Dorothee Gall

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Dorothee Gall , also Dorothea Gall (born June 22, 1953 in Balve ) is a German classical philologist ( Latinist ).

Gall received his doctorate in 1980 at the University of Cologne with a thesis on Horace and completed his habilitation there in 1995 on allusions and quotations in Roman poetry. She then held a Heisenberg grant from 1996 until she became a professor at the University of Hamburg in 1999 . In 2005 she changed to a chair for Latin studies at the University of Bonn . She retired in 2019.

Dorothee Gall's research focuses on Latin poetry, the literature of the Augustan period and the Latin literature of the Renaissance . She is a full member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz and the Academy of Non-profit Sciences in Erfurt . Gall is editor of the articles on antiquity and co-editor of the Middle Latin Yearbook .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Member entry of Dorothee Gall at the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz