I'd Like to Die a Thousand Times

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German title I want to die a thousand deaths
Original title I'd Like to Die a Thousand Times
Country of production Germany
original language English
Publishing year 2007
length 75 minutes
Director Edwin Brienen
script Edwin Brienen
production Sonny Mueller
music I do not care
camera Edwin Brienen
cut Edwin Brienen

I'd Like to Die a Thousand Times is the title of the 8th feature film by Dutch director Edwin Brienen . The film was shot in Berlin in summer 2006. The premiere was in Germany on April 26, 2007.


The film follows two couples through the heat of summer for 24 hours. What began as a peaceful summer afternoon ends with violent excesses in a hell of night. The protagonists arbitrarily murder passers-by, for no reason, without any emotion, to end up in "paradise", where the two couples dance around naked and look coquettishly at the audience.


tip (magazine) wrote: "What is good? What bad? And why is God just watching? Well-known questions that don't age - Edwin Brienen poses them in his brand new no-budget work in a way that causes great discomfort. Cheap Thrills are therefore in vain. Instead, uncomfortable reflections on bigotry and moral indifference, the two formative attitudes of the present to ubiquitous violence , arise without being asked , because Brienen only translates the moral state of post-industrial people into both radically simple and extremely drastic images in the paradise scene he lets innocence and sin fall into one at the end, then one can get dizzy from the sheer truth. "

Director's motivation

Director and also screenwriter of the film, Edwin Brienen, said of the film: “I am always interested in how norms and values ​​arise in today's society, and especially in how they are manipulated. With our desperate need to categorize things into good and bad. In this day and age this has gotten out of hand. Convict Britney Spears for not wearing underwear but not caring for the hundred dead in Iraq every day . I wanted to play with these hypocritical contradictions. That's why I'm on the side of the bad guys in this movie, the killers. Not necessarily as a political statement, but because it's more fun that simple. "(Press release)


The film was actually intended as a German-language project, and its working title was “Holy Night”.

Individual evidence

tip (magazine) , No. 09/2007, April 19 to May 2, 2007 - "Just shoot to death"

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