Carl von Ahlefeldt

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Carl Graf von Ahlefeldt

Carl Graf von Ahlefeldt (* 25. April 1670 in Hardenburg , † 7. September 1722 in Gråsten ) was a statesman , Lehnsgraf of Langeland Castle Tranekær and district administrator on Langeland and governor of Schleswig-Holstein. He was the builder of Schloss Gravenstein and Schloss Sorgenfri .


Carl von Ahlefeldt was the youngest son of the noble landowner Friedrich Graf von Ahlefeldt , royal Danish governor of Schleswig and Holstein and governor of Süderdithmarschen, lord of Rixingen in the diocese of Metz and of Mörsberg in Sundgau , and his second wife Maria Elisabeth née. Countess of Leiningen-Dagsburg (1648–1724).

After the death of his father in 1686, he inherited the Lorraine-Alsatian dominions of Rixingen and Mörsberg , which he sold to his brother-in-law, Count Friedrich Ludwig von Nassau zu Ottweiler , and after the death of his older brothers in 1708, the county of Langeland on the eponymous Danish island. He also owned the Ballegård, Gravenstein and Seegaard estates in North Schleswig.

Von Ahlefeldt was the Royal Danish Chamberlain , Privy Councilor , Praefectus supremus of the Royal Academy Sorø , Governor of Schleswig-Holstein and holder of the Dannebrog Order . On April 27, 1703 he was awarded the Order of the Elephants in Copenhagen by King Frederick IV of Denmark and Norway .

In 1705/06 he had Sorgefri Castle built, which, like Gravenstein, came into royal possession in 1730; both are still residences of the Danish royal family.

He was married to Ulrica Amalie Antoinette geb. von Danneskiold-Laurvig (1686–1755) from a morganatic descendant of the Danish royal family. With her he had the children Friedrich , Ulrich Carl , Conrad Wilhelm and Marie Antoinette .
