Edeltrud Meistermann-Seeger

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Edeltrud Meistermann-Seeger (born April 6, 1906 in Cologne ; died October 9, 1999 in Cologne) was a German psychoanalyst and university professor .


Edeltraud Meistermann-Seeger was born as the fourth child of a teacher couple and, despite her outstanding intelligence as a girl, had to leave high school at the age of 16 with the completion of secondary school . She joined a company as a volunteer . There she met her first husband and an early marriage took place. The marriage resulted in four children, whom she raised alone after a divorce in 1932. After completing her commercial apprenticeship, she founded a sugar wholesaler under the name "Bingemer Zucker", through which she earned the livelihood for herself and the four children.

During the war she was able to catch up on an external high school diploma in 1942 and study psychology , philosophy and biology at the University of Cologne . As early as 1944 she was doing her doctorate on the subject: “Guide to Images. Attempt to lay the foundations for personality assessment after the Rorschach test ". The dissertation could not be published until 1949, but in 1947 she began teaching psychoanalytic topics at the University of Cologne. She later completed her own psychoanalytic training with Michael Balint in London.

In 1956 she was given a teaching position at René König's chair at Cologne University, where she headed the psychoanalytic department of the Research Institute for Sociology as an honorary professor from 1963 . In 1947, through her interest in contemporary art, she met her second husband, the painter, draftsman and glass artist Georg Meistermann . After his death in 1990, she established two foundations to safeguard his work, the “Georg Meistermann Foundation of the City of Solingen” and the “ Foundation of Oil Paintings, Graphics, Glass Windows and Designs for Glass Windows” .


In terms of content, Meistermann-Seeger took over from her psychoanalytic teacher Balint, on the one hand, the concept of the basic fault , which she expanded further in the context of prenatal psychology, and, on the other hand, the idea of focal therapy . For suitable patients, she tried out the concept of 25-hour psychoanalytic individual therapy, which resulted in ten-hour group psychotherapy.

At the beginning of her teaching activity, Meistermann-Seeger's range of courses included classic psychoanalysis topics such as the different approaches of Melanie Klein and Anna Freud as well as the depth psychological projective test procedures Rorschach, Pfister and Szondi . Since students from all faculties could attend her courses, an interdisciplinary discourse emerged that established itself in the "Montagskreis" she founded in 1973, later the "Freitagskreis", and in which sociologists and pedagogues , psychologists and physicians , philosophers and theologians , Lawyers and economists involved. From 1963 to 1972 symposia lasting several days were held in Ticino , in which psychological and current social issues were discussed from a psychoanalytic perspective. This resulted in social analysis as an extension of psychoanalytic theory to include social and societal processes. Based on the experiences with group processes and their unconscious parts, the focus was on the question of how resistance to social change processes can be understood in terms of depth psychology. In practice with groups it was shown how group processes that are blocked by fear and its defense can be made objective and creative again through interpretation and processing.

On the external level, this resulted in the German Society for Social Analytical Research , whose president was Meistermann-Seeger from 1965 to 1974, and the Cologne Institute for Group Diagnostics and Family Therapy , which offered psychoanalytic treatments for families in a special combination of individual therapies and family sessions. In the context of the university, there was a collaboration with the sociologist Alphons Silbermann , who founded the Cologne Institute for Mass Psychology at the same research institute . Under the umbrella of the German Psychoanalytical Association (DPV), she was involved in the founding of the Cologne / Düsseldorf psychoanalytical working group in 1974, where she trained numerous psychoanalysts.

Her research topics also included guest worker research , which she carried out initially on behalf of the city of Cologne, later for the EEC and later checked through study trips to Israel under the different conditions there.


As a training analyst and founder of various institutes, Meistermann-Seeger significantly shaped the psychoanalytic community in the Rhineland . To mark its 100th birthday, the German Society for Social Analysis Research eV (DG) organized two conferences on the subject of "From individual analysis to group analysis to social analysis" and began to look through the extensive, in part not yet published, writings from the estate with the aim of publishing them as Collected Writings. The planned five volumes bundle texts on the following topics: psychoanalysis, methods and test procedures, social analysis, family therapy , culture and art / graphology . So far only the volume on social analysis has been published.


Works (selection)

  • with Karl Bingemer and Edgar Neubert: Life as guest workers. Successful and unsuccessful integration, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1970
  • with Karl Bingemer: Psychology of the slot machine game. German Society for Social Analytical Research eV Cologne: Research Institute for Sociology of the University, Cologne 1971
  • with Karl Bingemer: Structure and structural changes of foreign workers in the European Communities from 1960-1970. Cologne (EEC printed matter No. V / 342/72-D) 1972
  • Dysfunctional families: family diagnosis and family therapy. Beck-Verlag, Munich 1976
  • Psychoanalysis. Articles on classic topics of psychoanalysis. Kastellaun 1976
  • The contribution of psychoanalysis to social psychology. In: The Psychology of the 20th Century II: Freud and the Consequences (1 ). Zurich 1976, 1059-1102
  • First encounters or original things. In R. Frühmann (ed.): Women and Therapy. Paderborn 1985
  • Brief therapy. Focus training - the return to love. Munich. Publishing house for applied sciences, Munich 1986
  • Digression on social analysis. In: Meistermann-Seeger, E. (Ed.): Psychoanalysis. 10 years Kronenburger Woche 1987, 104 - 105
  • Group as a social psychological and psychoanalytic phenomenon. In: Meistermann-Seeger, E. (Ed.): Psychoanalysis. 10 years Kronenburger Woche 1987, 136 - 138
  • Days of light. In: Hermanns, LM (ed.): Psychoanalysis in self-portrayals I. Tübingen: edition diskord, 1992, 237 - 287

Writings about Meistermann-Seeger

  • Hans Günther Meissner (Ed.): Passion of Perception: Psychoanalysis with its relationships to psychotherapy, philosophy and to the economic u. Social sciences; Festive ceremony for Edeltrud Meistermann-Seeger . Kindler-Verlag, Munich 1976


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Bingemer, Edeltrud MeistermannSeeger, Edgar Neubert “Living as a guest worker. Successful and unsuccessful integration ”, Westdeutscher Verlag , Opladen 1970
  2. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Edeltrud Meistermann-Seeger study edition , accessed on October 19, 2015@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / copyright.com
  3. Page no longer available , search in web archives: Edeltrud Meistermann study edition, Volume III: Social Analysis , Author-Verlag, Koblenz 2010 , accessed on October 19, 2015@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / copyright.com