Bremischer Deichverband on the right bank of the Weser

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The Bremische Deichverband on the right bank of the Weser is the largest of eleven water and soil associations in the city of Bremen .

Organization and financing

The dike association on the right bank of the Weser was founded on the basis of the First Ordinance on Water and Soil Associations of September 3, 1937 and already put together its first economic plan for 1937. It was created by the merger of 27 independent associations: the dike associations , storage associations , Sielachten , drainage associations and irrigation cooperatives . After the legal basis was changed by a new water association law in 1991, the tasks of the state supervisory authority were increasingly shifted to the association in the following years. Today it has around 88,000 member properties.

The Deichverband has the legal form of a corporation under public law with self-administration . Members are mainly the property owners and leaseholders within the association area, whose properties are listed in the list of members. The properties north of the Lesum on the Geest are not affected.

Self-governing bodies are the dike office and the board . The dike office is the representative assembly and thus the highest decision-making body of the association members. It consists of 30 representatives who are elected in direct, free, equal and secret voting by the association members - these are the landowners - for a period of 5 years. The board is elected by the Deichamt and consists of 5 volunteer members. The chairman of the board is called Deichhauptmann in Bremen . He is the legal representative of the association.

Legal supervision was transferred from the Bremen Senator for the Interior to the Senator for Environmental Protection and Urban Development in the 1990s , so that the Senator for Environment, Building and Transport is currently the sole supervisory authority of the Deichverband.

The Deichverband receives a financial allocation from the municipality for contract services it has taken on. The original association tasks are financed by the mandatory contributions of the property owners. The amount of the respective contribution is based on the standard values.


Kuhsiel pumping station and lock at the northern end of the Kuhgraben
New pumping station Wasserhorst with machine fleet
New pumping station in Wasserhorst, pump house below the bridge

Apart from areas of smaller associations in Bremen-Nord and in the Wümmeniederung, the Deichverband has the predominant responsibility for water management tasks in the city area of ​​Bremen to the right of the Weser.

The main tasks of the association are:

In fulfilling these tasks, the association has to protect and promote the interests of nature and environmental protection in accordance with its own statutes .

Association area

The association's area of ​​22,000 hectares extends over all parts of the city of Bremen that are on the right bank of the Weser. The association also looks after part of the neighboring community of Lilienthal in Lower Saxony .

Dressing systems

Reference to the dike sovereignty of the Bremischer Deichverband on the right bank of the Weser on the protective wall in the city area, at the level of the Schlachte

Large parts of Bremen (approx. 85% of the urban area) are below the mean tidal high water level and are therefore at risk of flooding and storm tides . 96 km of state protection dykes and flood walls on the Weser, Lesum and Wümme, with parts of the Weser dune and the Weser sand terrace in the east, form a protective ring around the city on the right bank of the Weser. The water level in this area is regulated over 645 km of main watercourses, of which the association maintains around 382 km. 13 pumping stations and sewage systems as well as approx. 50 culture dams are operated for irrigation and drainage . Then there is the storm surge barrier on the Lesum .

A large proportion of the electrical energy requirement is covered by two wind turbines . A plant built in 1992 supplies the depot at Kreuzdeich in Hollerland , another one has been supplying the main pumping station in Wasserhorst in Blockland since 2000. Surpluses from both systems are fed into the public power grid.

Further water and soil associations in Bremen

The area of ​​the water and soil association Dahlwas is in the Hemelinger- , Arberger- and Mahndorfer Marsch , mainly between the federal highway 1 and the Weser. The main task of the small association is to create the conditions for optimal agricultural use of the member areas.

Other small water and soil associations exist in the Wümmeniederung and - north of the Lesum - in Bremen-Nord.

The area of ​​the Bremen Deichverband on the right bank of the Weser covers the areas of the water and soil associations mentioned. There he only performs tasks related to flood protection.

The area of ​​the Bremen Dike Association on the left bank of the Weser surrounds the area on the left bank of the Weser with Ochtum and Varreler Bäke .

See also


  1. ^ First Water Association Ordinance, Reichsgesetzblatt I, page 933


  • Ruprecht Großmann: The Bremen Dike Association on the right bank of the Weser - history, legal basis, tasks . HM Hauschild, Bremen 2005, ISBN 3-89757-278-8 .
  • Gabriele Hoffmann (Ed.): 900 years of wet feet - landscape of dykes and ditches . HM Hauschild, Bremen 1990, ISBN 3-926598-34-4 .

Web links

Coordinates: 53 ° 7 ′ 43 ″  N , 8 ° 52 ′ 17 ″  E