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越 前 市
Echizen (Japan)
Red pog.svg
Geographical location in Japan
Region : Chūbu
Prefecture : Fukui
Coordinates : 35 ° 54 '  N , 136 ° 10'  E Coordinates: 35 ° 54 '13 "  N , 136 ° 10' 8"  E
Basic data
Surface: 230.75 km²
Residents : 79,889
(October 1, 2019)
Population density : 346 inhabitants per km²
Community key : 18209-5
Flag / coat of arms:
Flag / coat of arms of Echizen
Tree : cherry
Flower : Garden chrysanthemum
town hall
Address : Echizen City Hall
1 - 13 - 7 , Fuchū
Echizen shi
Fukui  915-8530
Website URL:
Location Echizens in Fukui Prefecture
Location Echizens in the prefecture

Echizen ( Japanese 越 前 市 , - shi ) is a city in Fukui Prefecture in Japan .


The city emerged on October 1, 2005 from the merger of the city of Takefu ( 武生 市 , -shi ) and the municipality of Imadate ( 今 立 町 , -chō ) of the district of the same name .


Echizen is south of Fukui .


Takefu Railway Station

sons and daughters of the town

Neighboring cities and communities

Web links

Commons : Echizen  - collection of images, videos and audio files