Dietrich von Schlechtendal

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Dietrich Hermann Reinhard von Schlechtendal

Dietrich Hermann Reinhard von Schlechtendal (also Diederich Hermann Reinhard von Schlechtendal , born October 20, 1834 in Halle (Saale) ; † July 5, 1916 ibid) was a German botanist , entomologist and paleontologist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " DHRSchltdl ".


Dietrich von Schlechtendal was the youngest son of the botanist Diederich Franz Leonhard von Schlechtendal and his wife Ida Amalie Henriette, née Klug, the daughter of the Berlin physician and entomologist Johann Christoph Friedrich Klug . After attending various schools, Dietrich von Schlechtendal left the pedagogy of the Francke Foundations before graduating from high school and completed an apprenticeship as a miner and smelter. In 1869 he settled in Zwickau as obligor surveyor and Markscheider down, but had already in 1881 for health reasons to Halle retire into private life. Dietrich von Schlechtendal, who throughout his life dealt with botanical and entomological issues, was made an honorary member of the Association for Natural History in Zwickau on November 16, 1881. In 1881 he became a member of the Natural Science Association for Saxony and Thuringia, in whose journal for natural sciences he subsequently published numerous of his scientific papers. In 1884, at the suggestion of Gregor Kraus, he was appointed honorary doctor of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Halle . From 1885 to 1913 he worked as the second assistant at the Geological-Mineralogical Institute in Halle and from 1906 after the death of Karl von Fritsch as a librarian with Johannes Walther . Dietrich von Schlechtendal was appointed professor when he retired on October 1, 1913.

As a botanist and entomologist, he wrote pioneering work on the knowledge of gall wasps and described a number of new species of gall producers, such as the Diplolepis mayri that occurs on dog roses ( Schlechtendal , 1877).

As a paleontologist he worked a. a. Fossils of the fossil deposit from the Late Oligocene , now known as the Rott fossil deposit , which came to the Geological-Mineralogical Institute in Halle through the takeover of the collection from Hans Pohlig . Furthermore asked him Fritz Frech its material available, which he had collected in Rott during his time in Bonn.

From the material from the Rott fossil site, Dietrich von Schlechtendal succeeded in first describing the fringed winged Hemithrips cheeky ( Schlechtendal , 1887) and Phloeothrips pohligi Schlechtendal , 1887.

On September 16, 1896 he was named Diederich Herrman Reinhart von Schlechtendal with matriculation no. In 3091 accepted as a member of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists .

Dietrich von Schlechtendal became a member and later the first honorary member of the Entomological Society in Halle aS in the founding year 1907

In his honor the merchant and entomologist Jules Lichtenstein (1818-1886) from Montpellier named the genus Schlechtendalia Lichtenstein , 1883, from the family of the tube aphids . The Austrian zoologist Alfred Nalepa (1856–1929) honored him with the naming of the apple rust mite Phyllocoptes badendali Nalepa , 1890, which today is assigned to Aculus badendali ( Nalepa , 1890).

Fonts (selection)

  • with Otto Wünsche: The Insects. A guide to the knowledge of the same . Teubner, Leipzig 1879 ( digitized version )
  • The arthropods with the exclusion of insects. A guide to knowing the same . Teubner, Leipzig 1881 ( digitized version )
  • Physopods from the brown coal mountains of Rott in the Siebengebirge . In: Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften, 60, Halle 1887, pp. 551–592 ( digitized version )
  • Comments and contributions to the brown coal florets from Rott am Siebengebirge and Schossnitz in Silesia . In: Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften, 62, Halle 1889, pp. 383–394 ( digitized version )
  • The gall formations (zoocecidia) of the German vascular plants. A guide to determining the same . Zückler, Zwickau 1891 ( digitized version )
  • About the occurrence of fossil "back swimmers" (Notonects) in the brown coal mountains of Rott . In: Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften, 65, Halle 1892, pp. 141–143 ( digitized version )
  • Contributions to the knowledge of fossil insects from the brown coal mountains of Rott am Siebengebirge . In: Treatises of the Natural Research Society in Halle, XX, 1894, pp. 197–228, plates 12–14
  • A fossil Naucoris species from Rott . In: Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften, 71, Halle 1899, pp. 417–424 ( digitized version )
  • Investigation of the carbonic insects and spiders of Wettin with consideration of related fauna. First part: revision of the originals by Germar, Giebel and Goldenberg . Nova Acta. Treatises of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists, 98, Halle 1912 ( digitized version )
  • Eriophyidocecidia, the plant galls caused by gall mites . Zoologica, 24, 1916, pp. 295-498


  • Hermann Haupt : Dietrich von Schlechtendahl. An obituary . In: Messages from the Entomological Society in Halle a. S. , 10, Junk, Berlin 1916, pp. 1–9 ( digitized version )
  • Otto Taschenberg : Dietrich von Schlechtendal. An obituary. In: Albert Wangerin (Ed.): Leopoldina . Official organ of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists. 52nd issue. On commission at Wilh. Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1916, p. 55-68 ( ).

Web links

References and comments

  1. ^ Karl von Fritsch (ed.): Leopoldina . Official organ of the Imperial Leopoldino-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists. 32nd issue. In commission at Wilh. Engelmann in Leipzig, Halle 1896, p. 141 ( ).
  2. Jules Lichtenstein: Schlechtendalia, a new aphid genus . In: Entomologische Zeitung, 44, Stettin 1883, pp. 240–243 ( digitized version )
  3. ^ Alfred Nalepa: To the systematics of gall mites . In: Session reports of the Academy of Sciences, mathematical and natural science class, 99, 1890, pp. 40–69 ( digitized version )