Communauté de communes Champagne Vesle

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Communauté de communes Champagne Vesle
Marne ( Grand Est - France )
Establishment date December 11, 2000
Dissolution date January 1, 2017
legal form Communauté de communes
Seat Gueux
Communities 33
president Luc Bzdak
SIREN number 245 100 052
surface 178.6 km²
Residents 13,082 (January 1, 2013)
Population density 73 inhabitants / km²
Location of the community association
Location of the CC Champagne Vesle in the Marne department

The Communauté de communes Champagne Vesle was a French association of communes with the legal form of a Communauté de communes in the Marne department in the Grand Est region . It was founded on December 11, 2000 and comprised 33 parishes.

The community association was established on January 1, 2017 with the Communautés de communes bein-Bourgogne , Vallée de la Suippe , Rives de la Suippe , Nord Champenois , Fismes Ardre et Vesle and Vesle et Coteaux de la Montagne de Reims and parts of the Communauté de communes Ardre et Châtillonnais , and the Communauté d'agglomération Reims Métropole have merged to form the newly founded Communauté urbaine du Grand Reims .

Former member parishes

  1. Aubilly
  2. Bouilly
  3. Bouleuse
  4. Branscourt
  5. Châlons-sur-Vesle
  6. Chamery
  7. Chenay
  8. Coulommes-la-Montagne
  9. Courcelles-Sapicourt
  10. Courmas
  11. Courtagnon
  12. Écueil
  13. Faverolles-et-Coëmy
  14. Germigny
  15. Gueux
  16. Janvry
  17. Jouy-lès-Reims
  18. Les Mesneux
  19. Méry-Prémecy
  20. Muizon
  21. Ormes
  22. Pargny-les-Reims
  23. Rosnay
  24. Sacy
  25. Saint-Euphraise-et-Clairizet
  26. Savigny-sur-Ardres
  27. Sermiers
  28. Serzy-et-Prin
  29. Thillois
  30. Treslon
  31. Trigny
  32. Ville-Dommange
  33. Vrigny

