Happiness given away

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German title Happiness given away
Original title Tři veteráni (ČSSR), The princess with the long nose ( FRG )
Country of production ČSSR
original language Czech
Publishing year 1984
length 93 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Oldřich Lipský
script Zdeněk Svěrák ,
Oldřich Lipský
production Ivo Pitrák,
Karel Škop,
Vlasta Synkulová,
Juraj Zach
music Jaroslav Uhlíř
camera Jiří Macák
cut Dalibor Lipský

Fortune given away is a Czechoslovak fairy tale film from 1984. The film is based on a literary model by Jan Werich . Directed by Oldřich Lipský, in the leading roles are Rudolf Hrušínký, Petr Čepek and Josef Somr. The film premiered on April 5, 1985 in the GDR.


After the war ends, the three veterans Pankrác, Bimbác and Servác wander around. However, since they no longer have anything, they have to spend the night in the forest. There each of them meets an imp who gives them a present. Pankrác receives a cylinder that can conjure up anything, unless it is about people or money. Bimbác, in turn, gets a harp with which he can conjure up people, for example soldiers or workers. Servác gets a wallet that never runs out.

Equipped in this way, they begin a journey to enjoy their old age. When crossing the border, Bimbác buys the picture of the country's princess and immediately falls in love with her. Even his two cronies are not averse to her. Since Pankrác bribes the customs officer with cigarettes from his cylinder, the greedy king and princess also find out about the guests and smell the chance to get to the magic objects.

The king invites the veterans to a feast, during which the guests get a sleeping drink and lose their magic items. Only Pankrác can save his top hat because he leaves the meal early because the princess is not paying him any attention. But when he tries to get his harp and wallet back, he fails and loses his hat. In addition, the three fall out of favor with the king, because he wants the magic objects all to himself.

The veterans are now seeking advice from the elves. Since they told them they would meet under the trunk tree, they try to find it. By chance, Servác finds the tree and eats one of the apples that lie underneath. However, this has the consequence that his nose grows enormously in length. His cronies rush to his aid and give him a pear that is also under the trunk tree.

With the help of a ruse they sell the king the apples as "king apples" which should make his daughter even more beautiful. The plan works and Princess Bosana's nose grows to enormous (in the film she crosses several countries). The veterans are now posing as Arab doctors who can cure the ailment. You give the princess two out of three pears, leaving you with an ugly, big nose. However, the princess does not want to live with it and demands that the stolen items be returned, after which she also gets the last pear.

The cronies continue their journey, but quarrel over a mundane matter. At the end they face each other with military equipment, whereupon the elves intervene and take away their top hat, harp and wallet, on the grounds that they only used the things for themselves and not for others. However, they do not give up hope that one day people will come to their senses. Pankrác, Bimbác and Servác accept their fate, but recognize that wealth and power are not everything and live happily on.


  • "Fairy tale film about the seductive powers of money and power: After the Thirty Years War, three former soldiers wander through the country disoriented. When three goblins appear one night and give them, among other things, a magic cylinder with which they can wish for anything but money, could for The three begin a quiet, prosperous life; but in the end they are left empty-handed. An enigmatic, imaginatively staged fairy tale full of poetry, which, in its statement, should be more accessible to older children. (West German TV title: The princess with the long nose ") " - Lexicon of international film


  • 1985 nominated for the International Fantasy Film Award in the category of best film

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Giveaway happiness. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used