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City of Kleve
Coordinates: 51 ° 48 ′ 5 ″  N , 6 ° 5 ′ 44 ″  E
Residents : 1526  (Dec. 31, 2015)
Incorporation : 1st July 1969
Postal code : 47533
Area code : 02821
View of Donsbrüggen from the mill
Several streets
SOS Children's Village Niederrhein

Donsbrüggen is a district of the city of Kleve on the Lower Rhine and has around 1,500 inhabitants.


Donsbrüggen's old village center is on the edge of the Düffel around the St. Lambertus Church. In the direction of Kleve and Materborn , the mountain ranges of the Kleve Reichswald begin south of Bundesstraße 9 .


The origins of Donsbrüggen lie in the Franconian early Middle Ages ; Graves from the 6th century were found 100 m southwest of the church. It belonged to Hattuaries (Hettergau) in the Franconian part of Austrasia . In 721/22 the Franconian Count Ebroin , son of Oda, gave the Church in Cattle , which was headed by the Anglo-Saxon missionary and Bishop Willibrord at the time, possessions in Donsbrüggen, more precisely forest property to " Dangaes-broch ", which extended to Mehr und Cattle ( Eckenscher Courtyard ); later the abbey of Echternach founded by Willibrord and the Carolingian abbey of St. Quentin were wealthy here.

With the rule of cattle, the place came in 1347 to the county of Kleve . In 1448 Donsbrüggen became an independent parish with the Lambertus Church, to which the neighboring town of Nütterden also belonged until 1841. The Augustinian monastery in Gnadenthal, built in 1481, was destroyed in 1590. This is where the Gnadenthal Castle , built at the beginning of the 18th century and the birthplace of Anacharsis Cloots, is located . From 1609 the village fell with the Duchy of Kleve to Brandenburg . From 1794/98 to 1813 it belonged to the French department of Roer before it came back to the Kingdom of Prussia . In the Prussian Kulturkampf in 1874, the new pastor Kuypers was not allowed to take office. His furniture was auctioned off at the large market in Kleve according to state orders - and bought by Donsbrüggern. In the evening the house inventory was back in the pastorate.

Pastorate Donsbrüggen

After the Second World War, the Donsbrüggen war cemetery for fallen German soldiers and civilian war victims was laid out on the Donsbrügger Heide . The cross-border railway line between Kleve and Nijmegen opened in 1865 and has been closed since 1999.

On July 1, 1969, Donsbrüggen, previously part of the cattle office , was incorporated into Kleve. The confessional primary school was closed in 2009, the secondary school level long before that. The parish rose in 2005 after the last pastor retired in the Klever parish of St. Mariae Himmelfahrt. There is a Catholic kindergarten.


  • St. Lambertus , Catholic church, rebuilt in 1854, planning by Cologne cathedral builder Ernst Friedrich Zwirner , financing by the von Hövell family.
  • Gnadenthal Castle : In the early 18th century, Gnadenthal Castle was built on the site of the former Gnadenthal Monastery, which had been relocated to Uedem in 1603 . The complex came into the possession of the von Hövell family in the early 19th century, who had the building redesigned in a classical style.
  • Donsbrüggen mill , built in 1824
  • Donsbrüggen smithy , established in 1912, today with a collection on rural blacksmithing


  • Leopold Fonck: The first church foundation of a Lambertus church in Donsbrüggen , Donsbrüggen 1983
  • Leopold Fonck: Christianity testified to 1250 years in our homeland (Fonck, Leopold: Contributions to the history of the parish of St. Lambertus Donsbrüggen, 2/4), 1984
  • Leopold Fonck: Divine service in the parish Donsbrüggen in the last four centuries , Donsbrüggen 1987
  • Alfred Reimann: 550 years of the Catholic parish Donsbrüggen , Donsbrüggen 1998
  • SV 06 Donsbrüggen: Chronicle. 100 years SV 06 Donsbrüggen eV , Donsbrüggen 2006
  • Home u. Tourist office Donsbrüggen: Donsbrüggen. Pictures from the past , Goch 2008
  • Paul-Josef Heister u. Martin Huth: Death note. Remembering people who lived in Donsbrüggen , Kleve 2010
  • Paul-Josef Heister u. Martin Huth: War fates. People from Donsbrüggen in the two world wars , Goch 2014

Web links

Commons : Donsbrüggen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kleve in brief. In: Retrieved April 23, 2019 .
  2. ^ Frank Siegmund: Merovingian time on the Lower Rhine . Rhenish excavations 34. Rheinland-Verlag, Cologne 1989, pp. 281–282.
  3. Hans Jürgen Arens: From pilgrimage routes, Hanseatic cities and veneration of saints: To the history of the impact of St. Willibrord ... in the Rhine-Maas-Mosel area . BoD, Norderstedt 2019, ISBN 978-3-7494-1415-4 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  4. Jennifer Marie Wunn: Everyone loyal to his post: German Catholics and Kulturkampf protests . Diss. Ed .: University of Georgia. Athens 2014, p. 154 ( [PDF]).
  5. Volksbund War Graves Commission
  6. Martin Bünermann: The communities of the first reorganization program in North Rhine-Westphalia . Deutscher Gemeindeverlag, Cologne 1970, p. 80 .
  7. Kirchen st. Assumption of Mary Kleve. Retrieved December 9, 2019 .