The X-15 ready to go

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German title The X-15 ready to go
Original title X-15
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1961
length 106 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Richard Donner
script Tony Lazzarino
James Warner Bellah
production Tony Lazzarino
Henry W. Sanicola
Frank Sinatra
Howard W. Koch
music Nathan Scott
camera Carl E. Guthrie
cut Stanley Rabjohn

The X-15 ready to go (Original title: X-15 ) is an American science fiction film directed by Richard Donner from 1961 with David McLean , Charles Bronson , Ralph Taeger and Brad Dexter in the lead roles. The film was produced by Essex Productions for the MGM production company based on a story by Tony Lazzarino , who also wrote the script.


The experimental X-15 program at Edwards Air Force Base also includes die-hard test pilots : Matt Powell, Lt. Col. Brandon Lee, and Maj. Ernest Wilde. The high-speed program is overseen by Project Leader Tom Deparma and US Air Force Col. Craig Brewster. For the planned rocket launch , starting from a Boeing B-52 , the test pilots experience psychological and physical stresses that they share with their wives and friends.

Testing is done at the limit. Setbacks, including a near-disaster when an engine exploded on the ground, put the nerves of everyone involved to a tough test. But the daring program is beginning to bear fruit more and more. The X-15 sets speed and altitude records. Skilful handling of the X-15 ultimately leads to a safe landing and saves Powell's life, but Lt. Col. Brandon is killed in the crash of a machine. Powell himself then flies the X-15 out into space for the final test.


“The use of test pilots on an American site for test missiles. Predominantly technically oriented feature film, whose scant interest in the private life of the pilots cannot provide a sufficient counterbalance. "

Production notes

The special effects came from Gerald T. Boylan, Jack Freeman, Robert L. Loahff, A. Paul Pollard, and Raymond P. Santini. The buildings are by Rolland M. Brooks. Victor B. Appel was the sound engineer. The equipment was created by Arden Cripe and Harold Michelson. Wesley Jeffries supplied the costumes. Bernard Ponedel and Mary Westmoreland were responsible for the makeup and hairstyles. Production manager was John Pommer. The location was Edwards Air Force Base in California , USA .

World premieres

  • USA: December 22, 1961
  • Germany: March 30, 1962


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The X-15 ready to go. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. World premieres according to IMDb