Federal Committee for Competitive Sport

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The Federal Committee for Competitive Sport (BAL) was the coordinating body of (West) German elite sport and was responsible for ensuring that the Federal Republic of Germany was able to keep up with international developments between 1972 and 1988.


The BAL was founded in 1961 as a committee for the scientific and methodological promotion of competitive sport . Since the National Olympic Committee (NOK) was responsible for the Olympic teams , for the training and the competitions in the four years between the Olympic Games , the aim was to promote the continuous interdisciplinary tasks of competitive sport in the Federal Republic. With Josef Nöcker , a physician was hired as chairman, who also became Chef de Mission at the Olympic Games. To appoint a GDR refugee who had made a career in the West as Chef de Mission was perceived by the GDR as a serious affront, which released even more energies, finally to provide the Chef de Mission itself with a larger share of the team can. With Siegfried Perrey , an assertive organizer was appointed as a full-time leader, but he could not change the autonomy of the sports associations.

Blossom of the BAL

After the 1968 Summer Olympics had led to a further decline in performance compared to the GDR and the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich saw the embarrassment of falling significantly behind the GDR, the Federal Committee for the Promotion of Competitive Sport (BAL) became an extensive one in the structure of the German Sports Confederation integrated facility on March 1, 1969. The BAL should become the central organ of the umbrella organizations for the planning and coordination of top-class sport with the aim of improving technical, methodological and scientific support for the training process in all sports . For this purpose, professional associations, their presidents and sports officials, national coaches (the first was Karl Adam , who set the important course), but also top athletes and the executive director for the BAL should be represented on the honorary board . For this purpose, three advisory boards and two commissions were set up so that the elected representatives on the BAL board could have feedback on their respective bases. The most important tasks for the BAL were defined: detailed training planning, training and competition analyzes, medical care and examinations, trainer training and further education as well as the provision of modern information media. At the same time, the sports committee of the German Bundestag was formed, as the BAL should also have an important technical advisory function for the federal government and the Bundestag. The plans of BAL and professional associations should form the basis for the annual plans of the professional associations. The principles of periodising athletic training should be implemented consistently. Only those associations that planned scientifically should receive optimal funding in the future. The new BAL was given a special framework. At the same time, the BAL also worked as a technical commission to the NOK for Germany for competitive sports. The honorary chairman of the BAL was also Vice-President of the DSB, the Executive Director (initially Helmut Meyer ) was the head of the competitive sport department at the DSB. With Tomasz Lempart as one of Meyer's deputies, the principles of the Eastern Bloc's performance planning were introduced . Lempart had already been active in a similar position for the Polish sport for over 12 years and developed plans based on modern training science , which Meyer implemented with skill. The BAL became particularly well known for its medal predictions and analyzes of the Olympic Games.

In the plans, the question arose of the relationship between central and peripheral, federal and state. Richard Möll and Manfred Eglin were among the representatives of the federalist orientation . The BAL emphasized the central responsibility, the countries the principle that he who pays, also determines. The division of the cadres into federal and state cadres, the division of the bases into federal and state bases, the mixed financing of the Olympic bases , many coaches can only be explained by the federal structure of the federal government. The central measures also included sports science (Director Dietrich Martin ), trainer training and further education (Director Rolf Andresen ), and publications for trainers (the competitive sport magazine and trainer library under the direction of Peter Tschiene and Arnd Krüger ). As one of the consequences of the work of the BAL, the Cologne Trainer Academy was founded in 1974 .

With the broadening of the sports science base in the professional associations, the trainer academy and the expansion of the sports science university institutes, the knowledge advantage of the BAL compared to the base in the associations decreased. While at the beginning in the planning discussions between the federal government and the professional associations of the BAL the direction was given, with the cooperation model for competitive sport (December 6th 1975) the function was reduced to that of a consultant and mediator. The declaration of principle for top-class sport (June 11, 1977) then set further limits for the BAL, as doping - whether or not verifiable in controls - was frowned upon. The 1980 Olympic boycott deprived the BAL of the fruit of four years of work and threw it back in its function. The approval of the amateur regulations in 1981 further changed the work of the BAL, because while football had previously had its own responsibility, individual specially sponsored sports teams or athletes have now left the BAL's funding system. With the guidelines for top-class sport (June 8, 1985), funding is increasingly switched to the individual athlete for whom a kind of career planning is initiated.

From 1989 to 1992 Rolf Andresen was the executive director of the BAL, whose task it fell to organize the integration of competitive sport in the GDR into that of the Federal Republic. He helped ensure that essential institutions of top-class GDR sport were given a guarantee of existence in the unification treaty in order to guarantee that the GDR's knowledge of training science was adopted. Since the extent of centrally controlled doping in the GDR and decentralized doping in the Federal Republic was not sufficiently known, one of his main tasks was to interweave two doping systems that were not congruent. From 1992 to 1995 Peter Holz headed the BAL. It had to do with the widening gap between East and West. Because up to the Olympic Games in 1992 two separate cadres East and West were led with appropriate coaches, but then the cut was made and Holz had to make it.

Competitive Sports (BL)

His successor as Managing Director of the BAL was Armin Baumert (1995-2004), who had done a very good job as the state trainer for athletics in Berlin. The role of the BAL as a coordinating body was retained, but no new essential processes were initiated, as the institutions of the former GDR such as the Institute for Applied Training Science now took over the management. The president of the DSB Manfred von Richthofen then downgraded the relatively independent BAL to the field of competitive sports (BL) of the DSB. As a Rhinelander in Berlin, Baumert was used to dealing with the different East and West German mentalities and was thus able to advance East-West integration. His deputy in the BAL became his successor. Jörg Ziegler headed the BAL from 2004 to 2006 before he became General Secretary of the German Volleyball Association . He was succeeded by Bernhard Schwank , who was previously the General Secretary of the National Olympic Committee, which was merging with the DSB at the time. The DOSB and its competitive sports division is (today - 2014) accused of a lack of competence and irresponsibility because of the wrong prognoses from the director, the vice president of competitive sports to the head of the competitive sports department of Helmut Digel .

The honorary chairmen were Claus Heß , President of the German Rowing Association (1969–1971), Hermann Karg , President of the German Swimming Association (1971–1974), Heinz Fallak , Sports Manager of the German Athletics Association (1974–1988) Ulrich Feldhoff , President of the German Canoeing Association (1988–2006), Eberhard Gienger , Member of the Bundestag, Artistic Gymnastics (2006–2010), Christa Thiel , President of the German Swimming Association (since 2010).


  • Deutscher Sportbund (Ed.): German Sport. 19th edition. DSB, Frankfurt am Main 2003. (online)
  • Arnd Krüger , Uta Engels: 30 years of 'competitive sport': aspiration and reality. In: competitive sport. 31 (2001), 5, pp. 3-9.
  • Friedrich Mevert: Shadow Look . In: Geschichte / 191: Sports-political documents from seven decades of post-war history, part 61 (DOSB). (on-line)
  • Friedrich Mevert: Shadow Look . In: Geschichte / 125: German sports policy 40 years ago (DOSB). (on-line)
  • Giselher Spitzer , Erik Eggers u. a. (Ed.): Victories at any price . The workshop, Göttingen 2013.

Individual evidence

  1. Archive link ( Memento from May 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Karl Adam: Competitive sport: sense and nonsense . Nymphenburger Verlag, Munich 1975, ISBN 3-485-01835-X .
  3. ^ Friedrich Mevert: German sports policy 40 years ago. In: Geschichte / 125: German sports policy 40 years ago (DOSB). DOSB-Presse No. 15 / April 7th, 2009. The article and information service of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB). (online, viewed October 3, 2014)
  4. u. a. Tomasz Lempart, Lothar Spitz: Problems of high-performance sport. Olympic Analysis Montreal 1976. Bartels & Wernitz, Berlin 1979.
  5. ^ Arnd Krüger : Sport and Politics. From gymnastics father Jahn to state amateur. Torch bearer, Hanover 1975, p. 134ff.
  6. Deutscher Sportbund (Ed.): Deutscher Sportbund 1974–1978. DSB, Frankfurt am Main 1978, p. 241.
  7. ^ Helmut Digel (2014): Wrong prognoses and responsibility. Olympic Fire 64: 1, pp. 16f .; http://www.dog-bewegt.de/fileadmin/images/Interaktiv/OF/2014/OF_1-2014_web.pdf
