Designated Survivor (TV Series) / Episode List

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This episode list contains all episodes of the US political thriller Designated Survivor , sorted by the US first broadcast . Between 2016 and 2019, a total of 53 episodes were created in three seasons, each around 42 minutes in length. After Netflix secured the rights to the series, the release of a ten-part third season was announced for June 2019.


Season Number of episodes First broadcast in the USA First publication in German
Season premiere Season finale Season premiere Season finale
1 21st September 21, 2016 17th May 2017 November 6, 2016 June 7, 2017
2 22nd 27th September 2017 May 16, 2018 October 6, 2017 May 25, 2018
3 10 June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019

season 1

The first broadcast of the first season was from September 21, 2016 to May 17, 2017 on the US television channel ABC . The German-language first release took place from November 6, 2016 to June 7, 2017 on Netflix via streaming .

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first publication (D / A / CH) Director script Spectator
1 1 pilot pilot 21 Sep 2016 Nov 6, 2016 Paul McGuigan David Guggenheim 10.04 million
The Minister of Housing and Urban Planning, Thomas - called Tom - Kirkman, is offered a position at the ICAO by the President , which means that he will have to work in Montreal instead of Washington, DC . His wife Alex is against it, but Tom seems to have come to terms with the loss of his ministerial office. That same evening, he is declared a Designated Survivor while the President is delivering his State of the Union address in the Capitol and has to stay in a safe place for that time. Tom is watching the speech on television with Alex when the Capitol is completely destroyed by an attack. Tom and Alex are immediately driven to the White House along with Secret Service agent Mike Ritter; Tom is sworn in as President of the United States through the succession plan there. The pressure u. a. of the military - particularly through General Harris Cochrane - on Tom is great. As one of his first measures, he reacts to Iranian ship movements in the Strait of Hormuz, which is important for the oil industry, with an ultimatum to the Iranian ambassador. Then Tom has to give his first speech to the American people on television. In the meantime, Tom and Alex's son Leo is in a disco trading drugs without their parents' knowledge . Mike finds him there and takes him to the White House as well. In a confidential conversation with the current Deputy Chief of Staff of the White House, Aaron Shore, Cochrane implies that he wants to usurp power because of Tom's apparent unsuitability for the office of president. The FBI agent Hannah Wells, who is investigating on the spot at the Capitol and who has probably lost a loved one herself, remains critical of the investigation of the perpetrators despite or precisely because of the rapid emergence of evidence and does not assume that an attack was controlled from abroad.
2 2 The first day The First Day 28 Sep 2016 Nov 13, 2016 Brad Turner David Guggenheim
Idea: Jon Harmon Feldman
7.97 million
According to media reports, the television speech generated little trust in the new president. The governor of Michigan , James Royce, breaks away from the federal government and takes the law into their own hands, by instructing the police indiscriminately arrest people of Muslim faith. Only when the situation escalated and a young US citizen of Muslim faith died as a result of police attacks, Royce gave in to pressure from the President. Tom's visit to the destroyed Capitol, which is supposed to calm the people, ends in chaos in front of the television cameras, as the Secret Service mistakenly assumes that an approaching man is an assassin. General Cochrane continues to have little trust, but Tom appears more self-confident after the first diplomatic success and is skeptical of the first incomplete investigation results that indicate an Islamist background to the attack. The Republican Congresswoman Kimble Hookstraten appears as the second designated survivor. She supports the president. Hannah finds it suspicious that such a planned crime should leave a non-detonating device behind, which quickly raises suspicion of a terrorist organization in Africa. About a day after the attack, a survivor can be recovered from the rubble of the Capitol.
3 3 The confession The Confession Oct 5, 2016 Nov 20, 2016 Sergio Mimica-Gezzan Jennifer Johnson & Paul Redford 7.05 million
The White House is the target of a hacker attack in which an alleged confessional video of Majid Nassar, whose terrorist organization has previously been suspected, is transmitted. Tom demands more evidence and orders absolute silence about this video. His legitimacy as president continues to be questioned after he confirmed in an interview that the previous president intended to withdraw his ministerial office. At his funeral service, Tom's son refuses to give a funeral speech because of this fact and lets the MP Hookstraten speak for it. After the speech, Tom confirmed that she was considering running for the office of president in the next election. Despite Tom's instructions, the alleged confessional video is published. Responsible for this is Aaron Shore, his predecessor's deputy chief of staff, who claims to have done this to distract from the much-discussed interview. Despite everything, Tom appoints him as his chief of staff and Emily Rhodes as his special adviser. After his appointment, Aaron has a file called Thomas Kirkman played by a stranger . Hannah questions Peter MacLeish - congressman and sole survivor of the attack - who, however, cannot remember anything. Looking through the video material during the speech in the Capitol, she noticed that the last half minute before the attack was missing, and later that MacLeish had left his seat during this time. Hannah is also assured that a senator she was having an affair with was killed in the attack.
4th 4th The enemy The enemy Oct 12, 2016 Nov 27, 2016 Paul A. Edwards Dana Ledoux Miller & Jon Harmon Feldman 7.00 million
Nassar can be located in Algeria ; There are also explosive devices of the same construction that were used in the Capitol. Tom first wants to avoid a military strike in order to give one of his agents time to escape. Meanwhile, General Cochrane makes preparations for an air strike against Algeria and is then released by Tom. Only when the agent is found dead, Tom orders the start of the military operation. Tom also convinces his speechwriter Seth Wright to become his new press officer . Governor Royce renounces the federal government once more and wants to use the police again against people of Muslim faith. Tom sends Emily to Michigan to watch a demonstration against the governor. When he arrests Emily after her arrival in Michigan, Tom puts the Michigan National Guard under federal command, but they promise loyalty to the governor. Emily gets Royce to travel to Washington, DC with her to negotiate with Tom; he has Royce arrested for high treason without Emily's knowledge after their arrival . Alex tries to prevent the deportation of one of her clients by asking Hookstraten a favor, who expects something in return if necessary. Hannah meets with MacLeish one more time to learn more about his disappearance from the plenary; he still lacks the memory. Since it turns out that he must have gone on the phone based on news from his wife about the disappearance of their daughter, Hannah gives up her suspicions for the time being. In the evening she received an anonymous call with an inaccurate location where she could learn more about MacLeish.
5 5 The mission The Mission Oct 26, 2016 4th Dec 2016 Paul A. Edwards Sang Kyu Kim & Michael Gunn 5.96 million
As the situation in Michigan calms down, Tom orders the bombing of the Nassar camp, but the camp has already fled. A short time later, he can be found in a packed hospital. Tom uses Navy SEALs on him to exclude civilian victims as much as possible and to arrest him. In fact, the reaction force can capture Nassar alive, but the chief of operations is killed; Tom makes serious accusations for this. Since MacLeish assures the president of his unconditional support, Tom's advisors are considering that Tom MacLeish should support an election as speaker of the House of Representatives. When MacLeish refuses, Tom considers him as vice president . Aaron finds out about an ex-boyfriend of Alex, Jeffrey Meyers, who is now in jail, and subsequently confronts her with his claims that Meyers is the father of her son Leo; Apparently, Alex cannot rule this out. Hannah can identify the location from the phone call as a room in the Capitol, which has been used as a secret office. She learns that MacLeish was there at the time of the explosion. She receives the last construction plans of the building from Hookstraten, whereas the MP would like to be kept up to date with the investigation. Hannah ascertains that the office was walled off to be explosion-proof and that all of the company's workers who were involved on site were killed within two months. Hannah briefs her manager, Jason Atwood, of the facts and her strong suspicions that MacLeish was involved in the attack. Although Atwood believes her, he instructs her not to tell anyone about these circumstances for the time being.
6th 6th The interrogation The interrogation Nov 9, 2016 Dec 11, 2016 Michael Katleman Barbie Kligman & Jenna Richman 5.56 million
Tom invites all incumbent governors to Washington, DC to get their approval for a general election. During the reception, the White House was shot at by a lone perpetrator who cited the arrested Nassar. Mike kills the assassin, is seriously injured himself, but quickly recovers. Some governors may be a. skeptical about Tom's behavior towards Royce and fear that he could ignore critics and political opponents. Since he needs their legitimacy in order to be able to stay in office at all, Tom, contrary to his convictions, agrees to the demand that a plane with Syrian war refugees that has landed in Florida be sent to Toronto from the United States and that an immigration ban without exception be prepared; Alex is disappointed with Tom because she has actually already managed to transfer the refugees to another state. Although Hannah and Atwood learn that Tom is considering naming MacLeish vice president, they officially do not share their suspicions. They are trying to buy time to gather more facts about MacLeish's involvement in the attack. Meanwhile, Aaron and Emily themselves request information that comes to the conclusion that nothing speaks against MacLeish's appointment as vice president. Both inform Tom, who now believes that he has found the right candidate. When Nassar is questioned, Hannah and Atwood manage to get him to confess that they are not responsible for the attack; but a stranger named Catalan . The two FBI agents cannot find this term in their databases and suspect that it is either a lie by Nassar or the relevant data is so locked up that even Atwood has no security clearance for it. When they want to interrogate Nassar again, they learn that he was found dead in his cell. Seth befriends a reporter in the White House who wants information from him about Leo's real father.
7th 7th The traitor The traitor Nov 16, 2016 Dec 18, 2016 Fred Toye Jennifer Johnson & Michael Gunn 5.52 million
After Tom had passed an athletics selection before it left for Moscow , her trainer was arrested there for carrying illegal doping substances. He also works for the CIA and since the Russians know about it, they demand a substantial consideration for his release. Emily proposes a ring exchange with Saudi Arabia in which they release each other's secret agents. When this is done, the trainer turns out to be a double agent and stays in Moscow; Tom assures the Russians to keep this in mind. At the same time he is confronted with the statements of Meyers; it turns out that Tom is also not sure whether Leo is from him. As a result, Alex travels to prison to meet Meyers. For his silence, he expects the president to convert his sentence to probation. Seth succeeds in getting the journalist friend to write about the double agent who defected to the Russians instead of the story about Leo. Atwood is summoned by the President to report on his investigation into Nassar. When the conversation takes place in the presence of MacLeish, Atwood is silent about everything important. Hannah learns through a friend at the CIA that Catalan - under the name Nestor Lozano - is an American mercenary and traitor; A file on him is leaked to her and she remembers seeing him in prison near Nassar. MacLeish turns over records to the FBI for a safety review. When Atwood and Hannah check this, the former receives a call that his son has not returned from school. When he looked in vain for him during baseball training, he was approached by an unknown woman who had kidnapped his son and threatened to kill him. Atwood should arrange a meeting with the President, following her instructions.
8th 8th The results The Results Nov 30, 2016 25 Dec 2016 Chris Grismer Paul Redford & Sang Kyu Kim 5.45 million
One day before the planned congressional elections, several infections with ricin emerge near Kansas City , Missouri . Tom and his advisory staff fear that there could be more such cases in the election, as the ricin was placed on voting machines. First Tom wants to cancel the planned election when an election worker dies from the effects of the poison; However, he changed his mind when he saw a television report with the helper's daughter and spoke to her on the phone. Tom then turns to the public and explicitly calls for voting. In fact, an extraordinary number of people flock to the ballot boxes, the ricin cases turn out to be an act of an individual. Leo is questioned about his father by a journalist at school. After confronting his parents about it, Tom takes a paternity test. The facts bring father and son closer together for the first time since Tom’s presidency, both ultimately do not want to attach any importance to the result that Tom gives as the biological father of Leo. Atwood meets the unknown woman, Hannah, who finds his behavior conspicuous, follows him unnoticed. She takes photos of the stranger, but does not find them in the databases. Atwood receives the instructions for his interview with the President. He explains to him that he is solely responsible for Nassar's death, and he can also name the killing agent - thallium . He was arrested immediately after his confession. Tom doesn't quite believe Atwood's statements and orders interviews with his closest employees. When Hannah was summoned to see Aaron, she received a text message shortly beforehand with the order to remain silent, which she should follow. Hannah can contact the author of the actually suppressed number, who - like the number of the office in the Capitol before - gives her another imprecise term. After Atwood's arrest, MacLeish meets with the woman who kidnapped Atwood's son; it turns out they both work together.
9 9 The plan The blueprint 7th Dec 2016 25 Dec 2016 Richard J. Lewis Dana Ledoux Miller & Michael Gunn 5.18 million
An NSA employee steals a hard drive containing data from the agency. He publishes it via WikiLeaks et al. a. Information about minor offenses committed by the cabinet members of Tom's predecessor; except about Tom himself. Later, however, statements by Emily come to light in which she alleges lasciviousness to a long-time senator; he has a leading position in the newly elected Senate and wants Emily to be fired. Aaron goes to the whistleblower who asks for asylum in the Venezuelan embassy. In exchange for a brief meeting with the President, he hands Aaron material that confirms Emily's allegations. Tom finally makes it clear to the senator that he should step back to save face; Emily remains in her position. When Tom meets the whistleblower, he hands him the stolen hard drive with the advice not to trust anyone with its contents lightly. On Tom's behalf, Mike searches for a file explicitly mentioned by the whistleblower; it contains a simulation by the government of a demolition of the Capitol, which took place almost exactly as the attack took place. Tom is sure that there is a traitor in the government's closest circle. Hannah continues to investigate MacLeish and finds out that the recently leaked term is a date and MacLeish's initials. When MacLeish was stationed in Afghanistan , he was honored for his personal commitment. Hannah does not believe this account and, together with Chuck Russink, a colleague from the FBI, unofficially questions MacLeish's comrades. When she was last visited, who has since fallen, Hannah finds a photo of MacLeish's unit, which also shows Lozano. From her contact with the CIA, she learns that the Department of Defense has covered up the truth that MacLeish and his comrades were supposed to have carried out a massacre. She contacts Hookstraten - who is now House Speaker and leads MacLeish's Vice President hearing - and wants to present her evidence to the committee. On the way there, she is rammed by a vehicle in the car.
10 10 The oath The Oath Dec 14, 2016 December 26, 2016 Fred Toye David Guggenheim 6.18 million
Hookstraten can't postpone voting on MacLeish even though she's still waiting for Hannah. While Seth, Aaron and Emily watch the coverage of the vote, both of the latter get closer and kiss. Tom has the creator of the simulation brought to the White House, who explains that only a select circle had access to the file. The last one still alive is General Cochrane, but the latter never claims to have seen the file; someone from the White House is said to have subsequently denied access to Cochrane. Tom asks Emily to check who spoke with the Department of Defense. One of the possible people is Aaron, who actually made a phone call from his superior, Chief of Staff Charles Langdon, at the time. Hookstraten expresses doubts to the President about MacLeish's suitability and also informs him of Hannah's statements. Tom is no longer sure whether MacLeish is his suitable deputy. Hannah is strangled by a man immediately after the accident, but is able to break free and escape. The man takes her papers. She goes into hiding with Russink and researches the whereabouts of her unknown informant, who turns out to be the man and Langdon who actually perished in the attack. Before she can speak to him, there is an exchange of fire with a man who Hannah can shoot; Langdon, however, flees. Hannah finds a key card on the corpse that belongs to a hotel room, the windows of which face the place of inauguration. There Lozano positions himself with a sniper rifle in order to murder Tom. While MacLeish speaks his swearing-in formula, Hannah arrives at the scene. Immediately before the assassin's shot, Hannah shoots herself from the floor at the window frame of the room. Lozano is startled and fires a shot in reflex.
11 11 The fighters Warriors March 8 2017 29 Mar 2017 Stephen Surjik Paul Redford & Carol Flint 5.86 million
Lozano's shot hits Tom in the chest, punctures her, but does not fatally injure him. He is conscious when he is taken to the hospital and his injury treated. But since projectile particles remained in the body, Tom has to be operated on under anesthesia afterwards. He invokes the 25th Amendment to the Constitution and is represented by MacLeish as acting President for the duration of his unconsciousness. After several talks with his wife, who is also involved in his high treason, MacLeish orders the opening of trading on the country's stock exchange markets for the following day - despite the doubts expressed by advisors about the attack - which then react sensitively negatively, which is in MacLeish's senses seem. In the face of equally harsh criticism, he also decides against Lozano's arrest and in favor of a final rescue shot to be carried out immediately in order to kill the assassin and rule out questioning. Despite minor complications, Tom's operation was successful, so that shortly afterwards he was able to return to the role of acting president. When he heard about the price crashes from Alex, he showed himself to the public at a hospital window and thereby calmed the global stock markets. Before the operation, Tom instructed Mike to speak to Hannah - who was arrested - about MacLeish. This continues to keep her knowledge to herself towards him; When Mike wants to leave again, she apparently attacks him and whispers, unnoticed by outsiders, to ask her colleague Russink about Catalan . After talking to him, Mike can arrange for Hannah to be admitted to the hospital for a chat with Tom. Emily reveals to Alex that Aaron may be involved in the Capitol attack. Alex asks her to keep Aaron away from Tom. When Aaron learns that Emily has requested his phone details from the White House, he confronts her; she refuses to testify and recommends that he speak to Tom personally.
12 12 The end of the beginning The end of the beginning 15th Mar 2017 Apr 5, 2017 Mike Listo David Guggenheim 5.74 million
Hannah gives Tom her evidence. After the review, Tom is convinced of MacLeish's treason, but does not show anything to him and even asks him to continue to attend public appointments for him. Mike advises Tom not to reveal any information about the MacLeish investigation to anyone, including Alex. Tom learns from Emily about Aaron's possible involvement in the attack. Although he thinks he is innocent, Tom has Aaron's security level lowered, which makes it easier to collect data to relieve him. In a conversation with Hookstraten, who threatens him because of his secrecy with a committee of inquiry, Aaron explains that the Vice President insisted on the immediate elimination of the shooter, but she should keep it to herself. Hannah is released from prison and tries, on Tom's instructions, to collect incriminations about MacLeish. First she tries it with Atwood, who is told to revoke his confession, but fails to do so when he learns that his son has still not been released. Only when his body is found does he cooperate and is released from custody. Before that, Hannah visited one of MacLeish's former comrades again and, with alleged investigations, stoked such fears that he urgently asks for a conversation with MacLeish. During the night they meet at Arlington National Cemetery and are bugged by the FBI. MacLeish's wife learns through the kidnapper of Atwood's son that Hannah is no longer in custody and senses a trap; she drives after her husband. When MacLeish claims to have sworn perjury in his Vice President hearing , Hannah confronts him. After a failed escape, MacLeish's wife approaches Hannah from behind with a gun, but first shoots her husband and then himself. Although Tom has not yet fully recovered, he urges a return to the White House. When he is released from the hospital, Mike informs him of MacLeish's death.
13 13 The counterfire Backfire 22 Mar 2017 Apr 12, 2017 Tara Nicole Weyr Sang Kyu Kim & Pierluigi Cothran 5.21 million
In contrast to his knowledge, Tom reports to his staff that the death of the MacLeishs is likely to result in an extended suicide of the woman, and he explains himself to the press in a similar way. At a later press conference, journalist Abe Leonard, friend of Hookstraten, asks questions about MacLeish's orders for Lozano's death. Since Aaron shared this information with Hookstraten, he admits this to Tom. Tom notices that Aaron is very exhausted and advises him to take a few days off. During this time Emily is appointed acting chief of staff, who is now busy with the formation of Tom's cabinet. A highly regarded candidate for the office of foreign minister ultimately declines, but suggests former President Cornelius Moss as a supporter; Tom agrees. Meanwhile, security around the White House is being tightened. Alex is concerned about this with regard to their children and suggests that Tom move to Camp David alone with the children . Although initially divided, he finally agrees as he observes his daughter's isolation at school. Hannah attends Atwood's son's funeral. She learns that Atwood has been fired and feels his resignation. He expelled her when he noticed that she was still investigating the masterminds behind the attack. During interrogation with MacLeish's comrades, Hannah learns that his unit in Afghanistan was in a life-threatening situation and rather inadvertently staged a bloodbath there in self-defense after a deal between Lozano and a militia leader whom the unit had accompanied Lozano had broken. Hannah expects MacLeish to be radicalized based on this event because the CIA covered up the true story. In addition, she observes Aaron. When he comes home in the evening, he meets his former boss Langdon. He persuades Aaron to follow him for a conversation.
14th 14th Commander in chief Commander-in-Chief 29 Mar 2017 April 19, 2017 Fred Toye Michael Gunn 5.15 million
Aaron is asked for help by Langdon and flees; Aaron then tells the FBI that Langdon wants to cooperate. First Hannah speaks to him and learns that the kidnapper of Atwood's son - who calls herself Claudine Poyet - has contacted him and asked for plans on the threat to the Capitol. Tom told Langdon that during the attack he was not asked to make Tom a designated survivor that day ; he couldn't say why, but suspects Tom's apparent unsuitability for the office of President, which would have favored an even more far-reaching coup. In addition, Tom faces a threat in the African state of Naruba, in which putschists are threatening the capital. The Security Council of the United Nations is due to the veto of Russia blocked for intervention, but Tom ordered a bombing of the militia; however, he turns away from it when the coup plotters take Americans hostage. With the help of Moss, whose opinion Tom values ​​very much and who has obtained that the putschists' frozen funds are released, the hostages can be freed; Subsequently, Tom offers him the post of foreign minister, which he accepts. Aaron seems deeply disappointed by the suspicions against him, despite the exonerations from Langdon. In a conversation with Tom he declares his resignation as chief of staff, also because he wants to protect him from possible scandals about himself; nevertheless Tom is deeply affected by it. In view of Hannah's previous achievements, Tom releases her from her job at the FBI and completely subordinates her to his orders so that she can investigate the conspiracy even more intensively.
15th 15th 100 days One Hundred Days Apr 5, 2017 26 Apr 2017 Kenneth Fink Dana Ledoux Miller 5.19 million
On Moss 'reference that Tom has so far reacted more than ruled, he now wants to start the first 100 days of his presidency and invites you to a citizens' meeting where he wants to ask questions from the population. Previously, Alex spoke out in favor of tightening gun laws, which Republican Senator Jack Bowman immediately criticized. Tom asks Alex to publicly state that she spoke out as a private individual and not for the government so as not to put this sensitive issue on the agenda early on. But also at the town hall meeting, a mother complained about the death of her daughter, who was killed with a weapon that was handed over without a background check. Tom wants to adhere to the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution , but significantly increase the hurdles to acquiring weapons. He invites the heads of Congress, including Bowman. Although discussed differently, he would like to put an old law of Congress to the vote without much involvement of the White House; Tom wants to prevent this. Aaron is now watching politics outside of the White House. He accompanies his cousin to an interview with a congressman and meets Hookstraten, who offers him help and appoints her chief strategist. Hannah uses Russink to identify Poyet's real name, Brooke Mathison, who is believed to be the daughter of a dishonorable dismissed soldier. She reports this to Atwood, who now wants to support Hannah; however, she sends him away when it is revealed that he has no control over his nerves. Russink's apartment is destroyed by a gas explosion and he and Hannah have to flee. They learn that the actually insolvent arms manufacturer Browning Reed has several properties in which Mathison could hide. In fact, Hannah and Atwood, who was secretly following her, find her in one of the buildings. When Mathison - although already posed - draws a gun, Atwood has to shoot her. He and Hannah find further simulations of explosions of the Golden Gate Bridge , the Statue of Liberty and the Hoover Dam on a disk .
16 16 Limits and weaknesses Party lines Apr 12, 2017 May 3, 2017 Mike Listo Jenna Richman 4.82 million
While Bowman speculates that the bill he has introduced for stricter gun controls will fail in the Republican-dominated Senate, the White House sees this as the only way to regulate it. Tom and his staff therefore also meet individual Senate Republicans to convince them to vote in favor of the draft. This is difficult because some of the senators fear that they will be re-elected if they vote in favor. Since Hookstraten also has an interest in a positive outcome for the government, she supports Tom in courting the senators. Immediately before the vote, the White House has 51 versus 49 senators on its side, but during this one senator surprisingly changes to the No camp. On the other hand, Senator Vandenberg - who was convinced by an actually unintended appeal from Alex - surprisingly votes for yes, which means that the law is narrowly accepted. Hannah discovers that the simulations she found at Mathison were also government work. Mathison is said to have traveled to North Dakota several times in recent years , where Browning Reed continues to pay property tax on other properties. When Hannah drives to one of these places with Atwood, at first they only find a vacant area. However, it turns out that there is said to be a silo for an ICBM below . The two gain access and find the silo, but no missile. When they look around in a camp there, they find explosives that were also used in the attack on the Capitol. Hannah suspects that the mass of the explosive devices is many times greater than that used at the Capitol.
17th 17th The ninth seat The Ninth Seat April 19, 2017 May 10, 2017 Fred Toye Paul Redford 5.06 million
To fill the Supreme Court again , Tom presented the Senate leadership with a list drawn up by his confidante Julia Rombauer, in which four progressive and conservative as well as a more neutral presiding judge were proposed. The Republicans, led by Bowman, have reservations about the neutral judge and, because of their majority in the Senate, insist on five candidates for election. Both Tom and the Democrats are against such an occupation, but the Republicans are asking for another proposal for the neutral judge. Tom suggests Rombauer, who has not previously held a judge's office; however, she has to refuse because she has early dementia and suggests keeping the number of chief judges at eight for the time being. Both groups agree. In Iraq , Leonard learns from terrorists that Nassar's terrorist group was not responsible for the attack on the Capitol and that Lozano Nassar and his group paid to confess to the crime. Leonard wants to expand this knowledge with Seth and Hookstraten, but neither reveal anything; Nevertheless, he wants to publish his findings, but his editors refuse because of too many assumptions. He was later leaked footage of MacLeish's inauguration, which also includes Hannah. A stranger also contacts him and requests a meeting. Hannah and Atwood notice a small town in North Dakota where they find a conspicuous number of vehicles from different states, as well as the Pax Americana manifesto , which propagates a new America through a bloody coup. The supposed sect behind it meets on private property. Hannah and Atwood secretly drive to one of their meetings at night and see an approaching helicopter. Lozano, who is still alive, gets out of this.
18th 18th Lazarus Lazarus 26 Apr 2017 17th May 2017 Chris Grismer Jennifer Johnson 5.11 million
19th 19th misalliance Misalliance May 3, 2017 May 24, 2017 Norberto Barba Dana Ledoux Miller & Jenna Richman 4.62 million
20th 20th The sensational story Bombshell May 10, 2017 May 31, 2017 Sharat Raju Sang Kyu Kim 4.92 million
21st 21st Ready for anything Brace for Impact 17th May 2017 June 7, 2017 Fred Toye David Guggenheim 5.07 million

season 2

The first broadcast of the second season was from September 27, 2017 to May 16, 2018 on the US television channel ABC . The German-language first release took place from October 6, 2017 to May 25, 2018 on Netflix via streaming .

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First broadcast in the USA German language first publication (D / A / CH) Director script Spectator
22nd 1 A year One Year In 27 Sep 2017 Oct 6, 2017 Chris Grismer Keith Eisner 5.50 million
23 2 The hook Sting of the Tail 4th Oct 2017 Oct 13, 2017 Fred Toye Keith Eisner 4.80 million
24 3 outbreak Outbreak Oct 11, 2017 Oct. 20, 2017 Chris Grismer Ashley Gable 4.61 million
25th 4th balance Equilibrium Oct 18, 2017 Oct. 27, 2017 Joe Lazarov Paul Redford & Keith Eisner 4.34 million
26th 5 ass Suckers Oct 25, 2017 Nov 3, 2017 Fred Gerber Bill Chais 3.94 million
27 6th Two ships Two ships Nov 1, 2017 10th Nov 2017 Leslie Libman Jessica Grasl 3.92 million
28 7th Family ties Family ties Nov 15, 2017 Nov 24, 2017 Milan Cheylov Pierluigi Cothran 4.05 million
29 8th At home Home Nov 29, 2017 Dec 8, 2017 Ian Toynton Pat Cunnane 4.03 million
30th 9 Three-letter day Three-letter day Dec 6, 2017 Dec 15, 2017 Jeannot Szwarc Bill Chais & Ashley Gable 3.87 million
31 10 Fire Line of Fire Dec 13, 2017 Dec 22, 2017 Chris Grismer Keith Eisner 4.38 million
32 11 Sadness Grief 28 Feb 2018 9 Mar 2018 Timothy Busfield Keith Eisner 3.72 million
33 12 Infinite worlds The Final Frontier 7th Mar 2018 16. Mar. 2018 Sharat Raju Jeff Melvoin 3.60 million
34 13 original sin Original Sin 14 Mar 2018 23 Mar 2018 Bosede Williams Ashley Gable 3.69 million
35 14th In the dark In the Dark 21 Mar 2018 30th Mar 2018 Carol Banker Bill Chais 3.98 million
36 15th The summit Summit 28 Mar 2018 Apr 6, 2018 Chris Grismer Jessica Grasl 3.80 million
37 16 Dirty bomb fallout Apr 4, 2018 Apr 13, 2018 Joe Lazarov Tom Garrigus 3.84 million
38 17th War has its price Overkill Apr 11, 2018 April 20, 2018 Jeff T. Thomas Jeff Melvoin & Tracey Rice 3.29 million
39 18th Kirkman's fight Kirkman agonistes Apr 18, 2018 Apr. 27, 2018 Leslie Libman Pierluigi D. Cothran & Patrick Cunnane 3.51 million
40 19th Leadership capacity Capacity April 25, 2018 4th May 2018 David Warry-Smith Keith Eisner 3.36 million
41 20th Pressure medium Bad reception 2nd May 2018 May 11, 2018 Chris Grismer Tom Garrigus & Jessica Grasl 3.47 million
42 21st In the crosshairs Target May 9, 2018 18th May 2018 Timothy Busfield Bill Chais & Ashley Gable 3.29 million
43 22nd Unconditionally run May 16, 2018 May 25, 2018 Chris Grimer Keith Eisner 3.54 million

season 3

The first release of the third season took place on June 7, 2019 on Netflix via streaming .

( total )
( St. )
German title Original title First published in the USA German language first publication (D / A / CH) Director script
44 1 #The system is in the bucket #thesystemisbroken June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Chris Grismer Adam Stein
45 2 #Avalanche effect #slipperyslope June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Peter Leto Dawn DeNoon
46 3 #Privacy #privateparts June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Timothy Busfield Peter Noah
47 4th #History writing #makehistory June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Chris Grismer Ricardo Pérez González
48 5 # Nothing personal #nothingpersonal June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Peter Leto Kendra Chanae Chapman
49 6th # Who cares #whocares June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Chris Grismer Drew Westcott
50 7th # Identity / crisis # identity / crisis June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Sudz Sutherland Adam Stein
51 8th #Dreadful fear # scaredsh * tless June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Sudz Sutherland Kendra Chanae Chapman & Ricardo Perez Gonzalez
52 9 # Undecided #undecided June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Peter Leto Dawn DeNoon
53 10 #Truthorconsequences #truthorconsequences June 7, 2019 June 7, 2019 Chris Grismer Peter Noah

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Designated Survivor: Season One Ratings . In: . May 18, 2017. Retrieved May 25, 2018.
  2. Designated Survivor: Season Two Ratings . In: . May 17, 2018. Retrieved May 25, 2018.


  1. One scene shows that the fictional state of Naruba includes the Nigerien regions Tillabéri , Dosso and the capital Niamey .