Bremischer Deichverband on the left bank of the Weser

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The Ochtum also falls within the association area of ​​the Bremischer Deichverband on the left bank of the Weser

The Bremen Dike Association on the left bank of the Weser is one of the two main dike associations in the city of Bremen .


The Bremische Deichverband on the left bank of the Weser was founded by a decree of the city on September 30, 1947 . The then independent dyke associations of Neustadt , Obervielands , Niedervielands and Huchtings, as well as another 23 dam and water associations, merged into it.


The Deichverband is true to the law on water and soil associations of February 12, 1991, a public corporation with self-government . This means that it is subject to the public interest and the benefit of its members. Anyone who owns or leases a property in the association's territory is automatically a member.

The three self-governing bodies of the association are the dike office, the budget committee and the board of directors. Legal supervision was transferred from the Bremen Senator for the Interior to the Senator for Environmental Protection and Urban Development in the 1990s , so that the Senator for Environment, Building and Transport is currently the sole supervisory authority of the Deichverband.

Dike office

The electoral districts of the Bremischer Deichverband on the left bank of the Weser

The 20-person dyke office is appointed every five years by postal vote by the association members. For this purpose, 20 constituencies were set up.

The tasks and rights of this highest decision-making body include changing the association's statutes, setting the annual budget and passing resolutions on general decrees and regulations. In addition, the dike office elects the five-person board (the dike captain is the speaker ) and the budget committee.

Budget Committee

The small budget committee is a sub-organ of the dyke office and is responsible for monitoring the finances of the association. He also takes part in an advisory role in drawing up the budget.


The board of the Bremen Deichverband on the left bank of the Weser is elected by the members of the Deichamt for five years and consists of the head ( called Deichhauptmann ), the deputy head (II. Deichhauptmann) and three assessors.

The executive board, as the highest association body, is guided in its management according to the stipulations of the dyke office and mainly deals with the preparation of the annual accounts as well as with personnel decisions. The dike captain as the legal chairman of the association represents it in public affairs.


The Mühlenhaus pumping station in Niedervieland on the border between Strom and Seehausen drains the Mühlenhauser Fleet into the Ochtum.

The Deichverband takes care of water management tasks in the city of Bremen to the left of the Weser.

In detail these are:

  • Securing and maintaining a regulated flow of watercourses,
  • Drainage of the properties belonging to the association ,
  • Checking the dikes for possible damage,
  • Fix this damage and

In 2005, the association had a budget of 2,650,000 euros through membership fees to fulfill these tasks .

Association area

The Huchting-Nord pumping station drains most of Huchting , but not Grolland .
Lock at the dam of the Alte Ochtum on the edge of the Warfeld ½ km downstream of the Wardamm (Whs. To the stork's nest )

The area of ​​responsibility of the Bremischer Deichverband on the left bank of the Weser extends over all those areas of the city which are on the left side of the main river Weser. This association is responsible for watercourses with a total length of about 127 kilometers.

Dressing systems

Large parts of Bremen (approx. 85% of the urban area) are below the mean tidal high water level and are therefore at risk of flooding and storm tides . For this reason, on the left side of the Weser, the association maintains stream and river dikes at Ochtum, Weser and Varreler Bäke with a total length of 63.5 kilometers. A 26-kilometer network of dike defense routes extends over this area, which is primarily intended to facilitate easy access for emergency workers in the event of an emergency. However, they are also popular with pedestrians and cyclists.

The association oversees 11 sluices , 20 pumping stations (whose respective outputs are between 25 and 4,000 liters per second), 50 dams in canals and ditches and a few small weirs .

Further water and soil associations in Bremen

The area to the right of the Weser falls under the jurisdiction of the Bremischer Deichverband on the right bank of the Weser .

The area of ​​the water and soil association Dahlwas is in the Hemelinger- , Arberger- and Mahndorfer Marsch - mainly between the federal highway 1 and the Weser. The main task of the small association is to create the conditions for optimal agricultural use of the member areas.

There are other small water and soil associations in the Wümmeniederung and in Bremen-Nord .

See also


  • Gabriele Hoffmann (Ed.): 900 years of wet feet - landscape of dykes and ditches . HM Hauschild, Bremen 1990, ISBN 3-926598-34-4 .

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