Claudiu Mihuțiu

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Claudiu Mihuțiu (born May 23, 1979 in Bucharest ) is a Romanian neo-fascist and former general secretary of the militant organization Noua Dreaptă in open succession to the Iron Guard . He lived and studied in Mannheim and had close relationships with the NPD .

Claudiu Mihuțiu headed the Romanian organization Noua Dreaptă (“ New Right ”) from Germany , a militant group in open succession to the ultra-nationalist , anti-Semitic and fascist organization Iron Guard ( Garda de Fier ), which in the 1930s carried out several political murders and terrorist attacks in Romania committed.

Mihuțiu described the founder of this movement, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu , to whom he had dedicated his website as his personal role model . On the website of Noua Dreaptă , which is also partly offered in German, the Celtic cross is shown as the group's emblem and other right-wing extremist symbols.

Mihuțiu had long had close relationships with right-wing extremist circles in Germany and Austria , especially with the NPD. He participated several times in events of the NPD in Germany, for example the May 1st celebrations of the NPD 2004 in Berlin and at the 3rd summer university of the NPD in Saarbrücken from 22-25 . August 2004, at which other delegations from right-wing extremist parties and organizations from Europe were also present. Representatives of the NPD, in turn, traveled to the memorial of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, organized by Mihuțiu, in Bucharest at the end of November 2004 , which was attended by other right-wing extremist parties and organizations from Europe such as England First ( Great Britain ), Bundfre Jugend (Austria), Mouvement Nation ( Belgium ) were involved. Mihuțiu was involved as a representative of the Noua Dreaptă in the establishment of the European National Front (ENF).

Between October 15 and 17, 2004, the right-wing extremist Working Group for Democratic Politics (AFP) held its “39th Political Academy “held as a closed event in Feldkirchen in Carinthia (Austria). In addition to Claudiu Mihuțiu, Gordon Reinholz , the chairman of the Comradeship Märkischer Heimatschutz (MHS), other German right-wing extremists such as Günter Deckert and the “gray eminence” of Austro-German right-wing extremism, Herbert Schweiger, also spoke .

Furthermore, Mihuțiu appeared as a speaker at the first “ Festival of the Nations ”, an international right-wing rock festival organized by the NPD, on June 11, 2005 in Jena, Thuringia . After his outing in the neighborhood by the Antifa , no more public appearances were recorded by Mihuțius. In the same year he suffered an accident that confined him to a wheelchair for a long time. As a result, he withdrew from all activities of the Noua Dreaptă. He has had a translation agency in Bucharest since 2006 and appeared as the translator and editor of Codreanu's work Handbuch für die Nester, which was published in Romanian in 1933.

Fonts (selection)

  • Corneliu Zelea Codreanu : Manual for the Nests: Guide for Legionaries . Regin, Preetz 2006, ISBN 3-937129-36-7 (from the Romanian by Claudiu Mihuțiu).
  • Corneliu Codreanu and the Iron Guard . In: Claudiu Mihuțiu (Ed.): Young Forum 4 . Regin, Straelen 2005.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Curriculum Vitae (Romanian) , accessed January 10, 2017.
  2. ^ , Federal Agency for Civic Education , Anton Maegerle : The army of the white race. Neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremists in Eastern Europe. Romania's Iron Guard , September 7, 2007, accessed April 17, 2011.
  3. ^ Alleged terrorist helper Wohlleben: The agitator. Retrieved August 25, 2013 .
  4. ^ Nazi squad outed ( Memento from December 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  5. Toti oamenii dreptei. Forumul Crestin NOUA DREAPTA: primii cinci ani (Romanian) , Retrieved January 10, 2017.
  6. Lupan & Mihuţiu - Birou de traduceri autorizate. (Romanian) , Retrieved January 10, 2017.