Bodo Buhl

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Bodo Buhl (born August 15, 1951 in Marienweiher , Upper Franconia ; † August 21, 2010 in Munich ) was a German painter and sculptor who dealt with sculptures, photographs, drawings and digital image processes.


Bodo Buhl was born on Aug. 15, 1951 in Marienweiher / Ofr. born. After graduating from high school in 1972, he moved to Munich , where he lived and worked until his death on Aug. 21, 2010. After briefly studying art history, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich between 1973 and 1979 . He studied painting and art history with Horst Sauerbruch and after 4 semesters switched to Hans Baschang's class . There he was a master student and got his diploma. During his studies, he spent several long periods in the USA, mainly in New York . In 1981 he received a scholarship for fine artists in Munich. After the first participation in exhibitions and a solo exhibition in the Wittenbrink Gallery in Regensburg, a working grant from the Kunstfonds Bonn Foundation followed in 1985 and funding from the BDI Kulturkreis in 1992. His artistic work was awarded the State Capital of Munich's Prize for Fine Arts in 1987 and the State Capital of Munich's Art Prize in 1999. Own works by Bodo Buhl a. a. Municipal gallery in the Lenbachhaus Munich, Bavarian State Painting Collections Munich and FRAC Rhône-Alpes, Saint Etienne.


Exhibitions (selection)

Literature (selection)

  • Bodo Buhl - ULTRA Kunstverein Munich e. V., Munich 1988, ISBN 978-3923357994
  • Bodo Buhl, le tableau cubiste Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich 1988, ISBN 3886450805 .
  • Pinakothek der Moderne. Painting, sculpture, new media. Dumont Literature and Art Publishing, Munich, ISBN 978-3832172237 .
  • Drawings 1999–2005 Ed .: Belleville Verlag Michael Farin, Munich 2005, ISBN 978-3936298451 .

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