Carl Johann Lasch

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Carl Johann Lasch (born July 1, 1822 in Leipzig , † August 28, 1888 in Moscow ) was a German painter .


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Lasch began his artistic studies at the Dresden Art Academy and became a private student of Eduard Bendemann around 1838 . With his recommendation, Lasch came to the Munich Art Academy in 1844 , where he became a student of Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld and Wilhelm Kaulbach . Under their influence, Lasch created several history pictures , including a. Enzio in prison , Eberhard the bushy beard and The Singers' War on the Wartburg .

After a study tour of Italy, he went to Moscow for almost ten years in 1847 to carry out a number of commissions in the portrait field . Between 1857 and 1859 Lasch lived and worked in Paris , where he stayed for two years. Here he painted Tannhäuser and Venus , Tintoretto , his daughter a. v. a. He also studied the works of old and new masters in the galleries.

Lasch was a member of the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts , the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the St. Petersburg Academy of Art .

At the beginning of 1859 he went to Moscow for a year and after his return in 1860 he settled in Düsseldorf as a successful freelance artist and became a member of the artists' association Malkasten . The first painting he completed there was Eginhard and Emma . As a result, however, Lasch devoted himself increasingly to genre painting .

In 1869 King Wilhelm I of Prussia honored him with the title of professor. Carl Lasch died in 1888 at the age of 66.


He was married to Sophie Ferrein. They had a son and two daughters:

  • Hermann Lasch , landscape painter, born in Düsseldorf in 1861, died there in 1926
  • Helene (Nelly) Lasch, born in Düsseldorf in 1862, died in Moscow in 1896
  • Else Lasch, born in Düsseldorf in 1870, died in Moscow in 1918

Both daughters were married to the Russian manufacturer Eduard Rabeneck.

Works (selection)

  • Apothéose de Henri IV , 1858, copy after Peter Paul Rubens (Paris, AMN c)
  • Portrait de jeune Femme , whereabouts unknown (Salon 1859, No. 497)
  • Le Tannhaeuser , whereabouts unknown (ibid., No. 496; Boetticher)
  • Tintoretto and his daughter , whereabouts unknown (Boetticher).
  • Kinderlust (1862, Dresden Gallery)
  • At the young widow's (engraved by Vogel)
  • Coming home from the parish fair
  • The village doctor embarrassed
  • Behind the mill
  • The old school teacher's birthday (1866, National Gallery in Berlin)
  • The Arrest (1872);
  • Orphaned (1874)
  • Singing girls at the edge of the forest (1875)
  • Mühlenthal Castle (1875)
  • David and Jonathan (Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf)
  • Swabian Wedding Painting (Vollmer Collection Foundation)
  • Baroness von Knoop (Foundation Vollmer Collection)
  • Baron von Knoop (Vollmer Collection Foundation)
  • Gustav Bunge (1872)
  • August Bolten (1883)
  • Adolph Godeffroy (1882)


  • Eva Knels: Lasch, Carl Johann In: Savoy, Bénédicte and Nerlich, France (Ed.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital. Volume 2: 1844-1870. Berlin / Boston 2015.
  • Lasch, Karl Johann . In: Friedrich von Boetticher : painter works of the nineteenth century. Contribution to art history . Volume I, Dresden 1891, p. 811.

Web links

Commons : Carl Johann Lasch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Swabian wedding painting, 1868
  2. ^ Portrait of the Baroness von Knoop, 1874
  3. ^ Portrait of the Baron von Knoop, 1878