Christoph Knauer

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Christoph Knauer (born January 13, 1971 in Landsberg am Lech ) is a German lawyer and honorary professor for white collar crime and criminal law revision at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .


From 1990 to 1995 Knauer studied law at the universities of Munich ( Ludwig Maximilians University Munich ) and Cambridge. After the first state examination, he worked from 1995 to 2000 as an assistant at the Institute for All Criminal Law Studies at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich with Claus Roxin . Since then he has been a lecturer in criminal law and criminal procedure law. In 2000 he received his doctorate. In 2002 he passed the second state examination in law. Knauer initially worked from 2002 to 2005 as senior editor at the CH Beck publishing house and in 2005 became head of the legal publishing group at Wolters Kluwer Deutschland GmbH .

After his time in the legal publishing industry, he joined the law firm Ufer Amelung Rechtsanwälte (now Ufer Knauer Rechtsanwälte ) as of counsel in 2007 . Between 2008 and 2009 he continued to work as a publishing division manager and authorized signatory at Verlag CH Beck . Knauer has been a partner in the law firm Ufer Knauer Rechtsanwälte in Munich since 2009. In March 2015 he was appointed honorary professor for the fields of white collar crime and criminal law revision at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He is also an examiner in the First State Examination in Law.

Legal activity (selection)

Knauer defended, among other things, in the so-called Wildmoser / Allianz Arena proceedings , in the so-called Siemens proceedings and was mandated as individual defender in the corruption proceedings involving Ferrostaal , Krauss-Maffei and MAN . As the ombudsman of Deutsche Bahn AG , Knauer accepted internal and external reports of corruption as an independent confidante. In particular, he advises and represents credit institutions and their executives in criminal and regulatory matters. Knauer worked for Deutsche Bank in connection with the so-called Kirch process .

In particular, he represents credit institutions and their executives on criminal and regulatory issues (including the supervisory board of UniCredit Bank AG and Commerzbank AG , HSH Nordbank AG and UniCredit Bank AG regarding the Panama Papers with regard to the so-called cum / ex transactions since 2011 ).

In the revision, he defended in numerous important processes, for example in the case of Karl-Heinz Schreiber .

In 2011 he was in the Wirtschaftswoche by an independent jury in the ranking of the top 25 in Germany Wirtschaftsstrafrechtler selected. In 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Knauer was included in the FOCUS list of “Germany's top lawyers” in the field of criminal law and white collar crime . According to the JUVE manual 2014/2015, competitors consider him to be “technically experienced and assertive ”, “ excellent ” , “ extremely competent and with excellent contacts ” .

Publications (selection)

  • On the nature and purpose of the revision (written version of the inaugural lecture supplemented by footnotes for the award of an honorary professorship for white-collar crime and criminal law revision by the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich , held on July 17, 2015), NStZ 2016, 1
  • Commercial criminal proceedings, agreements and the public prosecutor's office - swan song for many years of practice? , Festschrift for Bernd von Heintschel-Heinegg on his 70th birthday on June 24, 2015, edited by Karin Gierhake, Jan Bockemühl, Henning ernst Müller, Tonio Walter, Verlag CH Beck, p. 243 ff.
  • Commentary on §§ 203-205, 211, 212, 216, 218, 218a, 218b, 218c, 219, 219a, 219b, 222-229 StGB and §§ 95-98j AMG (together with Johannes Bose) in Spickhoff, Medical Law, Verlag CH Beck, edition 2014, ISBN 978-3-406-65753-5
  • Chapter: Criminal law responsibility in the company , together with Simone K takee in: Klaus Volk (Hrsg.), Munich lawyers manual Defense in economic. and Steuererstrafsachen, Verlag CH Beck, 2nd edition 2014, pp. 55 ff., ISBN 978-3-406-64369-9
  • The criminal liability of judiciaries, internal auditors and compliance officers (Berlin street cleaning - 5 StR 394/08) in Schulz / Reinhart / Sahan (ed.), Festschrift for Imme Roxin on his 75th birthday on May 15, 2012, p. 465 ff.
  • Internal investigations (Part II) - Concrete questions of implementation , ZWH 2012, pp. 81–88
  • Internal investigations (Part I) - Basics , ZWH 2012, pp. 41–48
  • The doctor, communication and criminal law, aspects of medical confidentiality with special consideration of supervision , medical advice and expert activities in Dölling / Götting / Meier / Ferrel (ed.), Festschrift for Heinz Schöch , 2010, ISBN 978-3-89949- 606-2
  • Internal (preliminary) investigations - what remains of nemo-tenetur and fair-trial ? (together with Erik Buhlmann), in Anwaltsblatt 2010, p. 387 ff.
  • On the duty of the (auditor) defense counsel to be truthful, revision and the entire criminal law studies , Festschrift for Gunter Widmaier on his 70th birthday on September 28, 2008, edited by Heinz Schöch , Helmut Satzger , Gerhard Schäfer , Alexander Ignor and Christoph Knauer, p. 219 ff ., ISBN 978-3-452-26938-6
  • Restrictive understanding of norms according to the Anti-Corruption Act , together with Johannes Kaspar, in: Goldthammer's Archive for Criminal Law (GA) 2005, p. 385 ff.
  • Collegial decision and criminal law , Verlag CH Beck, 2001 (also dissertation Jur. 2000), ISBN 978-3-406-48291-5


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the law firm Ufer Knauer
  2. No mercy for Wildmoser
  3. Siemens bribery process: Ex-employees rely on Wannemacher, Brehm & v. Moers and Ufer Knauer
  4. No fraudulent proceedings: Fitschen & Co. gain acquittal in the Deutsche Bank trial
  5. Expert opinion with explosive power: Skadden proves the active role of HVB in cum-ex deals
  6. Investigation: Commerzbank is gearing up with Ufer Knauer
  7. WiWo top law firms The best lawyers for white collar crime
  8. On the nature and purpose of the revision
  9. Economic criminal proceedings , agreements and the public prosecutor's office - swan song for many years of practice? '
  10. Internal investigations (Part II) - Concrete questions of implementation
  11. Internal Investigations (Part I) - Basics
  12. ↑ Internal (preliminary) investigations - what remains of nemo-tenetur and fair-trial?
  13. ^ Festschrift for Gunter Widmaier on his 70th birthday on September 28, 2008
  14. ^ Beck Online: New Journal for Criminal Law