Charly Steinberger

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Charly Steinberger (born November 3, 1937 in Schalchen ; born Karl Steinberger ; † March 27, 2019 ) was an Austrian cameraman .

He was first a photographer and then a camera assistant . From 1964 he worked as a chief cameraman. After working for a long time in television, he was behind the camera for the first time in a feature film in 1969. Several film adaptations of the novels by Johannes Mario Simmel with director Alfred Vohrer go to his account. For his camera work in the productions One of Us Two and God Protects the Lovers , he received the gold tape in 1974 .

He directed the erotic film Monika and the Sixteen Year Olds , in which Liselotte Pulver and Klausjürgen Wussow also played, for the only time. He has a son (* 1976) from his divorced marriage to actress Susanne Uhlen in 1984 .

Charly Steinberger died on March 27, 2019 at the age of 81.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Charly Steinberger obituary notice. In: Münchner Merkur . April 4, 2019, accessed April 17, 2019 .