Eclipse (film)

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German title Eclipse
Original title Eclipse
Country of production Germany
original language Portuguese
Publishing year 2002
length 86 minutes
Director Herbert Brödl
script Herbert Brödl
production Herbert Brödl (Baumhaus Film Brödl), Peter Stockhaus (Peter Stockhaus Filmproduktion GmbH)
music Roman Bunka
camera Volker Tittel
cut Katrin Köstler
Gil and Pia

Eclipse is a film drama by Herbert Brödl from 2002. It is preceded by the sentence: “And about us the indifference of the stars. It is this indifference in the face of which we seek love ”.


A Colombian gang boss sends the pilot Fred with a large amount of precious stones to a meeting point in the middle of the Brazilian jungle, close to the equator. There is a runway there where he is supposed to hand over the cargo to another pilot. During the flight, however, Fred goes mad and dives with his plane on the Rio Negro , where he buries the bag on an island. By chance he meets the poet Pia, who is photographing a lunar eclipse there . When she returns home, he follows her and shoots her for no reason. The poet's husband comes back from a trip a few hours after the crime and has to discover the body. He is a well-known painter and the couple can often be seen on Brazilian television. Gil is very shocked and after the formalities with the police have been dealt with and it is certain that he is no longer a suspect for the crime, he travels to Reit in Austria , his father was Austrian. Coincidentally, he is discovered there by a Brazilian tourist and photographed. A Brazilian girl who is friends with the painter learns of his whereabouts from the media and sends him a drawing. When Gil finds it in his mail, he decides to return.

In the meantime, the mad pilot has settled in a ruin next to the house in which he killed the woman and is being supplied with food by the nuns of the local monastery . It doesn't take long and the two get to know each other (the madman secretly watches when Gil watches TV). By chance, a photo appears showing the pilot on the night of the lunar eclipse , which the painter's wife had shot of him. When the madman sees this, he rows to the place where he buried the emeralds , Gil, who had seen him doing it, follows him. They meet on the sandbank of the river, Fred throws away the valuable stones and asks Gil to "take him away". But he just turns around wordlessly, obviously he has forgiven him.


The pictures shown in the film come from the painter Arnulf Rainer . Co-producing broadcasters were: WDR , BR , HR and ORF . The film was funded by the Hamburg Film Fund.

The film locations were Amazonia ( Brazil ) and Austria .


  • 3sat .online writes: "'Eclipse' (2003) [...] is the poetic and suggestive love story between a painter and a journalist" .
  • The lexicon of international film : “A love story told as poetically as it is suggestive” .
  • The website reports: “compelling, poetic, and delicately told.” [ “Captivating, poetic and delicately told.” ]

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf.
  2. cf.
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  5. Eclipse. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed August 26, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  6. cf.