Desert National Park

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Desert National Park

IUCN Category II - National Park

A view on Sams sand dunes.JPG
location Rajasthan
surface 3162 km²
WDPA ID 17386
Geographical location 27 ° 2 '  N , 70 ° 53'  E Coordinates: 27 ° 2 '22 "  N , 70 ° 53' 2"  E
Desert National Park (Rajasthan)
Desert National Park
Setup date 1992

The Desert National Park ( Desert National Park ) is a protected area in India . It was designated in 1992 and is 3162 km² in size. The park serves to preserve the Thar desert in northwest India, the only area of ​​its kind on the Indian subcontinent. Because of this, it is part of the WWF ecoregions that deserve special protection.

Web links

Commons : Desert National Park  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official Record for Desert. In: Protected Planet. Retrieved September 30, 2016 .
  2. Desert National Park. World Heritage Convention, accessed September 30, 2016 .
  3. Desert Wetlands. WWF, February 6, 2003, accessed September 30, 2016 .