Szarejki village church

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Szarejki village church (Schareyken / Schareiken)
Św.Matki Bożej Różańcowej w Szarejkach)
Construction year: 1719
Style elements : Field stone church
Client: Evangelical Church Community Schareyken, Church Province East Prussia / Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union
Location: 54 ° 7 '51.4 "  N , 22 ° 24' 35.3"  E Coordinates: 54 ° 7 '51.4 "  N , 22 ° 24' 35.3"  E
Address: Szarejki 2,
19-420 Kowale Oleckie
Warmian-Masurian , Poland
Purpose: Evangelical-Lutheran ,
since 1945 Roman-Catholic parish church
Parish: Szarejki,
Dean's Office: Olecko -Niepokalnego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
Diocese : Ełk

The village church in Szarejki is a plastered field stone building and until 1945 was a Protestant place of worship for the people living in the East Prussian parish Schareyken (1938–1945 Schareiken ). Today it is a Roman Catholic parish church .

Geographical location

Szarejki is a small village in the group of the rural community Kowale Oleckie (Kowahlen , 1938-1945 Reimannswalde) and is located in the northeast of the Polish Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship . It can be reached via a spur road that branches off south of Kowale Oleckie from the Polish state road 65 (former German Reichsstrasse 132 ). There is no longer a rail connection.

The location of the church is in the middle of the village.

Church building

A short time after the village was founded in 1566, Schareyken should have had a church, at the latest when its own Protestant parish was established on site in 1577. This first church burned down in 1677 and was restored in 1719. It is a plastered stone church renovated in 1772 with a three-sided butt end. The west tower was put in front, the weather vane bore the year 1718 for decades. In the course of its history the church has been renovated several times.

The church interior has a slightly vaulted wooden ceiling with a flat ceiling over the side galleries. The original altar and the pulpit were the work of Friedrich Pfeffer in Königsberg and date from 1720. In 1760 they were combined to form a pulpit altar . The carved communion group of the predella was later removed.

The church received an organ in 1854. The bells were made in 1692.

The church building survived the wars almost unscathed. After more than 300 years as a Protestant parish church, it is today, after several structural renovations and changes, the worship center of the Roman Catholic parish that was newly established after 1945.


The village of Schareyken, founded in 1566, became a Protestant parish as early as 1577, to which a large parish belonged. Initially it was assigned to the Lyck inspection (Polish Ełk), then until 1945 it belonged to the Oletzko / Treuburg church district in the church province of East Prussia of the Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union . In 1925 the parish had 4,550 parishioners who lived in 21 towns, villages and places. The parish was given its own pastoral position in 1581. A total of 24 evangelical clergy held office here until 1945. The church patronage was in royal or state hands.

Due to the flight and expulsion of the local population as a result of the war, the Protestant parish Schareyken (1938–1945 Schareiken) was effectively abolished. The influx of Catholic resettlers made a fresh start possible. This is how a Catholic parish came into being in Szarejki, called Parafia św. Matki Bożej Różańcowej and now belongs to the deanery Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny in Olecko (Marggrabowa , 1928–1945 Treuburg) in the diocese of Ełk (Lyck) of the Catholic Church in Poland . In Stożne (Stoosznen , 1938–1945 Stosnau) a branch chapel is also supervised.

Protestant church members living here are oriented towards Gołdap (Goldap) , a branch parish of Suwałki in the Masurian diocese of the Evangelical Augsburg Church in Poland .

Parish locations (until 1945)

Before 1945, the parish Schareyken / Schareiken consisted of 20 places without the parish:

Surname Change name from
1938 to 1945
Surname Change name from
1938 to 1945
* Borkowinnen Jarken Borkowiny * Kilians Kilianas Kiliany
Borrishof Borishof Borysovo * Kowahlen Reimannswalde Kowale Oleckie
* Charlottenberg Żmijewo * Cut Kucze
* Chelchen Foothills Chełchy * Lakelles Schönhofen (East Pr.) Lakiele
Danielle Kleinreimannswalde Daniele * Monethen dough Monety
Peace Village Kilianki Rogowken Roggenfelde (East Pr.) Rogówko
Gortzitzen (since 1909)
Gorczyce * Seesken Szeszki
* Guhsen Guzy Steinau Kamionka
Julienhof Gościrady * Stoic scents Stosnau Bumps
Karlsfeld Mściszewo Sydden Sidden Żydy

Parish places (since 1945)

Ten places belong to the Catholic parish of Szarejki:

Surname German name Surname German name
Golubki Gollubia Ksp. Marggrabowa
1938–1945 Kalkhof
Monety Monethen
1938–1945 Moneten
Gorczyce Gortzitzen
1909–1945 Gartenberg
Mściszewo Karlsfeld
Kilianki Peace Village Bumps Stoosznen
1938–1945 Stosnau
Kiliany Kilianas
1938–1945 Kilianas
Rogówko Rogowken
1938–1945 Roggenfelde (Ostpr.)
Łęgowo Lengowen
1938–1945 Lengau
Szarejki Schareyken
1938–1945 Schareiken

Pastor (1581–1945)

Between 1581 and 1945 officiated at the church in Schareyken / Schareiken as Protestant clergy:

  • Andreas Borawski, 1581–1589
  • Johann Prostka, 1589-1609
  • Thomas Hartknoch, 1609–1645
  • Albert Hartknoch, 1645–1673
  • Martin Breuer, 1673-1706
  • Christoph Breuer, 1696–1704
  • Andreas Lembcke, 1704-2737
  • Georg Radtcke, 1737–1751
  • Samuel Friedrich Hoffmann, 1751–1784
  • Martin Ludwig Gisevius, 1784–1795
  • Michael Benjamin Gisevius, 1795-1813
  • Ludwig Raphael, 1813-1827
  • Ed. Hieronymus Maletius, 1828–1832
  • Carl Ferdinand Marcus, 1832-1846
  • Karl Adolf Schrage, 1846–1864
  • Theodor Buzello, 1864-1892
  • Hermann Carl Otto Baatz, 1893–1901
  • GC Ernst Kroll, 1901
  • August Julius Horn, 1901–1915
  • Hans Fritz Buttgereit, 1919–1930
  • Siegfried MF Symanowski, 1931-1932
  • Kurt Friedrich Gerhard Dettmar, 1932
  • Helmut Sanne, 1936–1939
  • Willy Glowienka, 1940–1945


  • Th. Buzello: Memorandum for the 300th anniversary of the Schareyken Church. Koenigsberg 1881.
  • G. Sressun: Oldest customer of the Schareyken parish, Oletzko district. In: Our Masurian Country 1930, No. 12 and 13.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Szarejki - Schareyken / Schareiken
  2. Walther Hubatsch : History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia , Volume 2: Images of East Prussian churches. Göttingen 1968, p. 116 (Figs. 524, 525).
  3. ^ A b Walther Hubatsch: History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia , Volume 3: Documents. Göttingen 1968, p. 484.
  4. a b Friedwald Moeller: Old Prussian Protestant Pastor Book from the Reformation to the Expulsion in 1945. Hamburg 1968, p. 133.
  5. The * indicates a school location