The baker's wife

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German title The baker's wife
Original title La femme du boulanger
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 1938
length 97 minutes - 130 minutes in the original
Director Marcel Pagnol
script Marcel Pagnol,
Jean Giono
production Charles Pons
music Vincent Scotto
camera Georges Benoît
cut Suzanne de Troeye

The baker's wife (alternative title: The other woman , The baker and his wife ) is a French feature film from 1938 by Marcel Pagnol . The comedy is based on the novel Jean the Dreamer ( Jean le Bleu ) by Jean Giono , who was also the template for the American musical The Baker's Wife .


A small village in the mountains of Provence is electrified. There is finally a baker again - the kind-hearted Aimable ( Raimu ) ( aimable is French for “lovable”). His much younger and pretty wife Aurélie ( Ginette Leclerc ) sells the bread .

On the very first day, the Marquis Castan de Venelles comes and orders fresh baked goods. His shepherd Dominique, a young, handsome man, is supposed to take the goods with him later. You can feel the attraction between Aurélie and Dominique from the very first contact. Eventually the two run away and Aimable is left in despair.

At first, the villagers react with glee. But when the baker does not want to bake again until he has his beloved Aurélie back, the village gets into a great deal of excitement. No more bread ?!

The residents come to his home to rebuild him so that he can bake bread again. But Aimable is so depressed that he can't bring himself to do it. He disappears into the cellar under a pretext. When he does not return for a long time, his visitor looks after him and finds him in the basement while he is trying to hang himself. Two villagers immediately jump on the baker's legs so that he cannot hang himself up while the others pull him out of the noose again.

The village now decides to take matters into their own hands and starts looking for the lovers who have run away. The fear is too great that otherwise there will be no more bread. Even the Marquis supports the large-scale manhunt. Soon the shepherd and the baker's wife are caught. The shepherd is taken away by the marquis, while the baker's wife is brought to the village priest, who is supposed to speak to her conscience. She is finally ready to go back to her husband, but would like to wait for night to fall so that she does not have to return in front of the villagers.

When she gets home, Aimable has set the table for dinner and baked a heart-shaped bread. Aurélie feels guilty, but Aimable pretends nothing has happened. When their often stray cat finally returns, Aimable scolds the cat for their behavior. Aurélie understands that she is actually meant by this and bursts into tears, whereupon she is comforted by Aimable.


The lexicon of international films describes The Baker's Wife as follows: “An outstandingly cast film with a lot of situational comedy and mocking dialogue wit. The frivolous - cynical comedy deserves a more polished synchronization . "



Individual evidence

  1. a b The Baker's Wife in the Lexicon of International FilmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used

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