 2018 .
  14. ^ Wilfried Schlau : Social history of the Baltic Germans. 2nd edition Cologne: Verl. Wiss. und Politik 2000 (Library Science and Politics 61), ISBN 3-8046-8876-4 , p. 148.
  15. On the background of the wave of reception around 1800, Mathias Mesenhöller: Ständische Modernisierung. The Courland Knighthood Nobility 1760–1830. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 2009 ISBN 978-3-05-004754-6 (= change of the elite in modernity 9), p. 69, note 209.
  16. Gut Garrosen. Retrieved April 6, 2018 .
  17. a b Zudusī Latvija - Garozas muiža. Retrieved April 6, 2018 (Latvian).
  18. a b Zudusī Latvija - Garozas muižas kungu māja. Retrieved April 6, 2018 (Latvian).
  19. a b Garozas muiža. Lambārtes muiža - Imants Lancmanis - - Grāmatu draugs. Retrieved April 7, 2018 (Latvian).
  20. Imants Lancmanis: Garozas muiža, Lambārtes muiža Garrosen, Lambertshof . Rundāles Pils Muzejs, [Rundāle] 2001, ISBN 9984-9098-9-1 ( [accessed April 6, 2018]).
  21. Zudusī Latvija. Retrieved April 6, 2018 (Latvian).
  22. Izdota grāmata “Vidzemes muižu arhitektūra” | Rundāles pils. Retrieved April 7, 2018 (Latvian).
  23. Garozas muižas kungu mājas drupas (8 photos) - Latvijas skatkartes. Accessed April 7, 2018 .
  24. Bienemann from Bienenstamm (13). from: “Genealogical handbook of the Baltic knighthoods, -…” (no year). Bavarian State Library, accessed on April 6, 2018 .
  25. a b Foreign goods chronicles. New episode. Edited and published on behalf of the Courland Knighthood Comité. First delivery. Retrieved April 6, 2018 .
  26. Anonymous: Courland goods chronicles: New series. I-II delivery, (Kautzmünde, Ruhenthal, Schwitten) . 1890 ( online [accessed April 6, 2018]).
  27. Louis von Bienenstamm: Collection of the explanations and supplements to the Courland Farmers Ordinance ... regulations and ordinances, arranged in alphabetical excerpts and written by L. von Bienenstamm. 3rd revised edition . 1858 ( [accessed April 6, 2018]).