Diocese of Cametá

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Diocese of Cametá
Basic data
Country Brazil
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Belém do Pará
Diocesan bishop José Altevir da Silva CSSp
founding 1952
surface 48,309 km²
Parishes 20 (31.12.2016 / AP2017 )
Residents 558,000 (December 31, 2016 / AP2017 )
Catholics 380,000 ( 12/31/2016 / AP2017 )
proportion of 68.1%
Diocesan priest 24 (31.12.2016 / AP2017 )
Religious priest 4 (31.12.2016 / AP2017 )
Catholics per priest 13,571
Permanent deacons 7 (31.12.2016 / AP2017 )
Friars 6 (December 31, 2016 / AP2017 )
Religious sisters 38 (December 31, 2016 / AP2017 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Portuguese
cathedral São João Batista

The diocese Cametá ( lat. : Dioecesis Cametanensis ) is in Brazil located Roman Catholic diocese based in Cametá in the state of Pará .


The Territorial Prelature Cametá was on November 29, 1952 by Pope Pius XII. Erected with the Pontifical Bull Providentissimi consilium from cessions of territory of the Archdiocese of Belém do Pará and subordinated to this as a suffragan .

On February 6, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI. the territorial prelature to the diocese. The previous prelate Jesús María Cizaurre Berdonces also became the first diocesan bishop.


Prelates of Cametá

Bishops of Cametá

See also

Web links