Dominik Riedo

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Dominik Riedo (born February 28, 1974 in Lucerne ) is a Swiss Germanist and writer .


Dominik Riedo grew up in Littau . As a trained primary school teacher , he taught for two years at the secondary level in Muotathal from 1995 . He then studied German , philosophy and history in Zurich , Berlin and Lucerne ; In 2003 he completed his studies with a licentiate . From 2004 to 2006 Riedo worked as a lecturer at the University of Zurich. Between 2004 and 2007 he was temporarily at the college in Stans , at the Immensee high school and at the Emmen vocational training centeractive as a teacher; from 2011 to 2013 he worked as a teacher in the closed penal system . In 2012 he graduated from the University of Freiburg i. Üe. to the Dr. phil. PhD . Today he lives in Bern .


In 2004 Dominik Riedo published the aphorism volume Ein Glück zur Stund , of which it is said in the “Lucerne Week” that the author has apparently “found his way back to speaking by slowly creating his own tiny forms”. In addition to his work as a writer, Riedo is responsible for the film history at the "stattkino "Lucerne and sits on the Board of Trustees of the Carl Spitteler Foundation (2019 Vice President) and on the board of the Lucerne Theater Club. In 2008 and 2009 he was also the organizer of the “Bookparade” Lucerne. 2010–2012 he was President of the German-speaking Swiss PEN Center . Riedo has been a member of Flandziu's artistic advisory board since 2017 . Half-yearly papers for modern literature .

Dominik Riedo is a member of the Authors of Switzerland (AdS) and of the Central Swiss Writers' Association (ISSV).

"Culture Minister of Switzerland"

Dominik Riedo was elected " Culture Minister of Switzerland" from 25 candidates by means of an internet vote advertised by cultural associations and organizations (the "term of office" lasted from September 2007 to September 2009). The NZZ described a debate among the candidates at a public hearing in the Rote Fabrik as the “end of subversivity”. The Basler Zeitung, on the other hand, admits Riedo as "Minister of Culture" to Verve: "... the swirling Riedo, who sometimes speaks in turbulence". The attention as “Minister of Culture” is quite high in some specific areas, for example Riedo was asked about his “office” on BBC Radio 3 . In November 2008 , the WOZ was critical of him .




  • Hagzusa cum Gaukelei (choral work), premiered at the ECLAT-Festival Neue Musik Stuttgart, 2019 (music by Michael Pelzel )
  • Last Call (Opera), premiered at Zurich Opera House , 2019 (music by Michael Pelzel)

Prizes and awards

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dominik Riedo: Biobibliography. (PDF; 427 kB) In: Website of the author., April 2, 2020, p. 36 , accessed on April 4, 2020 .
  2. Lucerne Week. March 30, 2005.
  3. Dominik Riedo: Luzern: New website shows the real home of Carl Spitteler. In: Lucerne newspaper . August 2, 2019, accessed on May 17, 2020 ("Note: * Dominik Riedo is Vice President of the Carl Spitteler Foundation Lucerne.").
  4. ^ Website of the Carl Spitteler Foundation , accessed on April 25, 2020.
  5. Bettina Spoerri: End of Subversiveness. In: NZZ. July 13, 2007, accessed June 4, 2018 .
  6. ^ Basler Zeitung: Two candidates for the "Ministry of Culture" introduced themselves. (No longer available online.) In: Formerly in the original ; accessed on June 6, 2018 (no mementos).  ( Page no longer available , search in web archives )@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / .
  7. BBC Radio 3: The Verb. January 11, 2008.
  8. Esther Banz: In the service of culture. In: The weekly newspaper. November 13, 2008, accessed September 9, 2018.
  9. Last Call. In:, accessed on June 30, 2019.