Edwin Brienen's Hysteria

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German title Hysteria
Original title Edwin Brienen's Hysteria
Country of production Germany
Publishing year 2006
length 80 minutes
Director Edwin Brienen
script Edwin Brienen
production Alessandro Ponti
music Hanno Hinkelbein
camera Edwin Brienen
cut Hendrik S. Schmitt

Hysteria (original title: Edwin Brienen's Hysteria) is a political horror film from 2006. Directed by Edwin Brienen , Brienens muse Eva Dorrepaal played the main role.


"Hysteria" tells the story of Lara, a woman trapped in her own nightmare. After a strange, masked man tries to rape her, she takes refuge in a mysterious house in the hills. But this house is inhabited by an eccentric and degenerate family. A sexual tension between Quentin and his sister Daphne fills the room. There is also a coffin with the dead father of the siblings. The perverted butler runs back and forth threateningly. Lara begins to realize that she has simply fled from nightmare to nightmare. She is preparing herself for the coming terror.


“'Hysteria' follows a woman who staggers from one drastic nightmare scenario to the next in dark black and white images. With violence, necrophilic perversions and operatic karaoke, Brienen demands as much patience from the viewer as he does from the very suffering characters. A bitter, outrageously cheap mix of avant-garde quotes, Fassbinder 's tableaus of decadence and the serial atrocities of The 120 Days of Sodom . "

- tip

Edwin Brienen makes it almost impossible to simply watch this film for the shower and processes a whole bunch of what society in Europe perceives as unpleasantly malicious. A simple classification into a genre or a content would be tantamount to trying to demystify a satanic ritual with an explanatory formula. The stylistic device of rhythmic repetition resembles such a purpose-bound act, because 'Hysteria' is certainly not in terms of form and content: easy to digest entertainment. "

Individual evidence


  • Edwin Brienen did the camera work himself.
  • The film was released on DVD in 2008 by Filmfreak Distribution in the Benelux countries.

Web links