Camille Zaidan

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Camille Zaidan (born March 9, 1944 in Kassaibé ; † October 21, 2019 ) was a Lebanese clergyman and Maronite archbishop of Antelia .


After completing his theological training at the Maron von Beit seminar in Ghazir and completing his university studies at the Université Saint-Joseph in Beirut, Camille Zaidan was ordained a priest on October 23, 1971 in Beirut . He was pastor in the Brummana parish and pastor of the Rabieh Church of the Resurrection . In 1997 he became Protosingel in the Archeparchy of Antelia .

In 1980 he received his PhD in both philosophy and theology from the Catholic University of America in Washington. He was professor of linguistics and hermeneutics at the Heilig-Geist-Universität Kaslik and the Lebanese University in Beirut as well as vice-rector and later rector of the St. Joseph School in Qurnat Schahwan . He was also Secretary General of Catholic Schools in Lebanon (General Secretariat of Catholic Schools of Lebanon (SGEC-L)) and Director of the International Catholic Office for Education (Office International de l'Enseignement Catholique (OIEC)), later its honorary member. He was National Chaplain of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Lebanon and from 1997 Vicar General of the Maronite Diocese of Antélias.

On June 6, 2011, the Synod of Bishops of the Maronite Bishops elected him as Curia Bishop in Antioch and Patriarchal Vicar . Pope Benedict XVI confirmed the appointment on August 13 of the same year and appointed him titular bishop of Ptolemais in Phenicia dei Maroniti . The Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and the whole of the Orient , Béchara Pierre Raï OMM , ordained him episcopal on September 23 of the same year ; Co-consecrators were the Archbishop Emeritus Ante Lien, Joseph Mohsen Béchara , and the emeritus Curia Bishop of Antioch , Samir Mazloum .

In June 2012, the Synod of Bishops of the Maronite Bishops elected him Archbishop of Antelias . Pope Benedict XVI confirmed the appointment on June 16 of the same year. He was chairman of the organizing committee for the reception of Pope Benedict XVI. in Lebanon in September 2012.

Zaidan was the author of several books and articles on education in Lebanon and Lebanese culture on behalf of Unesco . In addition to Arabic, he spoke French and English as well as Syriac and Latin.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Biography of Camille Zaidan on . accessed on October 23, 2019
  2. a b RINUNCE E NOMINE: Camille Zaidan on from August 13, 2011, accessed on October 23, 2019 (it.)
predecessor Office successor
Joseph Mohsen Béchara Archeparchy Antelien