David Lazarevich Brodyansky

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Dawid Lasarewitsch Brodjanski ( Russian Давид Лазаревич Бродянский ; born October 24, 1936 in Zhytomyr ; † April 13, 2017 in Vladivostok ) was a Ukrainian-Russian prehistorian and university professor .


Brodyansky was the son of an officer and a confectioner . After the start of the German-Soviet war , the family was evacuated to Zelenodolsk . The father took part in the Battle of Kiev (1941) , managed to break through the ring of containment to the Soviet forces and was released after being checked in a special camp. Brodyansky graduated from secondary school in Mykolaiv in 1954 despite good performance without a medal. In 1955 he began to work as an electrical fitter in the Mykolaiv South Turbine Plant. In 1957 he began studying at the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Leningrad , having originally intended to study journalism . Under Alexei Pavlovich Okladnikov's leadership, Brodyansky took part in archaeological expeditions with excavations in Myrmekion near Kerch (1958), in a settlement of the Yankovsky culture in Pestschanoje, Mikhailovka district (1960) and in a Jurchen fortress in Manchuria (1960). In 1961 he worked in Khakassia under the direction of Natalia Lvovna Chlenova . In 1962 he graduated with honors in the history of China and defended his thesis on Longshan culture .

In 1962 Brodyansky was brought to the new Faculty of Oriental Studies by the Rector of the Far East University (DWGU) in Vladivostok. Soon he was also giving lectures in the history department. His subjects were prehistory , archeology , the history and geography of China and the ancient Chinese language . In 1964, together with Okladnikow and Anatoli Panteleevich Derewjanko , he excavated a homestead belonging to the Krounova culture of the early Iron Age on Petrov Island . In 1966 he organized a student excursion to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast to the Polze excavation ( Poltse culture , early Iron Age). In the following two years, excavations were carried out in the complex settlement of Tschapigou ( Krounova culture ). In 1968 Brodyansky was the first to visit the Sini Gai settlement in Chernigovka district ( Primorye region ) and then led the excavations there. By 1973, 30 houses from the Neolithic and 17 houses from the Bronze Age had been examined. In 1969, at the Novosibirsk State University , he defended his candidate dissertation on the southern Primorye region during the development of the Bronze Age.

1973 Brodjanski founded the archaeological museum of the DWGU. In 1974 he visited the Kuril Islands and in 1980 Sakhalin . Since 1978 he has dealt with the problems of Stone Age art and discovered transportable petroglyphs and other art objects in Primorye and Beringia . In 1985 he examined the Stone Age aquaculture for the first time worldwide together with the hydrobiologist WA Rakow . He dedicated further work to the biostratigraphy of the Neolithic. In the 1990s he developed a period structure for the prehistoric era of Primorye, with the results of Okladnikov and Vladimir Klawdijewitsch Arsenjev playing a special role. In 1995 he received his doctorate in history and was appointed professor with all of his publications and the dissertation on the Neolithic and the transition to the Bronze Age of Primorye . In 1996 his archeology of the Primorye region in Seoul was published in Korean .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Профиль на сайте Российской ассоциации университетского корееведения: БРОДЯНСКИЙ Давид on May 22, 2018 (accessed on May 22, 2018).
  2. Nekrolog: Ушел из жизни легендарный археолог Дальнего Востока Давид Лазаревич Бродянский (accessed May 22, 2018).
  3. В. Л. Ройк: Профессор Бродянский Давид Лазаревич: библиография . Издательство Дальневосточного университета, 2008.