Ernestine Friedrichsen

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The story , 1868

Ernestine Friedrichsen (born June 29, 1824 in Danzig ; † July 21, 1892 in Düsseldorf ) was a German genre painter .


Ernestine Friedrichsen came from Danzig. It is not known about the first years of her life. She took her first private art lessons with the Düsseldorf painter Marie Wiegmann in portraiture in the 1850s. Then she became a student of Wilhelm Sohn and learned genre painting from Rudolf Jordan . She went on study trips to Holstein , Bavaria and the Masuria . She also visited Holland , Belgium , England and Italy several times , where she found inspiration for her pictures. She was particularly drawn to the Masurian landscape and its inhabitants. The rebellious Poles and Polish Jews also formed motifs in their work.

Her oil painting Hüttendorf wandering Polish raftsmen on the Vistula was shown for the first time in 1861 at the Dresden Academic Art Exhibition. Then she took part in various art exhibitions organized by the art association for the Rhineland and Westphalia . She had her studio from 1867 until her death in house Wehrhahn 9, in the Jordan house. In 1869 she created one of her most successful portraits (Rudolf Jordan). She was a member of the Association of Berlin Women Artists, founded in 1867 . Kaiser Wilhelm bought her picture Sommerlust in 1884 . Her works had also become collector's items outside of Germany. She was represented at exhibitions with her paintings in Dresden , Berlin , Munich , Hamburg and Düsseldorf .

“The value of her pictures, namely the atmospheric pictures from the life of the Masurians, Polish raftsmen and others, lies in the delicacy of the sensation with which the artist was able to grasp and reproduce these allegations from popular life, the simplicity and truth of the expression and their subtle painterly treatment "

- Düsseldorfer Volkszeitung from July 23, 1892.

After her death, Jaarstick-Luck made a wood engraving in 1892 , entitled: Friedrichsen, Ernestine. Genre painter, b. on June 29, 1824 in Danzig .

Exhibitions (selection)

  • Art exhibition of the North German Association . March 1862 (painting: Hüttendorf wandering Polish raftsmen on the Vistula. )
  • Catalog of the Königl. Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden annually organized art exhibition 1867 . Dresden 1867, p. 49
  • International art exhibition organized by the Association of Berlin Artists on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, 1841-1891. Catalog . Verlag des Verein Berliner Künstler, Berlin 1891, p. 17.
  • Directory of the works of living artists on the LIV. Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts in the temporary exhibition building in Berlin from August 29 to October 31, 1880 . Royal Academy of Arts. Rud. Schuster, Berlin 1880, p. 18.
  • International art exhibition organized by the Association of Berlin Artists on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, 1841-1891. Catalog . Verlag des Verein Berliner Künstler, Berlin 1891. p. 17.

Works (selection)

“A summer day. After an oil painting by Ernestine Friedrichsen ”. In: The Gazebo . Illustrated family sheet . Leipzig 1884. No. 48
Jewish rag collectors in Masuria . Wood engraving by R. Brend'amour after painting by Ernestine Friedrichsen 1881.
  • Daydreaming in the Gazebo (1860)
  • Hüttendorf of wandering Polish raftsmen on the Vistula (1861)
  • The forester's house (1862)
  • Polish raftsmen on the banks of the Vistula (1863)
  • Room interior with grandmother and grandson (1864)
  • In recovery (1866)
  • Polish beggar woman
  • The friend from town
  • Sunday walk in a convent school
  • The story (1868)
  • The Return of the Polish Workers (1869)
  • Polish raftsmen in front of a crucifix (1869)
  • A Polish country postwoman
  • Solitary
  • Portrait of Rudolf Jordan (1869)
  • Family of a traveling musician in prayer in front of a wayside cross (1869)
  • Jewish rag collectors in Masuria (1870)
  • The quarreling rag collectors (1871)
  • Sunday walk in a convent school
  • Polish insurgents , fled to a cellar
  • Preparation for Shabbe in the Jewish Quarter of Amsterdam (1872)
  • The Jewish quarter in Amsterdam (1872)
  • Polish begging children (1872)
  • Visit to the grandmother (1872)
  • Boredom - Jewish Antiquarian (1873)
  • Old church in Masuria
  • Polish spinner
  • Children in Rome at the time of the Carnival
  • Jewish rag collectors in Masuria (1879)
  • Singing children
  • Carpet patchers in Amsterdam
  • Goose guardian
  • To school
  • A young Jew and an old man at the head of a platoon of deportees
  • Whitsun game in the Haide


  • Overbeck's Christmas album, containing 12 photographs based on original paintings, with accompanying text by Ludwig Bund. Düsseldorf 1867.
  • Friedrichsen, Ernestine . In: Hermann Alexander Müller : Biographical Artist Lexicon. The most famous contemporaries in the field of fine arts of all countries with details of their works . Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1882, p. 186.
  • Ariane Neuhaus-Koch (Ed.): Towards oblivion. Women in the intellectual history of Düsseldorf. Life pictures and chronicles . Ahasvera-Verlag, Neuss 1989, ISBN 3-927720-01-1 , pp. 35-36.
  • Friedrichsen, Ernestine . In: General Artist Lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples . Volume 45.Saur, Munich, Leipzig 2005, p. 177.

Web links


  1. Bettina Baumgärtel , Sabine Schroyen, Lydia Immerheiser, Sabine Teichgröb: Directory of foreign artists. Nationality, residence and studies in Düsseldorf . In: Bettina Baumgärtel (Hrsg.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting and its international impact 1819–1918 . Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86568-702-9 , Volume 1, p. 430
  2. ^ Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf 1889
  3. ^ Images of Prayer, Politics, and Everyday Life from the Harry and Branka Sondheim Jewish Heritage Collection .
  4. Deutsche Kunst-Zeitung of April 13, 1862, p. 115.
  5. Rest evening in the forest (Polish rafts on their way home to Gdansk) .
  6. Painting: The Goose Girl .
  7. Painting: The child on the dune .
  8. Painting: The Goose Girl .
  9. ↑ Year of origin in brackets according to information from Ariane Neuhaus-Koch.
  10. Printed in: home .Verlag home Expedition (Velhagen & Klasing), Leipzig, Bielefeld and Berlin sixth born in 1870, no. 24..
  11. ↑ Date of issue 1867.
  12. ↑ Date of issue 1868.
  13. ↑ Date of issue 1868.
  14. ↑ Date of issue 1869.
  15. ↑ Date of issue 1869.
  16. ^ Also printed in: Illustrirte Zeitung , Leipzig December 10, 1881.
  17. ↑ Date of issue 1872.
  18. ↑ Date of issue 1874.
  19. ↑ Date of issue 1875.
  20. ↑ Date of issue 1878.
  21. ↑ Date of issue 1880.
  22. ↑ Date of issue 1881.
  23. ^ Also printed in: Illustrirte Zeitung , Leipzig June 2, 1883.
  24. ↑ Date of issue 1882.
  25. ↑ Date of issue 1886.
  26. ↑ Date of issue 1887.
  27. ↑ Date of issue 1888.
  28. Contains pictures by Andreas Achenbach , Oswald Achenbach , Ernestine Friedrichsen, G. Overbeck and A. Overbeck.
Commons : Ernestine Friedrichsen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files