Benjamin Jaurès

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Benjamin Jaurès

Constant Louis Jean Benjamin Jaurès (born February 3, 1823 in Albi , † March 13, 1889 in Paris ) was a French admiral .

life and career

Jaurès was born in Albi as the son of Vice Admiral Auguste Jaurès and his wife Adélaïde (née Got). From 1839 he attended the French Naval School in Lanvéoc , where he was trained on the destroyer "Le Triomphant" of the French Pacific Fleet. In September 1841 he became an officer candidate. In 1842 he participated on the corvette "Reine-Blanche" in operations near Tahiti and the Marquesas . On November 1, 1845 he was appointed Enseigne de vaisseau and on May 8, 1850 Lieutenant de vaisseau . From 1853 he served as an adjutant to Admiral Léonard Victor Charner(1797–1869) on the ship “du Guesclin”. In 1856 and 1857 he commanded the sloop "Ariel" and the military station in Granville . In 1860 he was on board the "Impératrice Eugénie" in command of the "Division navale des mers de Chine", which was deployed at Peï-Ho , Cochinchina or on the Saïgon River .

In 1861 he was appointed frigate captain and commanded the armored frigate "cuirassée Héroïne" as captain during the Franco-Prussian War (1870/71) . In November 1870 he was appointed major general of the 21st Corps Army of the French land army by Léon Gambetta and fought on the Loire , the Sarthe , the Mayenne and in Perche against the advancing troops of the Grand Duke Frederick Francis II. After the peace, Jaurès became rear admiral and later elected to the National Assembly in 1871 , where he joined the Left Center. In 1875 he was elected a lifelong senator . In 1876 he again commanded a squadron in the Mediterranean and was appointed Vice Admiral in 1878 .

In 1879 Jaurès was sent to Madrid , Spain , where he worked for three years. In 1882 he went to St. Petersburg in Russia in this capacity . Recalled from there, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the "Richelieu" evolutionary squadron in 1883 and joined the Tirard II cabinet in 1889 as Minister for the Navy and the Colonies . He only held this position for a month as he passed away shortly afterwards. Jaurès was an officer of the Legion of Honor from April 22, 1861 , commander from September 5, 1877, and from July 12, 1888, a senior officer.


Jaurès was married to Lucile (1839-1940, nee Jullienne) who was 101 years old. They had three children together, the daughters Clémence (1864-1935) and Louise (1870-1881) and a son Auguste (1873-1932).

His siblings were Jean Auguste (* 1807), Admiral Charles Jaurès (1808–1870), Leopold (* 1810) and Caroline (1814–1895). Benjamin Jaurès was the great cousin of the socialist Jean Jaurès .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Amiral Benjamin JAURÈS at, accessed on February 19, 2015. (Place of birth Albi)
  2. a b JAURES Benjamin. on, accessed on February 19, 2015. (Place of birth Albi)
  3. 2ème ministère de Tirard, le 22 Février 1889 au 17 Mars 1890 on, accessed on February 19, 2015. (French)
  4. Constant Louis Jean Benjamin Jaurès at, accessed February 19, 2015.