Elias Ehinger

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Elias Ehinger (born September 7, 1573 in Christgarten ; † November 28, 1653 in Regensburg ) was a German Protestant theologian, educator, librarian and philologist.


Elias Ehinger was born in 1573 as the son of pastor Elias Ehinger and his wife Maria (née Asperger) in the Christgarten monastery . From 1584 he attended the grammar school at St. Anna in Augsburg . In 1588 he was accepted there as an alumnus in the Protestant college and was able to receive a scholarship from the University of Wittenberg in 1593 thanks to excellent achievements . In 1595 he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree from the philosophical faculty and was present there six times in disputations. In 1597 he was ordained as a pastor in Tübingen and married the following year.

On Tübingen's recommendation, he became court preacher to Baron David von Enenkel in Albrechtsberg in Lower Austria until he died in 1603. He then moved to Kefermarkt as a preacher and was expelled there by the Counter Reformation in 1605 . Ehinger found a job as rector of the grammar school in Rothenburg ob der Tauber . In 1617 he was called to the St. Anna grammar school in Augsburg, where he was appointed rector and librarian of the grammar school the following year. But the religious disputes that had already influenced his career soon re-emerged. When the imperial troops of Ferdinand II took Augsburg in 1629 , the teachers were urged by the counter-reformation party to renounce the Confessio Augustana . Since Ehinger refused, he lost his job and had to flee with his family. At first he found acceptance in Protestant areas. Due to the misconduct of the Rector of the Pforta State School Franz Kess , Ehinger was given his position in 1630 at the intercession of Matthias Hoë von Hoënegg .

When Ehinger wanted to and was able to leave school after only two years, as the Swedish King Gustav Adolf had meanwhile taken Augsburg, the Saxon elector had the school inspectors issue him an honorable certificate on June 15, 1632 in gratitude for his service in the school gate. It was certified that he not only loyally and diligently teaches the young students, but that he also worked so exemplary through his exemplary way of life that his departure was greatly regretted. On June 29, 1632 Elias Ehinger left Pforte and returned to his previous office in Augsburg, which he held until 1635, when the city was again occupied by the imperial troops and the grammar school and library were handed over to the Jesuits.

He had to leave Augsburg again. But this time he found a new job not so far from his home country, because the Magistrate of the City of Regensburg appointed him rector of the Poeticum grammar school there. Here, too, Elias Ehinger performed his office diligently until the complaints of old age finally settled. In 1649, the magistrate granted him not only a well-deserved retirement, but also continued payment of his full rector's salary, so that he could live carefree during his final years. Elias Ehinger died on November 28, 1653 in Regensburg and was buried on December 4 in the local St. Petri churchyard.


  • Karl Bader: Lexicon of German librarians: in the main and secondary office with princes, states and cities. Harrassowitz, Leipzig 1925, pp. 52-53.
  • Karl Böttcher: Contributions to the history of the Pforta state school in the years 1630–1672. Sieling, Naumburg a. P. 1909, p. 5.
  • Günther Grünsteudel , Günter Hägele, Rudolf Frankenberger (eds.): Augsburger Stadtlexikon. 2nd Edition. Perlach, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-922769-28-4 , p. 374f.
  • Petra Dorfmüller: rectores portenses - life and works of the rectors of the Pforta State School from 1543 to 1935. Sax, Beucha 2006, ISBN 3-934544-96-7 , p. 25.
  • Karl Felix Halm:  Ehinger, Elias . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 5, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 697 f.
  • Fritz Heyer: The Rectors of the Pforta State School. In: Die Pforte: Journal of the gatekeeper association. 19. Vol. 1, 1942, pp. 13-16.
  • Hans-Michael Körner (ed.), Bruno Jahn: Large Bavarian biographical encyclopedia. Vol. 1: A - G. Saur, Munich 2005, pp. 425-426.
  • Wilhelm Kosch: German Literature Lexicon. Volume 3: Davidis - Eichendorff. 3. Edition. Francke, Bern et al. 1971, Sp. 973-974.
  • Kurt Malisch: Ehinger, Elias. In: Karl Bosl (ed.): Bosls Bavarian biography. Pustet, Regensburg 1983, ISBN 3-7917-0792-2 , p. 167 ( digitized version ).
  • Ludwig Schnurrer: Rieser biographies. Edited by Albert Schlagbauer and Wulf-Dietrich Kavasch . Rieser Kulturtage, Nördlingen 1993, p. 90 f.
  • Walther Killy and Rudolf Vierhaus (eds.): German biographical encyclopedia: (DBE). Volume 3: Ebinger - Gierke. Saur, Munich 1996, p. 34.

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