Bill Lowe

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Bill Lowe (* 1946 in Pittsburgh as William C. Lowe ) is an American jazz musician ( trombone , bass trombone , tuba ), composer and university lecturer.

Live and act

Bill Lowe worked in the course of his career since the 1970s a. a. with Frank Foster , Clark Terry , Eartha Kitt , Phyllis Hyman , Cecil Taylor , Henry Threadgill , William Parker , Ed Blackwell , Muhal Richard Abrams , Bill Dixon , Bill Barron , Makanda Ken McIntyre , Jabbo Ware, and Alan Silva ; He also belonged to the big bands of Thad Jones , Jaki Byard and the Creative Improvisers Orchestra (1982) and Collective Black Artists . He has been on the Connecticut and Boston jazz scenes since the 1990s . He was co-leader of the Boston Jazz Repertory Orchestra , the Bill Lowe / Carl Atkins Big Band and the formation Signifyin 'Natives . Since the late 1990s he has been a member of the Aardvark Jazz Orchestra ( The Seeker , Impressions ); in the 2010s he played in the sextet of his student Taylor Ho Bynum ( Apparent Distance , 2012, and Enter the Plustet , 2016).

Lowe composed a number of major musical works, including the opera Reb’s Last Funeral, as well as for the multimedia project Signifyin 'Natives and the musical theater piece Crossing John at the Crossroads . He has taught at various colleges and universities such as Barnard College, Columbia University , the University of Pennsylvania , Wesleyan University , Yale University in Connecticut and at the City University of New York . From 1989 to 2005 he was Associate Professor of African American Studies and Music at Northeastern University in Boston, then Lowe became Professor at Columbia University's Center for Jazz Studies . He is also an adjunct professor at the New England Conservatory .

Discographic notes

Individual evidence

  1. Hartford Jazz Society ( Memento of the original from October 11, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (pdf; 25 kB)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Bill Lowe at Discogs (English)
  3. ^ Bill Lowe, Distinguished Jazz Trombonist, to be our Sterling Brown Professor, Spring, 2011