The conference

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Original title The conference
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2004
length 90 minutes
Director Niki Stein
script Bodo Kirchhoff
production Inge Fleckenstein ,
Liane Jessen ,
Andreas Schreitmüller
music Jacki Engelken ,
Ulrik Spies
camera Arthur W. Ahrweiler
cut Elke Herbener

The conference is a German television film from 2004 . The Kammerspiel had its premiere on July 1, 2004 at the Munich Film Festival . It was first broadcast on TV on February 4, 2005 on ARTE .


On a cold winter evening, nine teachers gather in the meeting room of a high school. Although the heaters have failed, they have to decide the fate of one of their students: Viktor Leysen, who recently came of age, is accused by the mother of his classmate Tizia of raping the 17-year-old girl after rehearsing the theater together. The teachers should now advise whether or not to expel him from school. The discussion is quick and heated. While some see him as a troublemaker, others consider him extremely gifted. Regardless of these differences of opinion, the college presents itself more and more deeply divided due to its own conflicts that have never been dealt with, past injuries and long-suppressed resentments. Soon it is no longer just about Viktor, but also about the differences between the teachers.


"An impressive intimate play about the human side of the teaching profession with excellent actors."

“Based on the book by Bodo Kirchhoff, 'Tatort' director Niki Stein staged a dense ensemble chamber play that is reminiscent of the classic 'The Twelve Jurors'. [...] Thoughts on the "crime scene school" "

“A strongly staged chamber play by Nikolaus Stein von Kamienski [...] with an excellent cast. By the way, the author and screenwriter Bodo Kirchhoff was responsible for the successful script […]. "

"Far too seldom does television allow itself films that are of such socio-political explosive nature and at the same time so entertaining: The Arte drama 'The Conference' is a highlight of the year."


From a scientific point of view, the film recently received an “excellent conceptualization” of the “very complex” topic and a “high (s) aesthetic level”. Together with films such as Guten Morgen, Herr Grothe and Zappelphilipp , the film makes “an important, enlightening contribution to a social discourse of high relevance.” Like this one, it belongs “as 'required reading' to the (...) introductory event for all those who deny a teaching degree. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The conference. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. ^ The conference ,
  3. ^ The conference. In: prisma-Verlag , accessed on September 4, 2017 .
  4. The Nine Jurors ,
  5. Günter Helmes: “I really thought that the job would suit me. But guess what: I can't stand children! ”Thoughts on newer and newest German-language TV and feature films on the subjects of“ being a teacher ”and“ school ”. In: Smart, Smarter, Failed? The contemporary image of school and teaching in literature and media, ed. by Günter Helmes and Günter Rinke. Hamburg, Igel-Verlag 2016, pp. 157-204, in particular pp. 160-172, quotation p. 203. ISBN 978-3-86815-713-0 .