The crime of Father Amaro

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The Crime of Father Amaro ( Portuguese : O Crime do Padre Amaro ) is a novel by the Portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz , which was published in the Livraria Lello e Irmão in Porto in 1875 . The Neue Deutsche Verlag published Thomas W. Schlichtkrull's translation into German in 1930.

Around 1870 in Leiria : The young pastor Amaro Vieira got over the deaths of his newborn healthy son and his mother, the 24-year-old Amelia Caminha, fairly quickly. The satirist Eça de Queiroz denounces the rampant goings-on of a depraved Portuguese clergy. The novel can be read as a portrayal of a love triangle. Both the 25-year-old pastor Amaro and the 26-year-old liberal chancellor João Eduardo Barbose strive for the favor of a simple bourgeois girl - the most desirable virgin in Leiria - the beautiful, tall and strong Amelia.



Bitter comments in the opposition newspaper Voice of the District suspect “court favor” in the appointment of the new, very young pastor Amaro Vieira in Leiria on the river Liz . Amaro has improved compared to his last parish in Feirão , in the mountainous province of Alta Beira . Canon Dias of the cathedral in Leiria had been Amaros' moral teacher during the early years of the seminary. So the Canon takes the newcomer under his wing and places him in the boarding house of Dona Augusta - a decent woman. Dona Augusta Caminha, who is called Joanneira, takes a liking to the young man's big dark eyes, the long eyelashes, the deep black, slightly curled hair and the oval face with the pale brown skin color.


Review: Amaro, born in the Lisbon house of the Marquise d'Alegros, was orphaned at the age of 6. Because his parents had been servants of the Marquise and the Marquis, the landlady had raised the ducky, extremely lazy boy like an adopted son and determined his spiritual career for him in a will. Amaro wanted to get married later, but despite all this, he entered the seminary at the age of 15 . Eça de Queiroz writes about the nights in the seminar: "Amaro ... rolled ... sleeplessly on his mattress, and ... in his dreams the desire for a woman burned like a silent, secret glow." Celibacy is for Amaro unacceptable. With the ulterior motive of the priests vow to break just in terms of celibacy, he leaves the ordination endure.

When life in Feirão becomes too monotonous for him, he visits the influential Count of Ribamar in Lisbon. This Council of State, the husband of one of the daughters of the Blessed Marquise d'Alegros, actually gives the obsequious supplicant the parish in Leiria, once the city of King Diniz .


In Joanneira's house, which was always hospitable, Amaro met Dona Josepha Dias, the elderly sister and housekeeper of the Canon, among old prayer sisters. Amelia, the young daughter of the house, offers the pastor a place at her side in the evening party. Late in the evening immediately before going to bed, a chance glance at Amelia's "lovely bosom" confuses the guest.


So far, Amelia has had little luck with men. An admirer, a certain Agostinho Brito, suddenly turns away from the girl. He has a better game in prospect. But on her 23rd birthday Amelia met João Eduardo, a clerk for the notary Nunes Ferral. Amelia wants to wait with the wedding until João receives Dr. Alipio de Vasoncellos Godinho has received the prospective post of government clerk.


Amaro feels extremely comfortable in the pension, especially in the vicinity of Amelia. The priest cannot let go of the thought of the “snow-white breasts” in the young woman's shirt neckline. So he makes “the brutal decision to own it.” On the one hand, there is sober thinking, he has to move out and - better still - give up the pastorate. On the other hand, a chance glance reveals that the old Canon Dias is keeping Joanneira as a concubine . If the old man shows him that, says Amaro, he could just as easily become the lover of the daughter of this “priest whore”.


Together with the clergy of Leiria, Amaro goes on a hike across the country. Disgusted by the arrogance and gluttony of his older colleagues, he separates himself and meets Amelia purely by chance. While she is jumping over a narrow breach, Amaros is awakened when he catches her with his upper body. His wild kiss on her neck and his brutality in this game impress Amelia so much that she always has to think about the collision at home.


Amaro apologizes to Amelia for his naughtiness and chooses another accommodation in Leiria on the mediation of Canon Dias. In front of the offended Joanneira, the canon presents the move as having been initiated at his instigation. The elderly gentleman can now indulge his vice with his concubine unobserved and more comfortably. Amaro on the other hand - whose housekeeper is now Dona Maria Vicencia, former cook of Dr. Godinho is - never wants to enter Joanneira's house again and is striving for a career as a church dignitary.

Torn back and forth, Amaro still wants to "take possession of Amelia's body immediately" a little later. Amelia doesn't fare much differently. At the next meeting, the girl asks her pastor Amaro to visit her as soon as possible.


Amaro goes to the pension again and exchanges long, deep looks with Amelia. The two passionately press their knees together under the table. João Eduardo also stays at the guest house. Amelia forbids them to look in love all night long. These are indecent in the presence of a respectable person like the pastor. João, an enemy of the priests, is in the picture. The pastor wants nothing more than fornication with his bride. While the participants in the evening party see João as an idiot, the Joanneiro welcomes the writer's advertisement; hopes for a good match for her daughter.


The jealous João is out for revenge and uses his relative Agostinho Pinheiro, editor of the district's voice . Pinheiro is considered a “genius in stylizing meanness”. João's contribution "The Modern Pharisees ", a slap in the face for the clergy, has Dr. Godinho, owner of the paper, appear as an anonymous reader mailing - João signed with “A Liberal”. Of course, Amaro - not named, of course, but clearly circumscribed - gets off very badly in the abusive letter. The "Pfaffengelichter", ie all participants in the above-mentioned country party, are foaming with rage. Your rush against the droppings of Dr. Godinho is appointed by the deputy civil governor, an admirer of Pius IX. , rejected with reference to the inviolable freedom of the press .


Amaro, intimidated, consistently stays away from the pension. Dr. Godinho is so impressed by the reader's response to the pamphlet that he offers the author a job as an official of the civil government. When João - who has been worshiping Amelia for two years - asks Joanneiro for Amelia's hand by return post, the promising connection is approved. Amelia doesn't love João at all, but agrees to the preliminary meeting for the wedding; also because Amaro deserves a memorandum for his absence.


About the confessor of the wife of Dr. Godinho, the clergy denounced in the pamphlet learn the name of the scribe and get the godless João to be released from the office by the notary Nunes Ferral. Amaro immediately arrives at the pension and persuades Amelia not to marry the slanderer of the clergy. João is said to have stayed away from confession for six years. Amelia complies with the instructions. The pastor seals the agreement with a "long, fervent kiss" on the lips of the girl who is now apparently mindless.


Amaro then sends Dona Josepha Dias, Amelia's godmother, to the table. In an interview with Amelia, the bigoted old maid makes it clear that the Freemason João is no longer an option as a husband. In addition, Pastor Amaro will be the suitable confessor in the future.


Amelia obeys. She gives João a basket. Dr. Suddenly Godinho no longer wants to protect João and recommends that the young man take any girl who is not under the thumb of a priest. João's doctor Dr. med. Gouvea comforts the young patient in his own way: “As a man he [Pastor Amaro] has passions and organs for women; as a confessor the importance of a god. "


In the middle of the church square, João attacks his opponent Amaro. The pastor doesn't defend himself. The police intervene. João is arrested. The kind priest forgives. His Excellency the Board of Directors releases the delinquent into freedom. Amaro is admired and even received with paternal patience by the canon . Canon Dias, well versed in church affairs, regards João as de facto excommunicated .


Amaro's housekeeper Dona Maria Vicencia falls ill. In the pension, Amelia not only welcomes the pastor with open arms; even more - Amaro and Amelia desire each other more than ever before.


The matchmaker Dionysia prepares the love nest in the house of widowed bell-ringer uncle Esguelhas. Amelia pretends to visit the sick to Antonia, the paralyzed bell-ringer's daughter. Amaro reaches the secret place up to twice a week via the sacristy on the church square. Eça de Queiroz describes the “absolute subjugation”: “... with canine obedience, her eyes hung on his. When the time came, a word from him was enough and she undressed to please him. ”Finally Antonia reveals the sweet secret to Canon Dias. The indignant clergyman wants to inform the vicar general about the "dogfoot vulgarity" on the spot . It doesn't come to that. In return, Amaro threatens the revelation of Dias' long cohabitation with Joanneira. They agreed in a good mood to keep quiet.


Amaro announces Amelia's pregnancy to the Canon. Dias has a good idea: the pregnant woman has to marry João. The fired clerk is up and away. Dionysia, the dog, is set on João. The search in Lisbon proves to be tricky.

Amaro calls Amelia a whore and hits her in the face at the thought that the mistress is sleeping with the rival. Amelia swears that even as João is married, she will be to Amaro at every opportunity.


Joanneira spends the summer together with the Canon in Vieira and Amelia accompanies the godmother Dona Josepha Dias to the Ricoça manor near Leiria. João appears as a tutor for the sons of the neighboring landlord. Amaro is beside himself. When the pastor presses the pregnant woman, she replies: “I ask you to leave me in peace. I want to be alone with my sins! ”Pastor Ferrão, responsible for the residents of the Ricoça, also wants Amelia to marry João. Dr. Gouvea takes care of the health of Dona Josepha and Amelia. As a midwife, Amelia Dionysia enforces against the will of the doctor.


Amaro wants to hand over his child to a foster mother. Dionysia suggests Carlota, an angel maker in Barrosa . Amaro pays drawing money for one year in advance. The pastor hopes for a stillbirth, but Amelia gives birth to a "strong boy", has convulsions , attacks of suffocation and dies a little later.


Amaro wants his boy to live. Too late - he has already died in the “care” of the Carlota. João follows Amelia's coffin in mourning clothes.


  • The physician Dr. Gouvea to Pastor Ferrão: "It's like that, Pastor: the Church is a troublemaker these days!"
  • After Amelia and her son died, the Count of Ribamar said to Amaro and the Canon: "As long as there are venerable priests like you in our country, Portugal will maintain its place in Europe with honor!"


In the 26 chapters of the novel, the omniscient narrator changes the narrative standpoint if necessary; reproduces the actions and trains of thought, especially of the three protagonists, but also of other actors. Although the widely ramified lecture of the triangular relationship appears to be entirely psychologically justifiable and understandable, the narrator cannot resist some global romance ratings: Amaro and Amelia are "weak-willed" natures.

Some stylistic figures appear to be a little sought after: "The two priests [Amaro and the Canon] were as impenetrable as two curtained windows."

Film adaptations


German-language editions

  • José Maria Eça de Queiroz: The Crime of Father Amaro. With an introduction by Gerhart Pohl . From the Portuguese by Thomas W. Schlichtkrull. 87th Volume of the Universum Library for All. Berlin 1930. 444 pages (first German edition, edited, shortened). Use of a woodcut by Frans Masereel
  • José Maria Eça de Queiroz: The Crime of Father Amaro. Novel. Translated from the Portuguese by Willibald Schönfelder. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1961 (1st edition 1955). 562 pages (used edition)

Web links

in Portuguese


  1. See Rolf Vollmann in the FAZ under Reception in this article.
  2. The last chapter of the novel takes place in May 1871 (edition used, p. 534, 19. Zvo). In the penultimate chapter, it is December (probably in 1870), the protagonist is buried (edition used, p. 534, 17th Zvo)
  3. A while before Amelia lets the lustful pastor get pregnant, she is 23 years old.

Individual evidence

  1. Edition used, p. 34, 7th Zvu
  2. Edition used, p. 99, 14. Zvu
  3. Edition used, p. 149, 5. Zvo
  4. Edition used, p. 164, 1. Zvo
  5. Edition used, p. 266, 5. Zvo
  6. Edition used, p. 358, 21. Zvo
  7. Edition used, p. 461, 8th Zvu
  8. Edition used, p. 512, 9. Zvu
  9. Edition used, p. 544, 5th Zvo
  10. Edition used, pp. 137, 13. Zvo and p. 193, 14. Zvo
  11. Edition used, p. 394, 13. Zvo
  12. Edition used, p. 436, 20. Zvo
  13. The Temptation of Padre Amaro in the IMDb
  14. port. O Crime do Padre Amaro (2005) , in the IMDb O Crime do Padre Amaro