Carl Leistler

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Carl Leistler (* 1805 in Vienna ; † September 25, 1857 in Kalksburg ) was an Austrian furniture and parquet manufacturer and founder of the kuk Hof parquet factory Carl Leistler & Sohn .


Mathias Leistler founded the company in 1794. On July 23, 1828, the joinery in Josefstadt was taken over by his son Carl Leistler. In 1842 a factory for the production of furniture, fine joiner's goods and parquet was built in Gumpendorf , which was the first in Vienna to be equipped with woodworking machines brought from France . In the years 1842 to 1847 the company took part in the adaptation work in the Majoratshaus of Prince Alois von und zu Liechtenstein by producing the finest carpentry, furniture and parquet floors in the Palais on Bankgasse . The works were among the best examples of the so-called "Second Rococo ".

In 1850, the princely Alois Liechtenstein castle in Rabensburg in Lower Austria was bought and a second factory and a sawmill built according to the English system under the company "Gebrüder Leistler" were set up, where mainly solid parquets and boards made of oak and ash wood and especially dimensional wood for the wagon construction of the Kaiser Ferdinands-Nordbahn and the Imperial and Royal Austrian State Railways . In 1867 this factory was closed and the parquet production was incorporated into the Viennese establishment.

In 1851 Leistler took part in the Great Exhibition . Four room furnishings were exhibited, which were commissioned by Prince Liechtenstein to designs by Bernado di Bernardis in the style of the Renaissance , Louis XIV. And Louis XV. were executed. Anton Seuffert (1815–1887), who later founded an important carpentry dynasty in England and New Zealand , was entrusted with the execution of a large neo-Gothic bookcase , which was shown at the exhibition. The design came from di Bernadis and Joseph Kranner , the oak work was carried out by Anton Dominik Fernkorn and Franz Maler . This monumental bookcase was later given to Queen Victoria by Emperor Franz Joseph I and is now in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London under inventory number W.12-1967.

Another work that attracted attention was a sumptuous canopy bed with rich figural and ornamental carvings and elaborate draperies. Leistler received first prize, the Council Medal, for these products at the world exhibition.

Other deliveries were the pulpit and the canons' chairs for the Metropolitan Capitel in Gran (1854) and mahogany doors with paneling and superports for the Sultan in Constantinople (1855).

Carl Leistler sen. was honored with the golden cross of merit with the crown and carried the kuk court title . After his death, his son continued the company "Carl Leistler & Sohn" and concentrated more on parquet production.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brian Peet: The Seuffert Legacy: New Zealand Colonial Master Craftsmen: The craft of Anton Seuffert & his sons William, Albert & Carl . Icarus Publishing, 2008, ISBN 978-0-473-12612-4 (English, ). The Seuffert Legacy: New Zealand Colonial Master Craftsmen: The craft of Anton Seuffert & his sons William, Albert & Carl ( Memento of the original from September 9, 2012 in the web archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Video: Installing the Leistler Bookcase. (No longer available online.) Victoria & Albert Museum, February 23, 2010, archived from the original on February 3, 2009 ; accessed on February 23, 2010 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
