Eduard Schmitz (sculptor)

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Eduard Schmitz jun. (* September 7, 1897 in Cologne ; † September 4, 1965 ibid) was a Cologne wood and stone sculptor and stonemason .


Eduard Schmitz, son of Eduard Schmitz sen. (1867–1953), who was also a sculptor and from whom, for example, the Jan Wellem monument in Cologne-Mülheim comes from, studied - from 1913 - six semesters at the Cologne School of Applied Arts (the later Cologne Werkschulen ) with Professor Georg Grasegger from Partenkirchen . He was wounded in the First World War , in which he participated from 1916 to 1918.

In the post-war period he had studios in Cologne, including in Richard-Wagner-Strasse (until 1943), in Porz (1945–1947), in the ruins of the city hall of Cologne (1947–1964) and in Cologne-Deutz ( 1965). His works can mainly be found in the Cologne area, in churches and public buildings. His mostly strictly figurative works are partly influenced by Ernst Barlach . During the reconstruction in Cologne, he was involved as a sculptor and stonemason in the restoration of sculptures and buildings damaged in the Second World War.

Schmitz had been married to Maria Köther since 1933. He died a few days before his 68th birthday.


Works in Cologne

Sculpture, torchbearer , bronze, 1936 to 1937
Relief on the vestibule of St. Georg, Cologne
  • Castle wall, Roman fountain ; Design: Brantzky, Franz ; Participation in the execution, April 1914 to June 1915.
  • Mülheim , Frankfurter Straße, residential and commercial building, architectural decoration; Architecture: Herpers, Willy / Gassen, Franz, 1924.
  • Deutz , trade fair, west hall, Rhine portal porch III (southern arbor), figurative ornamentation, theme: air , one of two crowning figures, pair of putti, riding on clouds , two of four tracery-like medallions, right side portal, Icarus , left side portal, parachutist , draft (more Sculptures here by Josef Pabst (1879–1950), Joseph and Meller, Willi); Execution: Ooms, Anton Heinrich, Kalscheuerwerk, Frechen , 1924; Removed in 1927 when the fair was renovated.
  • Town hall , council tower, ground floor, tower figures, 1925. (+).
  • Buchheim , St. Mauritius, redesign to the war memorial chapel and two outdoor sculptures, St. Michael , St. Mauritius , Muschelkalk , 1928 to 1929.
  • Weiden , Goethestrasse 31, St. Marien, high altar ; Altar cross, wood, inaugurated on January 20, 1929; High altar dismantled from 1966 to 1967.
  • Lindenthal , Rautenstrauchstrasse, execution of the centaur figures , double sculpture made of shell limestone , design by Grasegger, Georg, 1930.
  • Raderthal , Raderberger Straße 199, church portal, sculpture Madonna , copper, 1930.
  • Johannisstraße 64, memorial plaque, Nicolaus August Otto and Eugen Langen ; Foundation of the Cologne District Association of German Engineers; 1932; Destroyed in World War II.
  • Mülheim, Stadtgarten, war memorial with inscription: Mülheims / sons who / died for / home and / fatherland , 1934; Dismantled in 1945.
  • Mülheim, Wallstrasse, Evangelical Peace Church, tower hall, crucifix, 1935. (+).
  • Neumarkt 18–24, Kreissparkasse Cologne , ticket hall, fountain, Cologne water fountain, bronze, 1935; Guss: Werkkunstschulen Köln ; Melted down around 1942, re-cast in the old shape in 1950.
  • Hohenzollernring 94, Gothaer Lebensversicherung , facade, sculpture, torchbearer , bronze, 1936-1937.
  • Lintgasse 27–29, house sign in the skylight of the front door, jumping horse , wood, around 1938. (+).
  • Rathausplatz, Rathaus, salvage of the twelve damaged sculptures from the cellar and provisional assembly of the broken parts, 1945 to 1950.
  • Rathausplatz, town hall, involved in the reconstruction, after 1945 to 1965. The working group of the stonemasons Schmitz-Mittler , which operated a construction works at the town hall from 1945 onwards, was managed by Eduard Schmitz from 1955 onwards. His wife managed the business until 1972.
  • Mülheim, Regentenstraße 4, Liebfrauenkirche, emergency church, high altar, crucifix, 1948.
  • Alter Markt, new creation of Jan von Werth on the fountain , sandstone , 1952.
  • Gürzenichstrasse, Gürzenich , involved in the reconstruction, 1952 to 1955.
  • Waidmarkt, St. Georg :
    • West choir, plague cross , restoration of the fork cross, addition of the corpus, 1952 to 1955
    • northern vestibule, gable, sculpture, Maria trampling on the dragon , around 1955
  • Spulmannsgasse, sexton's house of St. Johann Baptist, crucifixion group, restoration of the corpus and the assistant figures, renewal of the cross, 1954 to 1955.
  • Rheingasse, Overstolzenhaus , involved in the reconstruction, around 1954.
  • Rath, Erlöserkirchstrasse, To the Divine Redeemer, Marienaltar, sculpture, Madonna , wood, 1955.
  • Castle wall, Roman fountain , originally by Franz Brantzky, 1910 to 1915; changed reconstruction; Design: Karl Band , execution: July to December 1955.
  • Mülheim, Regentenstrasse 4, Liebfrauenkirche, Marienkapelle, sculpture, Madonna , wood, 1955.
  • Dünnwald, Premonstratenserstraße, St. Nikolaus , altar; Font, marble, execution, 1955.
  • To St. Katharinen, atrium of the Elendskirche, memorial plaque Johann Adam von Bell , basalt lava , 1956 to 1958.
  • St. Gregory in misery , restoration of the war-damaged high altar between the years 1959/1972.
  • Dünnwald, Holzweg, St. Nikolaus, Altar, 1959; Baptismal font (execution), 1959.
  • Under Taschenmacher 17, sculpture Madonna , copy; Copy of the canopy and console by Klaus Petersen, 1960.
  • To St. Katharinen, atrium of the Elendskirche, memorial plaque Joost van den Vondel , basalt lava, around 1960.
  • Severinstraße, St. Severin, connecting corridor between the church and the parish clubhouse, sculpture, basalt lava, around 1960.
  • Krebsgasse / Brüderstraße, Straßenstein, R. de l'ecrevisse , restoration and installation, 1962.
Commemorative plaque for the visit of John F. Kennedy
  • Portalsgasse, commemorative plaque on the visit of John F. Kennedy to Cologne in 1963, bronze, 1964.
  • Roonstraße 50, inscription in the facade of the synagogue in memory of the destruction on November 9, 1938 during the November pogroms of 1938 , design and execution, 1964 to 1965.
  • Deutz, Reischplatz 6, inscription plaque in memory of the former synagogue, basalt lava, draft; Execution: Michels, Franz Xaver, 1964; mounted May 1965.
  • Mülheim, Mülheimer Freiheit 78, inscription plaque in memory of the former synagogue, draft; Execution: Michels, Franz Xaver, 1964; mounted August 1965.
  • Mülheim, Mülheimer Freiheit / Krahnenstrasse, Mülheimia fountain by Albermann, Wilhelm; Repairs, including supplementary work on the well basin after the traffic accident of July 30, 1965.

Works outside Cologne

Bas-relief on the old town hall in Hermülheim without the chiseled swastika, 1935–1937
  • Hürth , 1935–1937 Bas-relief on the old town hall in Hermülheim .
  • Overath- Marialinden , St. Mariae Visitation, high altar, sculpture, Immaculata , wood, around 1928.
  • Hemmerden / Rhld., Catholic parish church, high altar; Design: Government Builder Baud; Execution; together with Hertel, Adalbert, 1933 to 1935.
  • Odenthal- Altenberg , former Cistercian abbey , church, south aisle, above the portal, war memorial, sculpture, “St. Michael ”, oak wood, 1936 to 1938.
  • Siegburg, Michaelsberg Abbey , monastery church, plate, with reliefs, slate, 1943; Tabernacle , metal with rubies; together with Häuschen, F, before 1953; Choir stalls , back walls, sculptures, saints , wood, before 1953.
  • Bergheim, Catholic parish church, Triumphal Cross , created around 1450, restoration and reconstruction of the color version, before 1951; Cemetery, seven stations, seven painful wayside shrines , basalt lava, execution; Design: Band, Karl, 1947.
  • Eitorf / Sieg, Catholic parish church St. Patricius , choir , sculpture group, Christ and the 12 disciples , 1951 to 1952.
  • Frechen , St. Severin , architectural decorations and baptismal font, 1957.
  • Jülich, Citadel , two reconstruction models, 1:50 and 1: 500; 1962.
  • Drolshagen / Westphalia, St. Clemens, high altar, marble; Design: Band, Karl, executed in 1964.

Web links

Commons : Eduard Schmitz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Robert Steimel: Cologne heads . Steimel-Verlag, Cologne 1958.
  2. a b Death certificate no. 1559 from September 6, 1965, Cologne Old Town registry office. In: LAV NRW R civil status register. Retrieved June 3, 2018 .
  3. a b Dominik Meiering , Joachim Oepen: Breaking up instead of breaking off , The Church of St. Johann Baptist in Cologne. Pressure: Quickly, Bramsche. ISBN 978-3-00-028096-2 , p. 94: "In 1962 the [...] figure of Mary [of the crucifixion group] was stolen from the town hall, where it was in the sculptor's workshop Eduard Schmitz for restoration."
  4. ^ Christoph Bellot: Matrix est in Bocheim ecclesia. The former parish church of Buchheim . In: Colonia Romanica, yearbook of the Förderverein Romanische Kirchen Köln e. V. , vol. 9, 1994, p. 32 footnote 98: “[…] The figures of the western front were created by Eduard Schmitz jun. (1897-1965). [...] "
  5. -km-: New Madonna for the Raderthal Church . In: Lokal-Anzeiger . August 12, 1930.
  6. ^ Birgit Schilling, Karl Heinz Thurz: Fountain in Cologne . JP Bachem Verlag, Cologne 1988, ISBN 3-7616-0936-1 , p. 62 .
  7. ^ Hiltrud Kier : Reclam's city guide. Architecture and art. Cologne . Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-15-018564-3 , p. 228 .
  8. ^ Heinz Firmenich: St. Georg in Cologne ; Rheinische Kunststätten vol. 55, 5th edition 1980, p. 10
  9. ^ Hiltrud Kier , Hermann-Josef Reuther: St. Georg Cologne . 1st edition. No. 2573 . Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2005, ISBN 3-7954-6551-6 , p. 19 .
  10. Dominik Meiering, Joachim Oepen: Awakening instead of demolition , The Church of St. Johann Baptist in Cologne. Pressure: Quickly, Bramsche. ISBN 978-3-00-028096-2 , p. 99
  11. ^ Rupert Schreiber: St. Gregor. Church on the Elendsfriedhof, von Groote'sche family church ; in: Colonia Romanica - Yearbook of the Förderverein Romanische Kirchen Köln e. V., Cologne churches and their renaissance and baroque furnishings , Volume 2, Greven Verlag, Cologne 2003/2004; P. 118 (there as Edmund Schmitz, probably spelling mistakes)
  12. si: Nice old lanterns . In: Kölner Stadt-Rundschau . January 8, 1961.
  13. Madonna under the canopy . In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger . August 6, 1960.
  14. Placidus Mittler: The figures of saints in the choir of the abbey church ; published by the Benedictine Abbey Michaelsberg, Siegburg